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发布时间:2019-11-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Internet finance 1. Peer-to-peer lending China's peer-to-peer (also known as P2P) lending platforms have emerged quickly. In September, the number of peer-to-peer lending companies increased to 1,438, with outstanding loans hitting 64.6 billion yuan ($10.6 billion), up 11 percent month-on-month. P2P网贷平台迅速发展,2017年9月P2P网贷公司增加到1438家,未偿还贷款总额达到646亿元(106亿美元),月环比上涨11%。

Peer-to-peer,点对点,Peer-to-peer lending,即网络借贷,指的是个体和个体之间通过互联网平台实现的直接借贷。

Renrendai 2. Crowdfunding Crowdfunding refers to funding a project or a company by pooling money from many people, usually via the Internet. 众筹融资指通常利用互联网向他人募集项目或公司资金。

2011年,中国约建立了30家crowdfunding platform companies 3. Internet payment Third-party payment transactions on the Web amounted to 5.37 trillion yuan in 2013, up 46.8 percent from the previous year and third-party mobile payment transactions increased by 707 percent. 2013年互联网支付交易达5.37万亿元,较12年上涨了46.8%,同时移动支付交易规模增长率高达707%。

Internet payment,即互联网支付,是指通过计算机、手机等设备,依托互联网发起支付指令、转移资金的服务,其实质是新兴支付机构作为中介,利用互联网技术在付款人和收款人之间提供的fund transfer service 阿里巴巴集团旗下的Alipay4. Internet funds Yu'ebao, China's most popular Internet fund, is an investment service jointly offered by Alipay, China's leading online payments provider, and TianHong Asset Management. 余额宝是中国最受欢迎的互联网基金,由中国领先的在线支付平台支付宝和天弘基金共同开发的。

Internet funds 即互联网基金销售。余额宝的实质就是在第三方支付工具中内嵌了一个money market fund 5. Internet insurance ZhongAn Online P&C Insurance Co, the country's first online insurance company was launched last year. 中国首家互联网保险公司,众安在线财产保险有限公司去年成立。

Internet insurance 即互联网保险,以互联网为主要营销渠道的保险业务通称互联网保险。

众安保险的registered capital 6. E-commerce micro credit E-commerce micro credit is expanding with more and more E-commerce companies entering the financial market. 电商小贷贷款规模不断增加,越来越多的电商逐步涉足金融领域。

E-commerce micro credit即电商小贷,指的是互联网企业通过其控制的小额贷款公司,向旗下电子商务平台客户提供的小额信用贷款 电商小贷凭借电商平台和网络支付平台积累的交易和现金流数据,评估借款人credit status


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