Thanksgiving Day The term "Black Friday" is said to have originated in Philadelphia during the 1960s to describe the difficulty of police and drivers to deal with exceptionally heavy traffic on that day as shoppers flooded the city's commercial center.
The phrase was later co-opted by retailers to refer to the holiday shopping period as a time of year when their business moves into the black, or turns a profit.
Black在这里代表的是财务状况进入佳境,记在帐本上的数字用黑色书写表示盈利,红色则表示亏损,所以才会有我们常用的“赤字”一说,而这里的business moves into the black自然就表示“生意好,有盈利”的意思了。
不过用在别的地方,black的确有“黑暗不祥”的意思。美国历史上股市崩盘的灾难性的日子都是用black来形容的。比如1869年9月24日星期五,美国黄金市场大跌波及股市,人称Black Friday;还比如1929年10月29日的Black Tuesday,那一天,美国股价暴跌,国家从此陷入经济大萧条。
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