Apple’s iPhone 6 Plus buyers discovered their phones can bend when placed in back pockets. "Bendgate," as the problem has already been dubbed on social media sites, is a reminder of 2010's "antennagate," when iPhone 4 users reported a design flaw that caused dropped calls.
苹果的iPhone 6 Plus用户发现这款手机长时间放在后兜时机身会变弯。这一现象在社交媒体上被戏称为“弯曲门”,同时也让大家想起了2010年iPhone4的“天线门”,当时iPhone4用户反馈称其天线设计导致通话中断。
在国内果粉翘首盼望iPhone6时,国外用户已经开始讨论“弯曲门” 英文中用gate做后缀表示某个丑闻或者争议事件最早
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