Police say the business news website and two public relations firms collaborated to extort money from companies in return for favorable coverage and withholding negative news reports on the site. If companies refused, the website would publish negative or malicious information about the company.
目前这起特大资讯敲诈案正在进一步侦办中,涉案企业已达100多家。“资讯敲诈”的英文可以表达为extorting money from companies in return for positive coverage。据媒体消息,21世纪网已经被吊销网站资质,人员也全部解散。Journalists suspected of serious economic crimes 调查的同时,广东省资讯出版广电局还要求辖区内资讯出版单位特别是财经类媒体迅速开展self-inspection
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