中国共产党第十八届中央委员会第三次全体会议,于2013年11月9日至12日在北京举行。全会听取和讨论了习近平受中央政治局委托作的工作报告,审议通过了《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》。习近平就《决定 指导思想 总目标 时间表 改革重点 新设机构 改革要点 1. 坚持和完善基本经济制度(to keep to and improve the basic economic system):增强国有经济活力、控制力、影响力(to enhance the vitality of the state-owned sector of the economy and its capacity to leverage and influence the economy),激发非公有制经济活力和创造力(Development in the non-public sector will be encouraged which will in turn stimulate vitality and creativity in the whole economy)。
2. 加快完善现代市场体系(to speed up the improvement of modern market system):完善主要由市场决定价格的机制(to improve the market price mechanism)。
3. 加快转变政府职能(to speed up the transformation of government functions,):建设法治政府和服务型政府(to establish a law-based and service-oriented government)。
4. 深化财税体制改革(to deepen the reform of fiscal and tax system):完善立法、明确事权、改革税制、稳定税负、透明预算、提高效率(to improve related legislation, ascertain government bodies' responsibilities, reform the taxation system, stabilize tax burden, ensure budgeting is transparent and efficiency improved)。
5. 健全城乡一体化体制机制(to improve institutions and mechanisms for promoting integrated urban and rural development):赋予农民更多财产权利(to grant farmers more property rights),推进城乡要素平等交换和公共资源均衡配置(to enhance equal exchange of factors of production between urban and rural areas and balance allocation of public resources between them)。
6. 构建开放型经济新体制(to build a new open economic system):放宽投资准入,加快自由贸易区建设 7. 加强社会主义民主政治制度建设(to improve the construction of socialist democratic political system):发展基层民主(to develop grassroots democracy)。
8. 推进法治中国建设(To build China under the rule of law):确保依法独立公正行使审判权检察权(to ensure independence and fairness in prosecuting bodies and courts under the rule of law)。
9. 强化权力运行制约和监督体系 10. 推进文化体制机制创新(to promote innovation in cultural institutions and mechanisms):完善文化管理体制,建立健全现代文化市场体系(to improve the cultural management system and establish a modern cultural market system)。
11. 推进社会事业改革创新(to accelerate reform and innovation in social sectors):深化教育领域综合改革,健全促进就业创业体制机制,建立更加公平可持续的社会保障制度,深化医药卫生体制改革(to deepen overall education reform, improve the institutions and mechanisms of employment and starting business, build a fairer and more sustainable social welfare system, deepen reform of the medical and health system )。
12. 创新社会治理体制 13. 加快生态文明制度建设(to speed up the building of ecological civilization system):实行资源有偿使用制度和生态补偿制度(to establish a system of compensation for the use of natural resources and the subsequent impact on the ecosystem)。
14. 深化军队和国防改革(to deepen the reform of army and national defense):深化军队体制编制调整改革(deepening reform of army establishments, pushing forward army policy adjustments)。
15. 加强和改善党对全面深化改革的领导 相关阅读
全面深化改革 Comprehensively deepening reform
上一篇: 国家“治理体系”
下一篇: 全会:市场在“资源配置”中起决定性作用