China has outlined targets and timetables for broadband development in order to boost information consumption and facilitate economic restructuring. The "Broadband China" strategy aims to expand broadband coverage in both rural and urban areas, with urban and rural household broadband speeds reaching 20 megabytes per second (Mbps) and 4 Mbps respectively by 2020, according to a statement released Saturday by the State Council, China's cabinet.
为促进信息消费和经济结构调整,中国已制定宽带发展的目标和时间表。国务院上周六发布的声明称,“宽带中国”战略的目标是让宽带网络全面覆盖城乡,到2020年,城市和农村的宽带接入速度分别达到20 Mbps和4 Mbps。
“宽带中国” 此次战略的出台,可看作是促进信息消费 信息消费 相关阅读
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