The service is scheduled to close on Aug. 19. Yahoo recommends users of its free email service in China transfer their accounts to another provider such as Aliyun, an email alternative offered by Alibaba.
“停止服务”可以用closure/shutdown of service来表示,常见的其他搭配还有closure of business 我们借此机会来说一说发送电子邮件时常用的一些功能。在邮件的地址栏内,"Reply to all"表示你的回复将发送给每一个收到原始邮件的人;"cc" (carbon copy)指的是除邮件接收者以外,该邮件同时还发给你指定的其他人,即“抄送”,其他收件人都能看到这封邮件抄送给了谁;而"bcc 相关阅读
Language to use in an email 电子邮件常用语
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