In the first half of this year, China's gold purchase surged by 54 percent year-on-year to 706.36 metric tons, according to the China Gold Association. Hu Jianhuan / for China Daily
China has fined five domestic jewellers 10.1 million yuan ($1.7 million) for fixing their prices, state media said on Monday, the second time in less than a week that authorities penalised firms found to be anti-competitive.
中国官方媒体周一报道,五家珠宝店因价格垄断被罚款一千多万元人民币 “垄断价格”是to fix the price, “垄断市场”还可以说to monopolize/ forestall/ captive/corner the market,如The company eventually monopolized the entire cigarette industry. 国家发改委表示,上海黄金饰品行业协会曾组织老凤祥、老庙等五家金店召开会议,约定了“黄、铂金饰品”( gold and platinum jewellery)的 “零售价测算公式”(a price calculation formula)和“定价浮动”( price fluctuations )的范围,损害了其他经营者和消费者的合法权益。
至此,今年发改委已经连续四次开出“反垄断”(antitrust/ anti-monopoly)罚单,“罚金”(penalty/ fine)共约15亿。有专家表示,接连“四张罚单”的开出,表明了发改委在白酒、奶粉、黄金饰品等多个领域,整顿市场秩序 相关阅读
价格战 price war
反垄断调查 anti-monopoly probe
上一篇: “二代身份证”存缺陷
下一篇: 苹果“电源适配器回收”
Cyborg beetle and the teenage brain 半机械甲虫,青少年脑部发育
Pull something out of the hat 突施妙计
One good turn deserves another 以德报德,礼尚往来
Barefaced 厚颜无耻的
Bust a gut 拼了命地工作
IOC on Russian doping and hot June 奥委会就涉俄兴奋剂事件报告进展,六月高温破纪录
To lie through your teeth 睁眼说瞎话
Cyclists make Olympic history, 400-year-old shark 英国自行车运动员创英奥运历史,400岁格陵兰鲨鱼
Clean up your act 改邪归正
Pain in the neck 令人讨厌的事情或人
It's on the cards 这件事十有八九会发生
In good nick 品质好、没有损坏
The university of life 生活经历
You're pulling my leg! 你在愚弄我!
Earth-like planet, Pink cockatoo dies at 83 类地行星,83岁风头鹦鹉逝世
A bitter pill to swallow 不得不吞的苦药
Going forward 从今往后
Cheap and cheerful 物美价廉
To make a mountain out of a molehill 小题大做
Brexit and Hockney's art 英国脱欧公投后进展,大卫·霍克尼艺术展