In the first half of this year, China's gold purchase surged by 54 percent year-on-year to 706.36 metric tons, according to the China Gold Association. Hu Jianhuan / for China Daily
China has fined five domestic jewellers 10.1 million yuan ($1.7 million) for fixing their prices, state media said on Monday, the second time in less than a week that authorities penalised firms found to be anti-competitive.
中国官方媒体周一报道,五家珠宝店因价格垄断被罚款一千多万元人民币 “垄断价格”是to fix the price, “垄断市场”还可以说to monopolize/ forestall/ captive/corner the market,如The company eventually monopolized the entire cigarette industry. 国家发改委表示,上海黄金饰品行业协会曾组织老凤祥、老庙等五家金店召开会议,约定了“黄、铂金饰品”( gold and platinum jewellery)的 “零售价测算公式”(a price calculation formula)和“定价浮动”( price fluctuations )的范围,损害了其他经营者和消费者的合法权益。
至此,今年发改委已经连续四次开出“反垄断”(antitrust/ anti-monopoly)罚单,“罚金”(penalty/ fine)共约15亿。有专家表示,接连“四张罚单”的开出,表明了发改委在白酒、奶粉、黄金饰品等多个领域,整顿市场秩序 相关阅读
价格战 price war
反垄断调查 anti-monopoly probe
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