国内英语资讯:China, Britain vow closer cooperation, communication-查字典英语网
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国内英语资讯:China, Britain vow closer cooperation, communication

发布时间:2019-11-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

BEIJING, May 15 -- Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said Monday that China is ready to strengthen cooperation with Britain and enhance communication and coordination on international affairs.

Li made the remarks in a meeting with British Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond, who is in Beijing as special envoy of Prime Minister Theresa May to attend the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation on Sunday and Monday.

Li expressed China's willingness to consolidate mutual trust with Britain, implement consensus of cooperation in nuclear power, finance and other major areas, and expand cooperative areas to lift bilateral ties to a new level.

He also called for joint efforts from the two countries to promote stability, opening-up, international trade and investment, sending a positive signal to the world.

As permanent members of the UN Security Council, Li said the two countries' communication and coordination on international affairs are important for both countries, the region and the world.

Hammond said Britain will endeavor to develop the UK-China comprehensive strategic partnership, maintain high-level exchanges, boost bilateral cooperation in trade and investment, and intensify communication and coordination on international affairs.


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