国际英语资讯:Extra armed police deployed across London following Manchester bomb outrage-查字典英语网
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国际英语资讯:Extra armed police deployed across London following Manchester bomb outrage

发布时间:2019-11-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

LONDON, May 23 -- More armed police patrols have been deployed across London in an effort to keep the capital city safe following the Manchester bombing, police said Tuesday.

Security experts are also reviewing all security plans for upcoming events across London, the Metropolitan Police said in a statement.

The review will include smaller events which may not have had a police presence. There will also be an increase of armed and unarmed officers on highly visible reassurance patrols around key locations and crowded places, said the Met.

Scotland Yard said in a statement: "Following the horrific terrorist attack in Manchester last night, in which 22 people were killed and tens of others injured, the Metropolitan Police has increased the number of officers on duty across the capital.

"Whilst all policing operations in London are currently planned to the backdrop of a severe threat level from terrorism, specialist officers from our event planning teams and protective security experts are now reviewing in detail all the plans for upcoming events in the capital."

The met said a full review of security and policing operations for this weekend's sporting events, the culmination of the football and rugby seasons at Wembley and Twickenham, is underway. This will include the deployment of extra armed officers, said the statement.

Called Operation Hercules, the stepped-up police measures are designed to make London as hostile an environment as possible for any would-be attacker. That means the locations, types of tactics, and numbers of officers deployed at once will continually change to be most effective and avoid predictability.

Police Commander Jane Connors, said: "We are used to delivering policing operations that seek to mitigate against the severe threat we face from terrorists. It is only right that we now take time to review those existing plans and make sure we are confident that we are doing all we can."


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