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发布时间:2019-11-11  编辑:查字典英语网小编





  2. 试卷书写规范工整,卷面整洁清楚,酌情减2-3分,并计入总分。

  知 识 技 能 学习能力 习惯养成 总分

  内容 语言知识 语篇能力 听力理解 表达技能 卷面整洁 150分

  分数 分 50分 15分 分 减2-3分

  第I卷 (选择题)

  第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节; 满分5分)

  第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) —Do you know that Lily has gone to London?

  —Oh, _______ I haven’t seen her these days.

  A. no doubt

  B. no wonder

  C. naturally

  D. of course

  2. It is a _______ for me to have the chance to admire such beautiful scenery.

  A. privilege

  B. potential

  C. promotion

  D. possibility

  3. The cultural exchanges between the two countries help to ________ the understanding and friendship between the two peoples.

  A. promote

  B. raise

  C. remark

  D. increase

  4. During the war,soldiers had to keep guns with them all the time ___ emergency and danger.

  A. because of

  B. on behalf of

  C. in case of

  D. in spite of

  5. If you get tired ________ staying here,you’re ________ liberty to go wherever you like.

  A. of;at

  B. from;at

  C. of;for

  D. from;for

  6. When you get out of the taxi,make sure that none of your possessions are ________.

  A. adapted to

  B. appealed to

  C. left behind

  D. taken up

  7. —Are you getting on well with your partner?

  —Not at all. We’ve almost come to the point ________ we have to separate.

  A. why

  B. where

  C. which

  D. as

  8. When you have an interview, you ought not to dress ________ because the first impression of appearance is very important.

  A. merely

  B. basically

  C. extremely

  D. causually

  9. Our manager has gone to Paris, so I have to deal with all the letters during his ________ .

  A. appearance

  B. distance

  C. presence

  D. absence

  10. _______ in the heavy snow, they attempted _______ for help to draw people’s attention.

  A. Being trapped; to shout

  B. Trapped; to shout

  C. Being trapped; shouting

  D. Trapped; shouting

  11. The information we received is of a highly _______ nature and relates to national security.

  A. portable

  B. modest

  C. confidential

  D. extreme


  12. Tom worked on the program day and night and finally _______ hospital.

  13. Joining the firm as a clerk, he got rapid promotion, and _______ a manager.

  A. ended up with

  B. ended up in

  C. ended up as

  D. ended up

  方法规律提炼题组() He is such an experienced teacher _______ we all like and respect.

  15. He is such an experienced teacher _______ we all like and respect him.

  A. that

  B. which

  C. who

  D. as



  “When the Atlanta Airport was under 17.________ in 1979, we were a new company struggling to make it. National Car Rental wanted to have 2,500 square meters of dirt paved, 18.________ the cars could be on site 19.________ the airport opened, and the official opening was only ten days away! 20.________ other local paving company wanted to do the job, 21.________ it couldn’t be done in such a short time.”

  “Because we were new and really needed the work, we were 22.________ to try harder. We gave National Car Rental our offer and 23.________ our best effort to get the job finished within ten days. We also 24.________ them that if we failed, they would be no worse off, 25.________ they had plenty to gain if we succeeded.”

  “We got the job and immediately went into 26.________ . Working at night needed lights, so I rented a machine to produce electricity for the site. Our 27.________ challenge was to keep the rock mixture 28.________ enough. All the available water wagons(洒水车)were rented out for the airport construction, and we certainly couldn’t afford to buy a new one. 29.________ , I got a special 30.________ to rent fire engine hoses(消防水龙带)and connect them to nearby hydrants(消防栓);then I 31.________ held one of those hoses to 32

  down the rock.”

  “Those ten days were filled with challenges that 33.________ one creative idea after another. Nine days later, the night before the airport opened, National Car Rental was the 34.________ company that had cars on the parking lot.”

  “The key to our success was having the 35

  to take on any job and then being creative in our approach to getting it done.”

  16. A. kindness

  B. imagination

  C. remark

  D. experience

  17. A. control

  B. repair

  C. construction

  D. development

  18. A. after

  B. as

  C. for

  D. so

  19. A. while

  B. since

  C. where

  D. when

  20. A. Some

  B. No

  C. Any

  D. Every

  21. A. stating

  B. reporting

  C. telling

  D. warning

  22. A. isolated

  B. nervous

  C. willing

  D. afraid

  23. A. supported

  B. consumed

  C. promised

  D. improved

  24. A. asked

  B. reminded

  C. surprised

  D. demanded

  25. A. but

  B. though

  C. as

  D. unless

  26. A. discussion

  B. action

  C. practice

  D. production

  27. A. next

  B. first

  C. past

  D. previous

  28. A. cold

  B. clean

  C. loose

  D. wet

  29. A. Naturally

  B. Obviously

  C. Meanwhile

  D. Instead

  30. A. excuse

  B. order

  C. permit

  D. reason

  31. A. exactly

  B. personally

  C. angrily

  D. hardly

  32. A. pull

  B. knock

  C. hit

  D. water

  33. A. required

  B. mixed

  C. followed

  D. formed

  34. A. best

  B. last

  C. second

  D. only

  35. A. courage

  B. interest

  C. hope

  D. chance

  第二部分:阅读理解(共20 题,每题2分, 满分0分)(基础题)


  Florida deputy Gene Smith thought the calls about a kangaroo wandering on the street were part of a prank. But WTSP reports that the story was true: A five-foot-tall, 200-pound kangaroo was hopping around Pasco County on Sunday.

  Then the call came that it was now on US 301. Gene Smith, who noted that the calls were the strangest he'd received during 17 years on the force, said, "Sure enough, there was a kangaroo in the middle of the road. It was a pretty big and extremely strong animal. It wasn't until I grabbed those legs that I realized just how strong they were. It doesn't look like that on TV."

  In fact, the kangaroo was so strong that police couldn't catch it. Along with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Pasco County Sheriff's Office Agricultural Unit, they tried a number of approaches to wrangle in the animal without seriously injuring it. But even tranquilizers (镇定剂) could not slow down the creature. Eventually, local resident Kevin Wehling, who said “he had heard rumors about the kangaroo and wanted to see it for himself,” captured the animal.

  Kangaroos typically do not attack humans unless they are angered. However, an Australian politician was recently knocked down and scratched facing a kangaroo while out for a morning jog. They can become more aggressive when hungry or thirsty, or, in this case, when they find themselves in a strange environment with a team of police officers hunting them down.

  Police still have no idea who owns the kangaroo have now placed it in the care of a vet. Technically, you can raise a kangaroo in the Sunshine State if you have the right permits. In theory, wildlife officials should be able to narrow the field and pinpoint (查明) where the stray kangaroo came from.

  36. What does the underlined word "prank" in Paragraph 1 mean?

  A. Task.

  B. Plan.

  C. Trick.

  D. Show.

  37. According to what Gene Smith said in Para-graph 2, we infer that____.

  A. he was skilled at grabbing kangaroos

  B. he had seen many kangaroos in the wild before

  C. he had always worried that kangaroos would attack people

  D. he didn't expect capturing the kangaroo would be that hard

  38. What role did Kevin Wehling play in the action of capturing the kangaroo?

  A. He managed to put the kangaroo under control.

  B. He shot tranquilizers into the body of the kangaroo.

  C. He spread rumors that the kangaroo was unbeatable.

  D. He stood in the way of the kangaroo and slowed it down.

  39. What can we infer from Paragraph 4?

  A. Kangaroos are the gentlest animals in the world.

  B. Kangaroos can be dangerous in certain circumstances.

  C. Kangaroos usually beg for food when they are hungry.

  D. Kangaroos can adapt to a strange environment quickly.

  40. Wildlife officials should be able to pinpoint where the stray kangaroo came from because______.

  A. the kangaroo can lead them to its owner

  B. they can refer to the kangaroo's footsteps

  C. cameras have recorded the kangaroo's track

  D. they can refer to records of people keeping Kangaroos


  You don't have to understand the stock market to prove a country is having a difficult economic time. You have only to look at lipstick sales to see how big an economic downturn a country faces. Sales of make-up like lipstick go up when the economy is bad and go down when the economy improves. This is called the "Lipstick Effect."

  The lipstick effect goes as far back as the Great Depression of the 1930s. During this time period many jobs were lost and many factories closed, but sales of cosmetics (化妆品) rose. In Germany, although many people lost jobs, the biggest cosmetic company did not need to sack a single worker. More recently in the USA, during the hard times of 1990 and 2001 more workers were needed in the cosmetic industry while other companies were cutting workers. And it was even said that, after the terrorist attacks of September 11, lipstick sales doubled!

  Researchers have discovered that when times get hard and there is less money to spend on large, expensive products like new cars, designer shoes, or jewelry, women buy little things to improve their mood. Most of these things are cosmetics and the most popular one women buy is lipstick. A new color of lipstick can sometimes be enough to brighten a woman's mood. A similar thing happens when men shop during an economic slowdown. They have less money to spend but they still want to treat themselves, so they buy smaller, less costly goods instead of sports cars or new houses.

  41. What happens to sales of lipstick when the economy is good?

  A. Less lipstick is sold.

  B. It is much easier to sell lipstick.

  C. Lipstick sells at an increased price.

  D. They make up the largest part of cosmetics sales.

  42. What would become of a big cosmetic company during the Great Depression?

  A. They gave employees a special job.

  B. It functioned normally or even better.

  C. They would employ someone for a short time. D. They dismissed many workers.

  43. During the economic slowdown, women consider lipstick as something that______.

  A. is helpful in finding a job

  B. can provide a big change to their look

  C. is more necessary than any other goods

  D. can give them great satisfaction at a low cost

  44. Which best describes people's shopping habits during an economic slowdown?

  A. They choose goods they value most.

  B. They shop at the second-hand market.

  C. They buy cheap and cheerful products. D. They spend less money on small goods.

  45. What's the best title for the text? A. Lipsticks May Be an Economic Mirror.

  B. The Cosmetics Market Leads a Nation. C. Lipstick Gives the Economy a Big Push.

  D. Women's Love for Cosmetics Never Changes.


  A quick look at a newspaper, the Internet, or a TV newscast makes it easy to see that famous people don't have much privacy. Every day there is juicy new gossip to be talked about, and the stories often come with embarrassing pictures and sometimes videos. The gossip part of media has become its own industry, and it is big business.

  When there is such widespread attraction to something, there are always those who are against it. In this case, people are saying that the media has no right to publicly reveal private information about famous people. However, some say that movie stars and other famous people have learned about what public life is like and made such a decision to go into it. In today's world, there is very little privacy. Juicy photos and stories about celebrities can be worth a lot of money, and the paparazzi(狗仔), photographers who follow famous people to take photos, have been taking pictures for a long time. One could even say that this is the price to pay for fame.

  There are also other situations. Most of these celebrities and socialites actively asked the media to help them show themselves to the public early in their careers. It was good to build their careers. Many also revealed personal information to become famous, if it meant getting a story written about them. Their attitudes changed once they became famous. Suddenly the media became a trouble, and these stars wanted their privacy.

  The gossip media is doing a public service by reporting on celebrities. People are interested and attracted by the lifestyles of the rich and famous. If someone is uncomfortable with the idea of becoming food for gossip, then the solution is simple: don’t get a job that is at the center of public attention.

  46. What does the author say about gossip media?

  A. They're common.

  B. They're shameless.

  C. They're interesting.

  D. They're embarrassing.

  47. Why are some people against gossip media?

  A. They are against the law.

  B. They spread untrue information.

  C. They disturb people’s right to privacy. D. They have a very bad influence on society.

  48. We can infer from Paragraph 3 that celebrities_______.

  A. want a career change

  B. help gossip media survive

  C. often make use of each other

  D. bring trouble upon themselves

  49. What advice does the author give for possible celebrities?

  A. Get along well with the paparazzi.

  B. Behave themselves in public and private.

  C. Avoid giving out personal information to any media.

  D. Stay out of show business if they mind being gossiped about.

  50. What’s the purpose of the text?

  A. To discuss a fact.

  B. To give practical advice.

  C. To tell an interesting story.

  D. To present a research result.


  In many businesses,computers have largely replaced paperwork, because they are fast, flexible and do not make mistakes. As the banker said, “Unlike humans, computers never have a bad day.”And they are honest. Many banks advertise that their trade is “untouched by human hands” and therefore safe from human temptation(诱惑). Obviously, computers have no reason to steal money. But they have no conscience and the growing number of computer crimes shows they can be used to steal.

  Computer criminals don't use guns. And even if they are caught, it is hard to punish them because there are no witnesses and often no evidence. A computer cannot remember who used it, but simply does what it is told. The head teller at a New York City Bank used a computer to steal more than one and a half billion. No one noticed the theft because he moved the money from one account to another. Each time a customer he had robbed questioned the balance in his account, the teller claimed a computer error and then replaced the missing money from someone else's account. This man was caught only because he was a gambler. When the police broke up an illegal gambling operation, his name was in the records.

  Some employees use the computer's power to get revenge on their bosses they consider unfair. Recently, a large insurance company fired its computer-tape librarian for reasons that involved her personal rather than professional life. She was given thirty days notice. In those thirty days, she rubbed out all the company's computerized records.

  Most computer criminals have been common workers. Now the police wonder if this is “the tip of the iceberg”. As one official says, “I have the feeling that there is more crime out there than we are catching. What we are seeing now is all so poorly done. I wonder what the real experts are doing—the ones who really know how a computer works. ”

  51. Which feature of computers makes computer theft possible?

  A. They are fast, flexible and accurate to run every program.

  B. They usually function normally.

  C. They have no sense of what is right or wrong.

  D. They have no reason to steal money.

  52. The author uses the case of the head teller to show______.

  A. how computer criminals do evil things

  B. how hard it is to find a computer criminal

  C. computers lack conscience

  D. computer crime can involve a big sum of money

  53. The head teller was found guilty of stealing______.

  A. after the police examined the illegal gambling operation documents.

  B. when the police broke up an illegal gambling operation.

  C. after he was questioned in the unusual balance of an account.

  D. when he was caught transmitting money from one account from another.

  54. Why did the computer-tape librarian erase all the company's computerized records?

  A. She might think it was right to revenge any injustice in personal life.

  B. She might think the employer was wrong to fire her for personal problems.

  C. The company carelessly gave her enough time to do the erasing.

  D. The company always interfered with its employees’ personal life.

  55. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

  A. Minor employees are supposed to be responsible for economic criminals.

  B. Of all crimes, computer theft is the “tip of the iceberg”.

  C. There are more computer crimes committed by computer masters.

  D. Computer crimes are all poorly done.



  第一节: 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

  Liu Huan is a professor at the University of International Business and Economics. He is also a noted musician and popular singer in the Chinese mainland.

  Born on August 26, 1963 into a teacher’s family in Tianjin, Liu enrolled at the University of International Relations in Beijing in 1981, majoring in French literature. He was retained at the university as a faculty member after graduation in 1985. He won two first prizes in Beijing’s first-ever university English and French singing contests in 1985. He once lived in Shizuishan, a remote area in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, in 1985-1986 with the purpose of promoting local education by teaching music. He was appointed a professor at the University of International Business and Economics to teach the history of western music in 1991, and has been working at the university for more than 20 years.

  As a professor, Liu is invited every year to colleges and universities in Beijing to teach music courses. As a famous musician, when asked if his classes differ from other teachers’, Liu simply said, “Nothing different. While standing on the platform, I am just a teacher. Everything outside has nothing to do with me at that moment. ”

  Since becoming a professional singer in 1985, Liu’s singing has been widely welcomed across the country. He won many national awards, including the Top 10 Film and TV Singers in the Country in 1988, in 1990 and in 1992. On Aug. 8, 2008, Liu sang “You and Me” with Sarah Brightman at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games, the top of his singing career. In addition to singing, Liu Huan also creates original scores for film and TV. His works have been well received by both audiences and his peers in the industry.

  Therefore, Liu was chosen to act as one of the four judges on “The Voice of China”, a surprisingly popular singing talent show which had aired on Zhejiang Satellite TV since July 13, 2017. At the same time, his fellow judges are Na Ying, Yang Kun, and Harlem Yu.

  56. What does the underlined word “noted” in the first paragraph mean? (One word)


  57. What’s Liu Huan’s major in college? (No more than 5 words)


  58. Why did Liu Huan live in Shizuishan? (No more than 10 words)


  59. Why was he chosen to act as one of the four judges on “The Voice of China”? (No more than 20 words)


  60. How do you find Liu Huan? Give your reasons. (No more than 25 words)


  第二节:单词拼写 (每小题1 分,满分分)(基础题)

  61. The food is said to be

   (丰富的) in vitamin A, so I strongly recommend it to you.62. Young ladies are always interested in the

   (潮流) of fashion.

  63. Christmas is an

   每年的festival for most of the people in the world.

  64. The

    (探险家) told the boys about his adventures in the Arctic.

  65. Her behaviour is

    (不正常的) for a girl of three years old.

  66. The aim of the treaty is to prevent the

   (商业的) and military use of the continent.

  67. That the girl did not pass the exam again really

   (使丧失信心) her parents68.

   (激励)by a strong desire, he donated a great deal of money to help the poor people.

  69. The number of people owning cars is increasing


  70. A small child has to learn to keep its

    (平衡) before it can walk far.

  71. available


  72. authority


  73. athlete


  74. aspect


  75. artificial








  参考词汇:(1) patch programs

  n. 补丁 (2) backup



  (1) 词数不少于100;

  (2) 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

  (3) 通知的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。


  Recently, a computer virus named WannaCry …____________________________


  Computer Department

  May 15th, 2017



  第四部分:听力理解 (基础题)



  How much should the man pay?

  A. ¥18

  B. ¥14

  C. ¥82. What does the girl advise the boy to do?

  A. Ask his math teacher for help.

  B. Review the lessons with her.

  C. Get a tutor to help him.

  3. How far is the post office?

  A. About six blocks.

  B. About four blocks.

  C. About two blocks.

  4. What do we know about Mary?

  A. She likes sugar and meat very much.

  B. She doesn’t often take exercise.

  C. She works in the hospital.

  5. What is the woman going to do?

  A. Go swimming.

  B. Play volleyball.

  C. Go skiing.


  听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 6. What did the woman do at Qingqing Grassland?

  A. She watched the sunset.

  B. She played basketball.

  C. She rode horses.

  7. What was the weather like at Qingqing Grassland?

  A. Hot.

  B. Cool.

  C. Freezing.

  8. When will the man go to Qingqing Grassland?

  A. Next year.

  B. Next month.

  C. Tomorrow.


  9. How is the woman getting on with her family?

  A. Just so-so.

  B. Very well.

  C. Badly.

  10. Why does the woman sleep badly?

  A. She has been working too hard.

  B. She misses her family.

  C. She has a high fever.

  11. What does the man advise the woman to do?

  A. Take some medicine.

  B. Take a holiday.

  C. Change a job.


  12. Where do people want to spend Christmas?

  A. In the park.

  B. At home.

  C. In the church.

  13. What is the only thing the mother tells the children before Christmas?

  A. Father Christmas will bring presents to good children.

  B. They will get tickets for the circus.

  C. They will get a lot of presents.

  14. What’s the main attraction of the circus?

  A. The animals.

  B. The clowns.

  C. The free gifts.

  15. What can we learn from the passage?

  A. The older children also don’t know who send them the presents.

  B. The audience sit in a long line to watch the circus.

  C. There are special shows for children at Christmas time in the theater.




  知识技能 学习能力 习惯养成 总分



  第一节:阅读表达(每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) (学法题)

  56. What does the underlined word “noted” in the first paragraph mean? (One word)


  57. What’s Liu Huan’s major in college? (No more than 5 words)


  58. Why did Liu Huan live in Shizuishan? (No more than 10 words)


  59. Why was he chosen to act as one of the four judges on “The Voice of China”? (No more than 20 words)



  60. How do you find Liu Huan? Give your reasons. (No more than 25 words)








  Recently, a computer virus named WannaCry

  Computer Department

  May 15th, 2017



  第一部分: 英语知识运用


  1-5 BAACA

  6-10 CBDDB



  16-20 BCDDB

  21-25 ACCBA

  26-30 BADDC 31-35 BDADA

  第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2.5分, 满分50分)

  36-40CDABD 41-45ABDCA




  56. famous/well-known

  57. French literature

  58. To help promote local education by teaching music

  59. Because his works have been well received by both audiences and his peers in the industry.

  60. I like him very much because he is talented in music and he is very modest. (open)


  61. abundant

  62. trend

  63. annual

  64. explorer

  65. abnormal

  66. commercial

  67. discouraged 68. Motivated

  69. gradually

  70. balance

  71. 可获得的,可利用的


  73. 运动员

  74. 方面


  第三节:书面表达 (满分2分)

  Recently, a computer virus named WannaCry has been spreading quickly all over the world, causing great damage to finance, education and healthcare industry. In order to prevent our computers from being infected, you are required to take the following steps.

  First, you’d better cut off network so as to avoid being attacked basically. Second, try to install patch programs for loopholes and anti-virus softwares like 360 safeguard as soon as possible and then you can connect to the net. Third, make sure that you backup important documents in case of loss. What matters most is that you should be on guard against any unclear attachments, documents or emails which may contain the virus.

  Follow the instructions above and your computers will be free from the virus. Whoever reads the notice is supposed to inform your colleagues.

  Computer Department

  May 15th, 2017

  第四部分: 听力理解: (满分15分, 每小题1分) (对应答题卡56-70位置)


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