It's a gorgeous day today and I should be in a sparking, dazzling mood, but I'm not. My kids are sick and I just want to nap, but I feel like there's a million and a half things to do. I can't get motivated to do them, so instead of doing anything productive, I decided to ask my husband for a topic to write about.
And lucky for me, he had one just ready. As he lounged on (my!) chair in the office, he ticked off the following list of things that all husbands hate about their wives or partners and asked that I so lovingly share it with all of you. You're welcome.
1. Every time you call yourself fat
1. 每一次你说自己胖的时候
No, really. It gets really, really old. All we think about is how beautiful you are, all of the time, and even when we tell you and mean it, you still brush us off. And you know what? That doesn't feel good and eventually, I kind of want to stop telling you anymore. Because you don't believe me when I tell you how beautiful you are. But you are, for the record, really beautiful.
2. How much pressure you put on yourself
2. 你给自己施加太多的压力
You don't need to go to every single school event and you don't need to do everything for the kids. I don't really know how to tell you this in a way that won't hurt your feelings, but you put so much pressure on yourself that doesn't need to be there. You don't need to go to every single school event and you don't need to do everything for the kids. You just don't.
3. How you think you need to be perfect 24/7
3. 你觉得自己应该一整天都处于完美状态
When have I ever really been grossed out by you? Think about it. I don't care if you stop shaving or smell bad or whatever. I really don't. Your period stuff does not bother me, I promise. I don't understand why you think you need to be perfect all of the time. It's OK to just be human, you know?