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发布时间:2019-11-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编





  1. What is the man going to do?

  A. Check into a hotel.

  B. Do some shopping.

  C. Go to Walt Street.

  2. What does the man want to do?

  A. Play table tennis.

  B. Surf the Internet.

  C. Have a meal in the restaurant.

  3. How old is the woman’s husband?

  A. He’s thirty-one.

  B. He’s thirty-four.

  C. He's thirty-five.

  4. Where will Mary go first? ,

  A. The post office.

  B. Alice’s home.

  C. The school.

  5. Where does the conversation take place?

  A. In a bookstore.

  B. In a grape field.

  C In a restaurant. .



  6. What can the man not get used to?

  A. Using English in class.

  B. Answering the teacher’s questions.

  C. The teacher’s speed and pronunciation.

  7. What does the teacher want her students to do?,

  A. Avoid making mistakes.

  B. Speak as quickly as possible.

  C. Keep using English in class.


  8. What is the woman doing?

  A. Putting the files in order.

  B. Cleaning the office.

  C. Doing some shopping.

  9. What can we learn about the woman?

  A. She is a new comer to the office.

  B. She is a pupil with many questions.

  C. She is a stranger who has lost her way.


  10. Where is the snack shop?

  A. Upstairs at the airport.

  B. In the east wing.

  C. On the ground level.

  11. What does the man think about the dining room?

  A. It’s very crowded.

  B. It’s very comfortable.

  C. It’s a little more expensive.

  12. How will they pay for the meal?

  A. The man will pay for the bill.

  B. The woman will pay for the bill.

  C. They each will pay for themselves.


  13. What can we learn about the car?

  A. It’s a black used car.

  B .It’s a new foreign car.

  C. It’s a small used car.

  14. What does the man think about the price?

  A. It's not true.

  B. It’s quite cheap.

  C. It’s a bit expensive.

  15. Why does Laura’s friend want to sell the car?

  A. He can’t keep it.

  B. He needn’t use it.

  C. He wants to buy a new one.

  16. How will they get in touch with Laura’s friend? .

  A. Go and see her.

  B. Send a message.

  C. Make a phone call.


  17. What does the speaker advise doing every day?

  A. Exercising your brain.

  B. Making life happy.

  C. Sticking to learning.

  18. Who has become a lawyer?

  A. A man who went to college at 71.

  B. A housewife with no knowledge.

  C. A man who entered a medical college at 70.

  19. What kind of people can stay young easily?

  A. The people who try hard all their life.

  B. The people who live in the future.

  C. The people who have a lot of knowledge.

  20. What can we learn from the speaker?

  A. We should take an interest in the world around us.

  B. We should learn one new thing well every day.

  C. We can’t go to school when we’re old




  China’s economy grows, salaries rise; and more city residents feel the need to hit the road in what has become a symbol of individuality and freedom—a car. China has a growing love affair with the car. This is clear at the Beijing Asian Games Village Automobile Exchange, where more and more people come to look and, increasingly, to buy.

  The Asian Games Village Automobile Exchange is the biggest car dealership in Beijing. General manager Guo Yong says the business sells more than 2,000 cars each week. Guo says it is much easier for Chinese consumers to buy a car now. Also, the emergence of less expensive domestic brands like Chery and BYD means more Chinese can afford cars.

  For decades, most Chinese city residents have got about by bicycle or public buses and trains. Now, in many areas, the number of new cars is growing faster than the road system, leaving city streets jammed with traffic.

  Guo Liang has wanted to buy a car for a decade, and he will be the first in his family to own one. He is not prevented by Beijing’s traffic jams. Guo says if the traffic is too bad, he will use the car for leisure or holidays with his family.

  World Bank transportation specialist Shomik Mendhiratta says a car is something people in any society would be eager to own. “Getting a car makes people feel like they have arrived in the middle class.” Mendhiratta said. “It has got a huge status associated with it. It’s a fantastic thing to have, if you have never had a car. A car gives you a mobility that’s unbelievable.”

  21.Which of the following doesn’t a car represent, according to the passage?





  22.What contributes to the affordability of cars, according to the passage?

  A.Factories produce more cars.

  B.The prices of imported cars are lower.

  C.There are more foreign car factories.

  D.Some domestic cars are not so expensive.

  23.What’s the problem caused by the growth of new cars?

  A.It makes people less healthy.

  B.It makes city streets jammed with traffic.

  C.It makes people often go to work late.

  D.It makes people belong to the middle class.


  America is losing its moral values at an alarming rate. There was a time, not too long ago, when most young Americans had a common goal, which was to get a good job, own a home and raise a family. That was considered happiness. People knew what they could afford and stayed within their means. Children were taught to respect authority. Parents were role models for their children.

  They would never let their children associate with another child that they considered to be a bad influence. And instead of just allowing them to grow up, they actually raised them with strong morals and beliefs, instilling(灌输) the values of God, family, and country.

  But today, America is full of exhausted dads and single moms who, instead of taking on their role as a parent, instilling moral character and values in their children, have lots of debt upon themselves. As a result, they are too busy working to pay these debts, rather than focus on the real needs of their children. Instead of giving their children the parental guidance they need, they shower them with expensive electronic gadgets(数码产品). Most of the time, especially in single parent homes, the children are completely unsupervised.

  Without proper guidance and supervision(监督), a child simply wanders aimlessly through their childhood, learning their values from only God knows who. Is it any wonder then that America is losing its moral values? The children are our future leaders. How can they lead if they don’t know the way? Even animals teach their young.

  Therefore, the young people of today need to listen to the older generation and start making some adjustments. Your children should be your primary concern. They need far more than mere food and shelter. They need careful guidance. Moral values need to be instilled while they are young.

  24.Americans used to give their children_______.

  A.much freedom

  B.proper guidance

  C.1ots of money

  D.expensive toys

  25.Why are American parents exhausted today?

  A.They bear a heavy debt burden.

  B.They are under great work pressure.

  C.They are tired with raising children.

  D.They have fierce competition in their work.

  26.What tone(语气,口吻) does the author use in talking about today’s American parents?





  27.The last paragraph is written to_______.

  A.make comparisons

  B.give more examples

  C.analyze the problem

  D.give some advice


  Black Friday is the day following Thanksgiving Day in the United States. In recent years, it has been regarded as the beginning of the Christmas shopping season and most major shops have opened extremely early and offered promotional sales(促销). Black Friday is not an official holiday, but many employees and schools have both Thanksgiving and the following Friday off, followed by a weekend. It has been the busiest shopping day of the year since 2005.

  The day’s name began in Philadelphia, where it originally was used to describe huge crowds and heavy traffic that would occur on the day after Thanksgiving. The use of the name started before 1961. Later all alternative explanation was made: “Black Friday” indicates the point at which retailers(零售商) begin to turn a profit or are “in the black”.

  For many years, it was common for retailers to open at 6:00 a.m., but in the late 2000s many had opened at 5:00 a.m. or even 4:00 a.m..This was taken to a new degree in 2011, when several retailers opened at midnight for the first time.

  Black Friday Shopping is known for attracting aggressive crowds, with annual reports of terrible noise and crowds of people trampling(踩伤) on other shoppers in an attempt to get the best deal on a product before supplies run out.

  28.What can we infer from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 ?

  A.People stay at home to spend the holiday.

  B.All people can have a relaxed Black Friday.

  C.Black Friday can increase the number of shoppers.

  D.Altogether people have 3 days off during Black Friday weekend.

  29.Black Friday originally referred to______.

  A.financial loss

  B.a busy shopping day

  C.heavy traffic and crowds

  D.sad feelings and moments

  30.Which of the following can replace the underlined phrase in Paragraph 2?

  A.gaining money

  B.1osing money

  C.growing weak

  D.promoting goods

  31.What’s the main reason for aggressive crowds on Black Friday nowadays?

  A.That people are eager to return home.

  B.That sellers try to make shopping time longer.

  C.That supplies are too limited to meet shoppers’ needs.

  D.That shoppers rush to buy the cheapest goods.


  Their beautiful call suggests the arrival of spring, but the routes taken by cuckoos(杜鹃) during their annual migration(迁徙) have remained a mystery. Now, though, scientists from the British Trust for Omithology(BTO) have revealed the details of their remarkable 10,000-mile journey, with the help of tracking devices.

  Five male birds were caught in Norfolk last May and fitted with satellite-tagged “backpacks’’ before being released. The scientists then monitored their progress over 12 months as they flew to Africa in the autumn, and returned in the spring.

  The project was carried out to discover why every year fewer of the birds return to Britain. Between 1995 and 2010,the population of cuckoos spending summer here fell by almost half, and the number is continuing to decline. Previously, the lack of information about the cuckoos’ long migration has hampered the understanding of how to help conserve the birds.

  Earlier this year, it was reported that cuckoos arrived in the UK much earlier than normal. Their call was recorded by ornithologists(鸟类专家) as early as February, a month ahead of their usual arrival.

  Like all migrating animals, cuckoos respond to the changing seasons. They depend on lush plants to provide the fruit and food for insects that they feed on. This reliance on seasonal patterns means that a changing climate could make an already challenging journey impossible for them.

  32.What is the main purpose of the project?

  A.To track cuckoos’ 10,000-mile journey.

  B.To better understand the habits of cuckoos.

  C.To find out what happens during cuckoos’ journey.

  D.To discover why the population of cuckoos is declining.

  33.The underlined word “hampered” in Paragraph 3 probably means_____.





  34.When do cuckoos usually arrive in Britain?

  A.In January.

  B.In February.

  C.In March.

  D.In April.

  35.Cuckoos arrived in the UK much earlier than normal probably because of_____.

  A.1acking food

  B.changing climate

  C.changing routes

  D.cold spring in the UK


  根据短文Hollywood movies are regularly filled with sex and violence. They can be exciting films but sometimes all you want is a little light-hearted entertainment.

  Have you heard of Bollywood? All singing, all dancing and unrealistic, it is the perfect alternative to normal Hollywood movies. Bollywood is the Indian film industry, based in Mumbai, formerly known as Bombay.   36   . Yet Bollywood is the largest producer of films in the world. This year the Indian Filmgare Awards, Bollywood’s Oscars, turn 50 years old.

  The typical Bollywood movie usually has the following ingredients: a cup of romance, a tea-spoon of comedy, a dash of international sight-seeing, served with a huge slice of singing and dancing. There will also be one brave hero, one beautiful heroine and one baddie.  37


  Bollywood films are full of ideal things and free of daily worries.

  38  .The actors change clothes and locations within a single song. But the audience don’t mind. To Indian movie lovers, especially the poor, such films are a gateway to heaven and the stars are their gods. The films take them to a magical world away from their everyday troubles. The films tell them the impossible is possible and that true love conquers all.


  39  . Behind the beautiful scenes, Bollywood still emphasizes traditional family values. In most films, if two lovers want to break an arranged marriage, they can’t just run away. They must win over their parents.

  Bollywood is a decent refreshing replacement for those over-stimulating Hollywood films.  

  40   . They will take you to a brighter, cheerier and more colorful world, where it’s still cool to dance around a tree and sing a love song.

  A.Bollywood has gradually won its reputation on the world stage.

  B.There is never any mention of politics, poverty or war.

  C.Most Chinese school kids have probably never seen an Indian film.

  D.Bollywood films are mostly comic romances with light-hearted incidental music.

  E.  Bollywood pays great attention to traditional values. 

  F.The result is a fun-filled musical.

  G.So if you're tired of all the Hollywood actions, check out the following Bollywood films.


  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


  An old man found a sparrow with a broken wing. He brought it home and nursed it back to __41_. Afterwards, though it could fly the sparrow _42_ to leave the house. The old man’s wife asked her husband to get rid of the bird as it was __43_ the house. But he wouldn’t listen.

  One day while her husband was asleep, the woman __44_the sparrow, took it far away from the house, and let it go, warning it never to __45_. The old man missed his little friend and hoped it would come back, __46_it never did. Then one day, several weeks later, he was walking past an old house when he heard a __47__ sound. He looked up and there was the _48__, sitting on the gate. The sparrow gave the old man a gold _49__ it had found in the house.

  The old man did not __50__much about money, but his wife was_51_ when she saw the coin, and made up her mind to get more from the sparrow. _52_ , early the next morning she slipped out of her house and made her _53__ to the old house. When she saw the sparrow she _54_ it to return.

  “If you have found __55__, bring it along and I’ll spend it all on you.” She promised.

  The sparrow brought her an old _56_ with the help of its friends. The basket was _57_ but the woman did not wait to find out what was in it. She grabbed it and ran at once because she was __58__ that the sparrow would follow and take up residence(住所)in her house again.

  The moment she reached home, she _59_ the basket, expecting it to be filled with gold and silver. Instead, out _60_a lot of sparrows.

  The woman spent the rest of her life trying to drive the sparrows out.

  41. A. danger  B. life C. health D. help  

  42. A. refused B. decided C. managed  D. failed   

  43. A. cleaning B. sweeping   C. building   D. dirtying

  44. A. fed B. noticed   C. caught  D. killed

  45. A. return B. fly C. stay D. cry

  46. A. and B. if C. but D. until   

  47. A. strange B. sweet C. loud D. familiar

  48. A. cat B. sparrow C. basket D. stick

  49. A. coin B. watch C. ring D. cup

  50. A. bring B. take C. care D. put

  51. A. afraid B. sad C. nervous D. excited

  52. A. However

  B. Therefore C. Instead D. Luckily

  53. A. way B. mark C. picture D. sign

  54. A. forbade B. forced C. begged D. helped

  55. A.  food B. treasure C. rooms D. plant

  56. A. bowl B. box C. chair D. basket

  57. A. covered B. empty C. big D. small

  58. A. pleased B. afraid C. anxious D. hopeful

  59. A. laid B. broke C. hid D. opened

  60. A. walked B. ran C. flew D. jumped




  第四部分:In order to be successful, you should first of all never give up whatever happen. If you fail, you should never lose heart. In the contrary, you must build up your confidence or work even harder. You should always remember that working hard was the key to success. Besides, you should pay a great attention to your working methods. That is necessary for you to take every chance improve them. Finally, you should try to get along well with your co-workers, cared for each other and helping each other. If you follow these rule, you will certain achieve great success in the future.






  2. 介绍中国人民的优点;

  3. 欢迎来到中国亲身体验。


  1. 词数100左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;

  2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

  Dear Jack,


  Li Hua







  21—25 DDBBA

  26—30 CDCCA

  31—35 DDACB







  61. visiting

  62. had been

  63. what

  64. Arriving

  65. shocked

  66. faces

  67. Much / Greatly

  68. in

  69. widely

  70. which


  In order to be successful, you should first of all never give up whatever happen.

  happens If you fail, you should never lose heart. In the contrary,you must build up your

  On confidence or work even harder. You should always remember that working hard was and is the key to success. Besides, you should pay

  great attention to your working methods.

  That is necessary for you to take every chance ∧ improve them. Finally, you should try It  to to get along well with your co-workers, cared for each other and helping each other. caring If you follow these rule, you will certain achieve great success in the future.   rulescertainly 作文范文:

  Dear Jack,

  Glad to hear that you are coming to China in the coming summer vocation. It’s understandable that one may feel worried before going to a totally strange country. But I’m sure you’ll have a pleasant time while traveling in China.

  Like any other large countries, it’s unavoidable that China may have some negative sides. But honestly speaking, most Chinese are friendly, hospitable and warm-hearted. Anyone will be willing to lend a hand whenever we find someone in trouble, especially to foreigners. As a result, most foreigners who come to China think highly of China’s hospitability, civilization and harmony. In fact, China has become one of the most attractive countries for tourists in recent years.

  Seeing is believing. You won’t have a better understanding of China unless you’re here. I’m looking forward to your coming.

  Best wishes!


  Li Hua



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