Based on the quality, diversity and price of animated series, a so-called "chain of contempt" analysis of the sector went viral on social media. The pyramid-shaped graphic lists Chinese and foreign animation programs in three layers according to popularity.
At the top are the most popular cartoons that are not translated into Chinese yet, such as Adventure Time, Bob's Burgers and Bear Bernard. These are followed by cartoons imported from the United States, Europe, South Korea and Japan, including Walt Disney animations, SpongeBob SquarePants and Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends. The Chinese series Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, Boonie Bears and GG Bond ranked at the bottom of the pyramid.
“鄙视链”(chain of contempt)一词最早见于南方都市报2017年4月7日深圳杂志“城市周刊”专题:“在鄙视已经变得公然、无畏、无所顾忌的当下,似乎不鄙视无以证明自己的优秀、高端与成功。你鄙视我,我鄙视他,鄙视食物链将消弭的等级制度再次建构,竖中指、翻白眼就是隔开自恋、自卑的‘宫墙’。”
如果用英语来表达的话,chain of contempt is a somewhat linear sequence of links, where each link feels superior to its next link and consequently shows contempt toward it(鄙视链从某种意义上说就是不同事物间的线性排列,该序列上的每个事物都觉得自己比排在后面的事物更高端,因此对其表现出鄙视的态度)。
Contempt表示“轻视、蔑视,(对规则等)藐视、不顾”的意思,常用的搭配有have contempt for someone/something(鄙视某人/某事),如果有人在法庭上大吵大闹,法官就可能会以“藐视法庭罪”(contempt of court)对其进行判罚。
除了鄙视链,生活中还有食物链(food chain)、连锁店(chain store)、连锁反应(chain reaction)等。