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发布时间:2019-11-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编

日前,《纽约时报》(The New York Times)的影评人Manohla Dargis和A.O. Scott,联合Facebook上的影评人评选出了“21世纪截至目前最优秀的25部电影”(The 25 Best Films of the 21st Century So Far),每一部都是经典。


血色将至 There Will Be Blood (2007)

导演:保罗·托马斯·安德森(Paul Thomas Anderson)




Paul Thomas Anderson’s “There Will Be Blood” is a 21st-century masterpiece about love, death, faith, greed and all the oil and blood gushing through the American 20th century.


It distills a harrowing story through a prospector – played with demonic intensity by Daniel Day-Lewis – who pursues a savage, hollow dream. He embodies the best of the United States only to become the very worst of it.


千与千寻 Spirited Away (2001)

导演:宫崎骏 (みやざき はやお Miyazaki Hayao)




In Spirited Away you have a girl right at the threshold of becoming a young woman and leaving her childhood behind, figuratively and literally.


Chihiro evolves from her poise, dress, attitude, emotion and spirituality from being a child to being a young woman and coming into her own, and in that position she has to go through the loss of everything. She loses her parents, she loses her name, she's called nothing, she's called Sen, she's called zero. There's a beautiful, very melancholic meditation – the same melancholy that permeates all Miyazaki's films.


百万宝贝 Million Dollar Baby (2004)

导演:克林特·伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood)




There's much more to this movie than its plot. The warm, sharp banter among the principal characters never gets old. The images glow with unexpressed, somber feeling. Fifty years from now, as the end credits scroll on whatever screen viewers are watching on, they will reach the same conclusion my editor did back in 2004. This is what a movie looks like.


无医可靠 The Death of Mr. Lazarescu (2006)

导演:克里斯蒂·普尤(Cristi Puiu)




This movie is a harrowing and darkly humorous metaphysical fable disguised as a slice-of-life tragedy.


Poor Mr. Lazarescu is imperiled by the arrogance and indifference of the powerful – the doctors and hospital bureaucrats so entranced by their own authority that they are blind to his suffering.


一一 Yi Yi (2000)





A packed, enthralling three-hour chronicle of modern Taiwanese family life, “Yi Yi” has the heft and density of a great novel.

这部长达三个小时影片记录了当代台湾的家庭生活,厚重而引人入胜。 《一一》有着一部伟大小说的体量和风骨。

Roger Ebert described “Yi Yi” as “a movie in which nobody knows more than half the truth, or is happy more than half the time,” something that could also be said (optimistically) of life itself. And “Yi Yi” is one of those movies that you remember less as something you saw than as something you experienced.


头脑特工队 Inside Out (2017)

导演:彼特·道格特(Pete Docter) / 罗纳尔多·德尔·卡门(Ronnie del Carmen)


小女孩莱莉在父母的呵护下,脑海中保存着无数美好的回忆,这些记忆与几个她未曾谋面的伙伴息息相关,他们就是人类的五种主要情绪。乐乐代表快乐,是情绪们的领导,随着生活的变故,莱莉变得无所适从,负面情绪逐渐累积,内心美好的世界渐次崩塌。 为了保护这一切,乐乐只有行动起来……


“Inside Out”is by far the most inventive, moving, captivating and philosophically astute cartoon about developmental psychology of the 21st century.


The personification of abstract concepts and the visual rendering of human consciousness from the inside are astonishing feats, executed with unparalleled inventiveness. And the message – that Sadness is as essential in our lives as Joy – is perfectly matched by a story that elicits laughter and tears in almost equal measure.


少年时代 Boyhood (2017)

导演:理查德·林克莱特(Richard Linklater)




The ordinary turns extraordinary in “Boyhood,” Richard Linklater’s story of one child that inextricably becomes a story about cinematic realism and its power.


As one year slips into the next, Mason grows up before your eyes, a progression that at times seems scarcely noticeable but at other times can knock you flat, recalling those moments when you look in the mirror and wonder, Where did the time go?


夏日时光 Summer Hours (2009)

导演:奥利维耶·阿萨亚斯(Olivier Assayas)




The film draws you in because everything is so effortlessly lovely – and French – the people, homes, furnishings, gardens. “Summer Hours” is about life, death, impermanence (and cinema), but it’s also about being French.


拆弹部队 The Hurt Locker (2009)

导演:凯瑟琳·毕格罗(Kathryn Bigelow)




The French director François Truffaut once said, “Every film about war ends up being pro-war.” I wish he had lived long enough to see “The Hurt Locker,” a movie that is antiwar not because it offers an easy critique of war but because it reminds us of how human beings need war, how they live for war as intensely as die for it.


醉乡民谣 Inside Llewyn Davis (2013)

导演:乔尔·科恩 / 伊桑·科恩(Joel and Ethan Coen)




The Coen brothers' “Inside Llewyn Davis” is an achingly melodic tribute to an unloved underdog.


Davis (Oscar Isaac) is striking out on his own after his musical partner goes solo. Along his dour journey, he'll find others vying for similar success and others just trying to survive, in a very Coen-esque manner.


廷巴克图 Timbuktu(2017)

导演:阿伯德拉马纳·希萨柯(Abderrahmane Sissako)




“Timbuktu” is a tragic movie but not a nihilistic one. Mr. Sissako doesn’t shy away from showing violence, but he never sensationalizes any of the horrors. Instead, he answers those atrocities with visual beauty and moments of everyday joy and pleasure that, as the story unfolds, register as acts of artistic resistance.


He also insists on humanizing the jihadists, as when an older man vainly directs a younger one on how to deliver a speech for a propaganda video. It’s an extraordinary scene, at once absurd and believable, and a reminder of the truth that it is people, not faceless monsters, who commit these horrors.


孩子 L’Enfant(2005)

导演:让·皮埃尔·达内 吕克·达内(Jean-Pierre Luc Dardenne)




The problem is that non-material sources of value have deteriorated. Religion, family, class solidarity, hometown pride – none of these have the power they used to. The reckoning of this loss, and the emphasis on personal responsibility (paternal responsibility in particular) makes "L’Enfant" in some ways a conservative movie.


白色物质 White Material (2010)

导演:克莱尔·德尼(Claire Denis)




A fractured story about love, strength, the costs of white patrimony and the continuing ravages of postcolonialism, "White Material" finds the brilliant French director Claire Denis again in Africa, where she spent much of her childhood in Francophone countries. Watching the performances in her movies, you can just feel the freedom she gives her actors. She creates an entire world for them to behave in.


慕尼黑 Munich(2005)

导演:史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)




The film is a twisty and suspenseful thriller with unsettling and ambiguous ethical questions at its core. What is the line between justice and vengeance? How can human decency survive the fight against fanaticism? These questions have not hardly lost their relevance, and neither has "Munich."


最好的时光 Three Times(2005)





Visually gorgeous and emotionally subtle, his films range across genres and periods, exploring Chinese history and contemporary life with wit, curiosity and formal rigor.


疯狂的麦克斯4:狂暴之路 Mad Max: Fury Road(2017)

导演:乔治·米勒(George Miller)




The movie drags the snarling, anti-authoritarian, punk-rock wit of the first “Mad Max” movies into a new era, updating and conserving in a single gesture. In Imperator Furiosa, Charlize Theron’s one-handed, buzz-cut, kohl-eyed avenger, the movies that famously didn’t need another hero found the one we all needed.


温蒂和露茜 Wendy and Lucy (2008)

导演:凯莉·雷查德(Kelly Reichardt)




Kelly's characters aren’t very expressive or easy to read. That has to be a challenge for an actor.


“Wendy and Lucy” came out at the end of 2008, right in the middle of the election campaign and the economic collapse. There’s a powerful sense that while the movie is very much about this one young woman and her situation, it’s also about a lot more than that.


我不在那儿 I'm Not There(2007)

导演:托德·海恩斯(Todd Haynes)




“I’m Not There,” Todd Haynes’s film about Bob Dylan, is not a biopic. It’s an extended essay in Dylanology, with six actors (among them Richard Gere, Heath Ledger and Cate Blanchett) incarnating aspects of the future Nobel laureate’s protean personality.


沉默的阳光 Silent Light(2008)

导演:卡洛斯·雷加达斯(Carlos Reygadas)




In “Silent Light,” the Mexican director Carlos Reygadas does more than tell a religious story – he invites you into a world of grace and wonder so beautiful that it turns his film into a kind of prayer. The narrative is minimal; the filmmaking lush.


Set in an isolated Mennonite community in Mexico, it traces the agonies of a farming couple, Johan and Esther, who are being torn apart by his love for another woman. Little seems to happen but this is a movie about everything: what it means to love, to have faith, to live in the world.


美丽心灵的永恒阳光 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind(2004)

导演:米歇尔·冈瑞(Michel Gondry)




“Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”– by critical fiat as well as popular acclaim – is a movie that combines laughter and melancholy, nostalgia and hope. It’s a movie about how you never forget your first love. It’s also about how desire and loss are inseparable, and about how the yearning to clean the slate and start over is just another case of eternal recurrence.



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