Money market funds have been an unambiguous benefit to both individual and institutional investors, as well as to non-financial corporations and municipalities in need of short-run financing.
But now the very existence of the $2.6tn money fund industry is under attack. Both present Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke and former chairman Paul Volcker have called for stronger oversight of money funds because of their destabilising potential. And Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner recently urged the Financial Stability Oversight Council to push forward new rules to rein in the industry as essential for financial stability.
但对于资产规模高达2.6万亿美元的货币市场基金行业而言,其最基本的生存空间目前正遭到挑战。美联储(Federal Reserve)现任主席本·伯南克(Ben Bernanke)和前任主席保罗·沃尔克(Paul Volcker)都呼吁加强对货币基金的监管,因其可能引发金融市场动荡。近日美国财长蒂姆·盖特纳(Timothy Geithner)则敦促金融稳定监督委员会(Financial Stability Oversight Council)抓紧制定针对货币基金行业的监管新规,以管理好这个对金融体系稳定至关重要的行业。
Some history will illustrate the potential problem posed by money funds. Four years ago the US Treasury took the unprecedented step of guaranteeing the value of money funds to stop a run on the industry and a potential disruption of the ability of non-financial corporations to finance their short-term needs.
The run began when the Reserve Primary Fund, the first US money market fund, “broke the buck in falling to 97 cents after suffering large losses from the holdings of Lehman Brothers and other risky paper. The resulting investor anxiety led to billions of dollars of outflows from money funds that were only stemmed when the Treasury announced a temporary guarantee of the $1 net asset value for all funds that paid a fee to participate in the programme.
引发集中赎回的导火索是Reserve Primary基金的每单位资产净值跌至97美分,跌破了1美元的票面价值,因该基金所持雷曼兄弟以及其他风险票据发生了重大损失。Reserve Primary是美国第一家货币市场基金。该事件引发了投资者的焦虑情绪,并导致数十亿美元资金流出了货币市场基金。赎回风潮直到美国财政部公布了一项临时担保计划方才得到遏制,财政部将担保所有付费参与该计划基金的单位资产净值不低于1美元。
The guarantee was designed to stop the run that certain institutional money funds were experiencing and to stem the potential disruptions that could result if non-financial corporations and municipalities were unable to finance their short-term needs. While it would be wrong to generalise too much from this example (a small money fund broke the buck in 1994 without triggering a big panic), money market funds are certainly a critically important component of the short-term credit markets.
One regulatory proposal to deal with money market funds, originally suggested by Mary Schapiro, chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, is for the funds to adopt variable pricing. Unfortunately, a fluctuating NAV would severely diminish the attractiveness of money funds and may even have the unintended consequence of making the potential problem of runs worse.
有一项针对货币市场基金的监管提议是引入可变定价法,最初由美国证交会(SEC)主席玛丽·夏皮罗(Mary Schapiro)提出。但资产净值(NAV)的浮动将显著降低货币市场基金的吸引力,甚至可能意外地加剧集中赎回的潜在风险。
Individuals would be less inclined to use these funds as chequing account repositories for a forthcoming college tuition payment, for example, if they were uncertain what the value of their account would be when the tuition payment was due. Institutional investors are also likely to find a vehicle that provides a fluctuating value unattractive.
The unintended consequences of a regulatory requirement to shift to floating NAVs need also to be considered. Runs on money market funds could be even more likely if investors become more sensitive to fluctuating prices. So-called “ultra short investment funds with floating prices experienced substantial outflows during the financial crisis. Floating NAVs would not make money funds more robust during adverse liquidity conditions. And the shifting of money fund deposits to banks could increase systemic risks by making too-big-to-fail institutions even larger. Shifting money fund assets offshore to the unregulated sector would also be undesirable.
If the SEC’s proposals are not the answer, what changes can be made to make the system more stable? One route suggested by Mr Volcker is to make money fund deposits equivalent to bank deposits, with deposit insurance and all the regulations that would go with it. I doubt the benefits would exceed the costs of that strategy; there are easier ways to make the system less vulnerable.
如果美国证交会的提议都不能解决问题,那么还能采取哪些措施以增强金融体系的稳定性呢?保罗·沃尔克(Paul Volcker)的办法是将货币市场基金纳入存款保险覆盖范畴,并施行与之相关的所有监管法规,使其等同于银行存款。我怀疑这种做法的收益能否大于成本;增强金融体系的稳定性还有其他更简单易行的办法。
For example, the liquidity, duration, and quality standards for money funds could be further strengthened. The SEC made progress in 2010 in establishing minimum requirements, and these could be used as a framework for further discussion.
Another idea is to establish “circuit breakers that take the form of standby liquidity fees on redemptions. For example, liquidity fees could be imposed if a fund’s liquidity fell below a prescribed weekly level.
The opportunity now presents itself for the money market fund industry and financial regulators to come back to the table to discuss viable alternative solutions. While a compromise should be based on give and take, neither side should abandon fundamental principles.
For the industry, the principles should be based on maintaining a stable, safe, and convenient financial vehicle for their investors. For the regulators, the principles centre on ensuring financial stability. Surely there must be a common ground solution that preserves the product and protects markets.
Burton Malkiel is the author of: ‘A Random Walk Down Wall Street’
本文作者著有《漫步华尔街》(A Random Walk down Wall Street)一书
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