We have gathered together a list of the most unfortunate names, from the USA and Canada to Singapore and South Africa.
As you read you might wonder how any parents were gullible enough to curse their child with such outrageous titles - or you might admire their audacity...
这位宝宝的父母一定是《星球大战》的粉丝,不然怎么会给娃取名“绝地武士”(Jedi Knight)。
Customers in this taxi are warned to watch their step, but they should also take care not to snigger for fear of offending the driver.
因为这位司机的名字叫“一个混蛋”(Anass = an ass)。
This boy, from Singapore, combined the names of two superheroes in his rather unusual moniker
这位波兰朋友的名和姓单看没什么,但如果合在一起念时,不小心连读成Mi Kelitoris (clitoris 女性私处)就尴尬……
下面这位先生来自南非,看得出来他的父母应该不懂英文,不然为什么会给他取名“小鸡鸡”(Tiny Dick)。
If you are a politician standing for election, having the surname 'Loser' does not stand you in particularly good stead.
这位被错判的杀人凶手名字叫“收银机”(Kash音同cash,cash register)。
Stark County Sheriff must have checked twice that they had not made a mistake over identification when they arrested Donald Duck.
斯塔克县的警长们逮捕“唐老鸭”(Donald Duck)时,不得不再次确认他们没有搞错犯人身份。
With the names Shakespeare Mozart and Armstrong, this little boy is clearly the subject of some rather high expectations.
“耶稣的保险套”(Jesus Condom)?这父母起名字也太任性了吧……
日本女排运动员竹下佳江应该想不到,自己的姓氏居然还可以理解为“吃翔”(take shit)。