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发布时间:2013-02-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

China's launch of three astronauts Saturday, including its first woman, into space was the first step in a much-anticipated test of whether China can achieve its first manned space-docking.


The mission is the latest step as China pushes ahead with its ambitions to unseat the U.S. as the world's dominant manned space power.


Liu Yang, a 33-year-old air force major, became the first Chinese woman to enter space after the astronauts' Shenzhou-9 spacecraft blasted off from the Jiuquan launch center in the northwestern Gobi desert on Saturday evening. Astronauts this week will attempt China's first manned space-docking, an important step as it attempts to launch a space station by around 2020.


'I am grateful to the motherland and the people,' Ms. Liu said ahead of the mission, according to the state-run news agency. 'I feel honored to fly into space on behalf of hundreds of millions of Chinese females.'


The Shenzhou-9 mission follows an unmanned space docking last November. The latest mission is part of a 30-year plan to assemble a Chinese space station by around 2020, about the same time the International Space Station is expected to cease operations.

在发射神舟九号之前,中国于去年11月成功完成了无人交会对接任务。神舟九号载人对接任务是中国准备在约2020年之前完成空间站建设的30年计划的一部分。预计2020年差不多也是国际空间站(International Space Station)停止运作的时间。

China's manned space effort, known as Project 921, comes just as the U.S. in particular has moved to draw down manned space flight and retired its aging fleet of space shuttles. Senior U.S. defense officials in recent months have expressed concern about China's manned and unmanned space programs, which are run by the People's Liberation Army.


U.S. officials and defense analysts have said a lack of transparency and apparent military applications of space technologies are among the reasons for concern. These include antisatellite capabilities that could severely disrupt U.S. communications in the event of a conflict as well as other technologies that enable it to better track and potentially strike U.S. ships in the Asia-Pacific.


China has repeatedly said its aspirations in space are for civilian purposes, and says the development of its space station will be for the world's benefit. Officials have said they are open to international cooperation on space missions.


'China's space activities are all for peaceful purposes,' Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Weimin said at a daily press briefing on Friday.


The Shenzhou-9 mission is the latest in a series of high-profile and technology-intensive projects that analysts say are at least partly designed to reinforce the Communist Party's leadership. That's particularly so as it prepares to undergo a sensitive once-a-decade leadership transition beginning late this year.


China's manned space program has achieved moderate success even as some other high-profile government projects--in particular high-speed rail--have been mired by concerns over corruption and safety. China's achievements in space are to some extent comparable to what the U.S. was achieving in the 1960s, but analysts say China is taking a patient approach to manned space development and preparing for a long-term orbital foothold.


Sending a woman into space is important for conducting physiological tests, according to Joan Johnson-Freese, an expert on China's space program at the U.S. Naval War College. Comparative physiological data regarding how men and women cope in space are important before officials press ahead with longer duration human missions, she said.

美国海军战争学院(U.S. Naval War College)研究中国航天项目的专家约翰逊-弗里泽(Joan Johnson-Freese)表示,将女性送入太空对于进行生理测试来说非常重要。她说,有关男女适应太空生活的生理比较数据十分重要,只有在获得这类数据后,官方才会推进持续更长时间的载人航天任务。

Brian Spegele

Brian Spegele


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