1. Don't touch Her Maj.
1. 不要碰女王陛下
This rule dates back to Medieval times, when, as historian Kate Williams puts it, "monarchs were divinely appointed to rule by God, so they were kind of seen as gods, so they demanded to be treated as gods."
2. Don't show up empty handed
2. 见女王不要两手空空
What do you get the woman who already has everything? Sure, the Queen has several homes full of priceless trinkets, but bringing a gift is a must, E! Online reports.
对于已经什么都不会缺的女王来说,你需要送点什么呢?E! Online报道称,虽然女王拥有许许多多无价的饰品,但是见女王还是必须得带礼物。
This gift must also be appropriate to the occasion. So if she's paying a visit to your hometown or country, something which reflects local culture might go down better than W.H. Smith's vouchers.
礼物必须适合见面的场合。如果女王来参观你的家乡或国家,你用代表当地文化的东西作为礼物比W.H. Smith的优惠券合适多了。
3. Stand to attention
3. 立正
You may be dead on your heavily-bunioned feet - but you should always stand when the Queen enters the room.
You may only sit once she's nice and comfy, so keep a close eye on when the Queen sits down herself.
4. Don't just twiddle your thumbs
4. 不要只是杵在那玩大拇指
When the Queen is making a beeline for you, or when you're next in the line to meet her, it's important you either bow or curtsy (depending on whether you're a woman or a man).
5. Don't ignore the dress code
5. 不要忽视穿衣规范
Regardless of how late you're running or how tempting it is to stay in your onesie and slanket combo, make sure you dress accordingly when meeting HRH.
If the event is black tie, wear black tie.
6. Resist the temptation to refer to her by her first name
6. 不要直呼女王的名字
Or, heaven forbid, by a NICKNAME.
While the Royal family may be extremely familiar to us, and while we may have our own nicknames for them, us common folk still aren't on a first name basis with them.
So, when you first meet the Queen she should be addressed as "Your Majesty" and "Ma'am" consequently after.
When she leaves, however, you must address her as "Your Majesty" once again.
7. Only speak if the Queen speaks to you
7. 女王对你讲话你才可以开口
Remember when you were a small child and all your elders would drop wisdom such as "don't speak unless spoken to first" and "children should be seen and not heard"?
The same applies to meeting the Queen.
This rule exists so Her Royal Highness can control every aspect of the conversation - including exiting it swiftly.
8. Don't eat before she does
8. 女王吃你再吃
No matter how tasty and tempting the banquet morsels spread in front you look, you can only start eating once the Queen does.
So perhaps have a quick snack beforehand, in case any speeches go on for a long time.
Oh, and if she has finished eating, you better be full too.
上一篇: 手机的电量越来越少?这并不是你的错觉
下一篇: 关于凯特王妃的第三胎,英国人先掐起架来了
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