一周资讯热词榜,一网打尽trending news。
1. 巡视利剑
Sharp Sword of Inspection
The documentary, named Sharp Sword of Inspection, highlighted the strategy of using inspections as tools to boost clean governance amid the country's unprecedented campaign of fighting corruption.
2013年4月25日,习近平总书记主持中央政治局常委会会议,审议《中央巡视工作领导小组第一次会议研究部署巡视工作情况的报告》,总书记强调,巡视是党章赋予的重要职责,是加强党的建设的重要举措,是从严治党、维护党纪的重要手段,是加强党内监督的重要形式(discipline inspection is an important responsibility under the Party Constitution, a major step to strengthen the Party buildup, significant means to exercise strict governance of the Party and maintain Party discipline, and an important form to improve intra-Party supervision)。
十八大以来,中央12轮巡视共处理来信来访159万件次,与党员干部和群众谈话5.3万人次,发现各类突出问题8200余个。十八届党中央开展了12轮巡视,共巡视277个党组织(launch 12 rounds of inspections at 277 Party organizations),对16个省区市进行了"回头看(reexamination)",对4个中央单位开展了机动式巡视(mobile inspection),兑现了全覆盖的政治承诺。
官商勾结 collusion between government officials and business owners
小官巨腐 corruption by low-level officials who engage in an astonishing number of bribery and money-for-position deals
车房超标 misconduct in government car use and housing allocation for officials
干部亲属利用职权经商谋利 relatives of officials using the officials' influence to seek commercial gains
利用节庆及婚丧嫁娶收受礼金 take festival celebrations and weddings or funerals as opportunities to receive gift money
买官卖官 lobby for promotions or money-for-position deals
搞"小圈子" formation of "small coteries" or factions among officials
贿赂 bribery
勒索 extortion
任人唯亲 cronyism
裙带关系 nepotism
庇护 patronage
以权谋私 influence peddling
贪污 graft/corruption
挪用公款 embezzlement
2. 首次代币发行
Initial Coin Offerings
Chinese authorities on Monday ordered a ban on Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), a nascent form of fundraising in which technology start-ups issue their own digital coins, or "tokens", to investors to access funds as the rapidly expanding market spawned concerns over financial risks.
央行等七部门联合发布公告指出,首次代币发行(Initial Coin Offerings, ICOs)是指融资主体通过代币的违规发售、流通,向投资者筹集比特币、以太币等虚拟货币(virtual currency),本质上是一种未经批准非法公开融资(unauthorized and illegal public fundraising)的行为,涉嫌非法发售代币(illegal selling of tokens)、非法发行证券(illegal issuance of stocks)以及非法集资(illegal fundraising)、金融诈骗(financial fraud)、传销(pyramid scheme)等违法犯罪活动。
公告同时指出,代币或虚拟货币不由货币当局发行,不具有法偿性与强制性等货币属性,不具有与货币等同的法律地位,不能也不应作为货币在市场上流通使用。代币发行融资与交易存在多重风险,包括虚假资产风险(flase asset risk)、经营失败风险(operation failure risk)、投资炒作风险(investment speculation risk)等,投资者须自行承担投资风险,希望广大投资者谨防上当受骗。
目前知名度较高的代币就是比特币(Bitcoin)。比特币是一种在互联网上流通的虚拟货币,它不像传统货币那样由央行(central bank)发行管理,而是完全依托互联网运行,是一种去中心化的加密货币(decentralized crypto-currency)。2013年12月,中国人民银行等五部门发文,将比特币定性为"非货币(non-currency)",要求金融机构、非金融支付平台不得为比特币提供包括托管资金账户在内的多项服务。
区块链 blockchain
庞氏骗局 Ponzi scheme
法定货币 fiat currency
快速赚钱 make a quick buck
3. 逐梦者
US President Donald Trump on Tuesday ended an amnesty for young immigrants brought illegally to the US as minors, triggering protests in Washington and across the nation. This group of some 800,000 undocumented immigrants are often described as "Dreamers".
美国东部时间5日,特朗普正式宣布废除(rescind/scrap/end)"童年入境暂缓遣返"计划(Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, DACA)。这项奥巴马时期的移民政策(Obama-era immigration policy)保护那些在16岁生日以前来到美国的人不被遣返(protect those who entered the country before their 16th birthday from deportation),并赋予他们临时居住和工作的特权(grant them temporary residency and work privileges),但并没有赋予他们美国合法公民的身份。目前这一无证移民(undocumented immigrants)群体共有约80万人,大多数为拉美裔(Hispanic),媒体将他们称为"逐梦者(Dreamers)"。
特朗普在去年竞选时就曾承诺将打击非法移民(crackdown on illegal immigrants),上任后他签署了多项旨在遏制非法移民的行政令(executive order)。此番终止DACA的决定引发了巨大分歧。支持者认为此举能让美国本土雇员受益,反对者认为此举可能损害经济增长(hit economic growth)。2016年民主党总统参选人桑德斯发布推文称,终止DACA将成为"美国现代史上总统做出的最丑恶、最残酷的决定(the ugliest and most cruel decision)"。多名商业领袖也集体发声反对终止该项目,苹果首席执行官库克称:"我有250名同事是'逐梦者'。我与他们同在(I stand with them)。"
申请延期 apply for a renewal
受益人 beneficiary
自掘坟墓的 self-defeating
永久法令 permanent statute
4. 无痛分娩
pain-free delivery
The suicide of a pregnant woman after her plea for a C-section was rejected has sparked a public outcry across China, with people calling for the promotion of pain-free delivery options.
近日,陕西榆林市第一医院孕妇马某某疑似因无法忍受自然分娩的疼痛(be unbearable of the labor pain of natural/spontaneous delivery)跳楼身亡(jump to death)。目前院方和马某某丈夫就多次拒绝为马某某进行剖腹产一事互相推诿责任(blame each other for rejecting Ma's repeated pleas for a C-section)。榆林市卫计局已介入调查此事,马某某的主治医生已被停职,正全力配合警方的调查(Ma's primary doctor was suspended and is cooperating with the police in their investigation)。
自然分娩(natural childbirth/delivery/labor)或许是女性一生中将面临的最剧烈的疼痛。在我国,多数生产采用对疼痛不加干预的自然生产或剖腹产。剖腹产由于使用了硬膜外麻醉(epidural anesthesia)和脊髓麻醉(spinal anesthesia)等技术,通常是无痛的。由硬膜外麻醉或脊髓麻醉协助的无痛阴道分娩(pain-free vaginal delivery)在我国所有分娩中所占比例不到5%,而在美国,85%的阴道分娩采取的是无痛分娩。
广州市妇女儿童医疗中心麻醉科主任宋兴荣表示,无痛分娩对母婴来说都是安全的。硬膜外镇痛(painkiller)的用药量很小,几乎不会到达母体循环(maternal circulation),通过胎盘被胎儿吸收的药物更是微乎其微。宋兴荣称,目前阻碍医院提供无痛分娩的一个主要因素(a major factor that discourages hospitals from providing painless labor)是基本医疗保险(basic medical insurance)未覆盖无痛分娩的费用。
助产药 labor inducing drug
妊娠纹 stretch mark
产后抑郁症 post-natal depression
代孕 surrogacy
试管婴儿 test tube baby
5. 开学第一天
first day at school
Britain's Prince George began his first day at school Thursday.
4岁的乔治王子当日在伦敦西南部的托马斯巴特西学校(Thomas's Battersea school in south-west London)入学,他身着崭新的校服,包括蓝色镶红边V领上衣、藏青色百慕大式短裤(Bermuda shorts)、蓝袜子和一双不系带鞋子(laceless shoes),由父亲威廉王子送至学校。凯特王妃有孕在身且晨吐反应严重(suffer from severe morning sickness),因此未能送儿子上学。只有一位摄影师和摄像师捕捉到乔治王子入学的时刻(when Prince George enters the school, the moment is captured by only one photographer and one cameraman)。威廉王子此前曾请求媒体保持克制,尊重他儿子的隐私(respect his son's privacy)。
据称,乔治王子将进入一个由21名学生组成的班级,他将拥有自己的课桌和有他名字的小挂钩。尽管受到高度关注,但校长托马斯表示,不会给予王室特殊待遇(no special treatment for the royal),但会在许多乔治王子出现的场合予以特殊安排,确保尽可能少的干扰其他学生(ensure as little disruption as possible to other pupils)。据学校官网介绍,该校课程内容多元,包括芭蕾、戏剧、法文、音乐、体育等,尤其注重艺术和体育。教育理念上,该校注重教导孩子要有仁慈心(be kind),重视礼节(etiquette)、有信心、谦逊,施比受更重要。
上学并非英国王室的传统(attending school is not a tradition for the British royal family)。乔治王子的爷爷查尔斯王储小时候就在白金汉宫接受教育,8岁才上学的(be taught at Buckingham Palace before going to school at age of 8)。但威廉王子和哈里王子从小由母亲戴安娜王妃安排上普通幼儿园和小学,让他们尽可能经历和普通孩子一样的成长历程。
王室公务活动 royal engagement
王室职责 royal duty
寄宿学校 boarding school
秋季学期 fall semester
课外活动 extracurricular activity
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