国内英语资讯:Xi calls for more international judicial cooperation-查字典英语网
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国内英语资讯:Xi calls for more international judicial cooperation

发布时间:2019-11-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

BEIJING, Sept. 11 -- The Chinese government attaches great importance to advancing the rule of law, and China is willing to have more judicial cooperation with other countries, according to President Xi Jinping.

Xi made the remarks in a letter of congratulation to the 22nd annual conference and general meeting of the International Association of Prosecutors, which opened Monday morning in Beijing.

"As representatives of the public interest, prosecutors shoulder important responsibilities," Xi said.

He said the annual conference, focusing on prosecution in the public interest and building a safe, fair, harmonious and rule-of-law society, holds significance to the progress of rule of law in countries involved.

Xi stressed the Chinese government attaches great importance to the rule of law and has continuously pushed forward legislation in a scientific way, with strict law-enforcement, judicial justice and law compliance by all citizens.

"China works to ensure the country, the government and society are all under the rule of law," the president said.

Xi said Chinese procuratorates are important players in protecting the national and public interest, as they have the functions of punishing and preventing crime and supervising litigation.

Xi encouraged prosecutors from all around the world to share their experience in protecting the public interest and advancing the rule of law to deepen judicial cooperation.


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