近日一款“肚腩腰包”走红网络,包包的设计师阿尔伯特•普金斯(Albert Pukies)称,因为自己非常渴望拥有肚腩但又担心健康问题,于是决定设计这款可以假装胖子的腰包。普金斯声称,有了这款腰包,任何人都能轻松拥有大肚腩……你觉得这个创意可以给几分?
If, for some reason, you've always dreamed of having a dad bod, but you're also to addicted to exercising and in great shape, you may want to check out "The Dadbag", a fanny pack that doubles as a natural fanny pack.
London-based art director Albert Pukies is one of those few people who actually long for a dad bod, but are also aware of the risks associated with belly fat. So instead of stuffing his face with high-calorie foods, he just came up with an accessory that makes it seem like the wearer is slouching with his belly sticking out from the bottom their shirt. It's basically just an ordinary fanny pack, only it has a realistic belly printed on it, so the dad bod effect is pretty much guaranteed.
"I made the DadBag because I'm desperate to have a dad bod but I'm also very concerned about the health risks associated with it," Albert wrote on Bored Panda. "The solution is quite simple, a bumbag with a proper dad belly printed on it. Now I can put on a dad bod whenever I feel like it and even store my valuables in it."
阿尔伯特在Bored Panda网站上写道:“我设计这款‘爸爸肚’腰包是因为我非常想拥有爸爸肚,但是我也很担心因此带来的健康危害。要解决这个问题很简单,那就是一个印有‘爸爸肚’图案的腰包。现在我随时都可以拥有‘爸爸肚’,还能把贵重物品放在里面。”
And if you're worried about the Dadbag not matching your skin tone and hairiness, don't be. Albert Pukies has already come up with several design variants. All you need is the desire for a dad bod.
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