A four-year investigation into the possible manipulation of the silver market is likely to be dropped after US regulators failed to find enough evidence to support a legal case, according to three people familiar with the situation.
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission announced in September 2010 that it was investigating “complaints of misconduct in the silver market, following a barrage of allegations of manipulation from some precious metals investors.
In 2010, Bart Chilton, a CFTC commissioner, said that he believed there had been “fraudulent efforts to “deviously control the silver price.
2010年,CFTC的一名委员巴特·切尔顿(Bart Chilton)表示,他认为,市场上存在以“欺诈手段“不正当控制白银价格的“做法。
But after taking advice from two external consultancies, the first of which found irregularities on certain trading dates that it believed deserved more analysis, CFTC staff do not have sufficient evidence to bring a case, according to the people familiar with the situation.
The agency’s five commissioners have not yet formally determined the outcome of the investigation, leaving open the possibility that staff could be instructed to dig deeper.
The CFTC said: “The investigation has not reached its conclusion. It declined to comment further.
Ending the probe would infuriate some US silver investors, who claim that a group of large investment banks – in particular, JPMorgan – has conspired to drive the price of silver lower.
“I’m sure it will be met with some concern from a certain group of aggressive silver speculators, said one person familiar with the investigation.
In a recent blog post, Ted Butler, a newsletter publisher and unofficial champion for the silver investors, accused the CFTC of being “negligent in failing to terminate the obvious manipulation ongoing in silver.
在最近一篇博客中,时事通讯发布者、白银投资者的非官方支持者泰德·巴特勒(Ted Butler)指责CFTC“玩忽职守,未能终止白银市场持续存在的显而易见的操纵行为。
The CFTC has analysed more than 100,000 documents and interviewed dozens of witnesses since it began its investigations, it said last year.
The people familiar with the situation said the evidence included records from JPMorgan.
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