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发布时间:2019-11-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编




以下就是商业内幕网的Insider Picks团队收集的十本成功人士写的书,分别阐述了著作者通往成功的技巧和窍门。

"Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance"


For Angela Duckworth, success is not talent-based but persistence- and passion-driven: your "grit." This book promotes the importance of effort over success, and how grit can overcome any circumstances you put in front of it.


"Zero to One"


Peter Thiel's book focuses on disproving the misconception that there are no more frontiers. He preaches a mentality of thinking for yourself in order to find the space and means to innovate and create. The book aims to teach you to ask questions and not just follow in the footsteps of other thinkers.


"The Intelligent Investor"


Abstaining from the usual "can't-fail" strategies pitch, Graham's book focuses on loss minimization, not profit maximization. With Warren Buffet endorsing the book as "the best book on investing ever written," Graham's work has received numerous accolades and awards over the years. This book will take you through investing basics and give you a fundamental understanding of how Wall Street works.


"Rich Dad Poor Dad"


Robert Kiyosaki shares the two influences on his life growing up, one financially unsuccessful and the other fiscally responsible. One of the core themes he came to learn and advocate was that "the poor and middle class work for money" while "the rich have money work for them." Throughout the book, Kiyosaki seeks to teach a level of financial literacy often ignored in formal education.


"The 48 Laws of Power"


This book condenses 3,000 years of history into 48 laws to achieving success. With rules ranging from "Never Outshine the Master" to "Despise the Free Lunch," this book has been used by investors, CEOs, and even celebrities, such as 50 Cent and Busta Rhymes.


"The Millionaire Next Door"


Doctors Stanley and Danko spent 20 years interviewing members of the elite club whose net worth exceeded $1 million. Their findings resulted in seven conclusive rules, ranging from living below your means to choosing your occupation wisely. This book won't teach you investment tips to hit it big, but rather how to lead a lifestyle that creates wealth.


"Awaken the Giant Within"


In "Awaken the Giant Within," Tony Robbins seeks to give you the techniques necessary to take control of your own life. An expert in the psychology of change, Robbins gives you the tools to achieve your peak performance — for your body, relationships, or finances.


"The Richest Man in Babylon"


According to George Clason, common sense is not necessarily common knowledge. With seven simple rules, this book adheres to the school of thought that success is hinged upon lifestyle changes.


"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"


Success is as much an attitude as it is a lifestyle, which is why Covey's anecdotes range from family stories to business conflicts. With themes from self-mastery to being proactive, this book will try to change your attitude and outlook toward finding success.


"Think and Grow Rich"


Originally published in 1937, Napoleon Hill's book is old, but not outdated. The messages in it are not exclusively financial, because Hill does not limit wealth to the confines of monetary worth. With stories from the top businessmen of the time, Hill finds that success is derived as much from personal satisfaction as it is from financial flair.



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