Watch out Qualcomm, Broadcom and AMD. MediaTek’s bid for MStar vaults the Taiwanese chipmakers into fourth place by fabless (that is, designing and selling the chips, but not actually making them) sales. If they can redeploy their research and development overlap and use MediaTek’s market-creating savvy, they could just pose a threat.
MediaTek’sreputation rests on its innovative packaging of full chip “solutions to Chinese makers of cheap phones. After the early iPhone knock-offs, this spawned the legitimate low-cost smartphone industry that has overtaken the high-end market by sales globally. MStar competes (poorly) in phone chips but its strength lies in the television market.
The financial rationale for the merger is simple: keeping up with the Americans is expensive. In its China-leading profits heyday in 2007, MediaTek generated $9 in sales for every $1 spent on R&D. Now it gets $4, in line with the biggies. Operating margins have tumbled from two-fifths to about 14 per cent – still double that of AMD, but only half of Qualcomm. MStar, meanwhile, is still getting an impressive $6 for every R&D dollar. The challenge for the new company will be retaining and refocusing more than 1,000 handset-focused engineers (Nomura estimates) on next-generation projects.
New MediaTek (2011 sales of $4.2bn, compared with $6.6bn for AMD, number three) might not yet have the Americans quaking. After all, its squeezed margins are testament to the power of the biggest: its strong position with Shenzhen’s small phonemakers is being superseded by Qualcomm’s links with the emerging giants and its cut-throat pricing.
Still, MediaTek chairman Tsai Ming-kai is known as a far-sighted thinker. The question is whether he can use his added resources to repeat his China mould-breaking move – and profit before the Americans put the squeeze on once more. After all, MediaTek knows to its cost that it is only as good as its last revolutionary product.
尽管如此,联发科董事长蔡明介(Tsai Ming-kai)以远见灼知闻名。问题是他能否利用自己的新增资源,重复他在中国的打破模式之举,并在美国同行再一次挤压利润率之前获利。毕竟,联发科在付出代价后明白,要评判公司成功与否,只能看它最新一款革命性的产品。
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