国际英语资讯:Iranian diplomat accuses U.S. of depriving Iran of benefits from nuclear deal-查字典英语网
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国际英语资讯:Iranian diplomat accuses U.S. of depriving Iran of benefits from nuclear deal

发布时间:2019-10-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

TEHRAN, Oct. 21 -- A senior Iranian diplomat criticized the United States on Saturday for depriving Iran of the benefits from the 2017 nuclear deal signed between Tehran and the world powers, Press TV reported.

"This negative atmosphere created by the U.S. administration is in fact violation of the JCPOA (official acronym for the nuclear deal). It prevents Iran from benefiting from sanctions lifting," Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi said at a non-proliferation conference in Moscow.

"This is totally unacceptable and it will have consequences," Araqchi said, adding that the JCPOA "should be fully implemented and Iran should benefit from the privileges of this deal, otherwise we would have a serious problem."

The Iranian diplomat, also a member of Iranian nuclear negotiator, further said that the nuclear deal could by no means be re-negotiated as the United States had insisted.

"We do not see any possibility of re-negotiation, for any addition, for any annex, for any add-on, for anything for the JCPOA," Araqchi said.

On Oct. 13, the U.S. President Donald Trump said that he would not certify Iran's compliance with the terms of the JCPOA under a U.S. domestic law, kicking a decision to Congress on whether to restore sanctions against the Islamic Republic.


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