Japanese investment in China recorded a steep drop in October, amid friction between Asia’s two largest economies over a chain of islets in the East China Sea.
According to data from Beijing’s Ministry of Commerce, direct investment by Japanese companies totalled $460m last month, down almost a third from last year’s levels. The sharp fall knocked Japan’s overall direct investment in China to an annual growth rate of 11 per cent, from 17 per cent in the first nine months.
Monthly figures are an imprecise indicator, as investments tend to have long lead-times. But analysts say that the recent escalation of a long-simmering dispute over the Senkaku islands, which China calls the Diaoyu, has given executives cause to rethink the risk of investment in China.
月度数据不是一个精确指标,因为投资项目往往有较长的筹备期。但分析师表示,日中围绕尖阁诸岛(Senkaku islands)——中国称为“钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿——的长期纠纷最近升级,促使企业高管们反思在华投资的风险。
Companies are in a “wait-and-see mode, said a senior official at a government-linked institution in Tokyo. “Their basic investment strategies will not change, but they are looking for a political solution. Many are waiting for signs that their investments in China are safe, and welcome.
Japanese businesses were stunned by widespread damage to their operations in China during riots in September. Some companies say sales have also been badly hit by disruption to Chinese imports from Japan and unofficial Chinese boycotts of Japanese products.
On Tuesday Japan protested against the entry of four Chinese state vessels into territorial waters around the disputed islands, the latest in a series of such challenges to Japanese control of the area since the dispute flared anew.
Meanwhile, big Japanese companies with investments in China are experiencing hold-ups in gaining regulatory approvals for deals. Steelmaker JFE Holdingsand heavy machinery manufacturer IHI Corphave had to delay a merger of shipbuilding units three times, while Marubeni, the trading house, is still awaiting the go-ahead to buy Gavilon of the US – a deal it had said would be cleared by September.
与此同时,在中国有投资的日本大型企业正在交易审批方面遭遇监管部门的拖延。钢铁生产商日本钢铁工程控股公司(JFE Holdings)与重型机械制造商石川岛播磨重工(IHI Corp)已被迫三度延迟造船部门的合并,而贸易商社丸红(Marubeni)仍在等待中国监管部门批准其收购美国谷物贸易商Gavilon的交易。丸红表示,这笔交易本应在9月份就得到放行。
Under a Chinese antimonopoly law in force since 2010, M and A deals must be cleared with authorities if they would lead to combined sales in China of more than Rmb2bn ($321m), or over Rmb10bn worldwide.
According to one M and A banker in Tokyo, seeking antitrust approval has become a “painful process since bilateral relations deteriorated. “Given the environment now, [clearance] is a huge risk. Checking used to be an easy decision. Now deals could be held up indefinitely.
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