Not so long ago, I was asked by a European head of government whether I thought David Cameron would be willing to compromise on increasing the size of the EU budget if, in return, his European partners helped Britain in future treaty negotiations on EU governance. I did not think Mr Cameron would consider the two topics linked. On matters to do with Europe, he tends to live day by day, rather than year to year, and on the budget his hands are tied.
不久前,欧洲的一位政府首脑问我是否认为,戴维·卡梅伦(David Cameron)愿在扩大欧盟(EU)预算规模的问题上妥协,以换取他的欧洲伙伴将来在欧盟治理条约的谈判中帮助英国。在我看来,卡梅伦不会将这两个问题联系起来考虑。在欧洲相关事务上,他倾向于以天为单位做打算,而不是以年为单位做打算;而且,在预算问题上,他的手脚已经被捆住了。
The UK prime minister’s position is starting to attract sympathy among his continental counterparts. But this is not stopping most of them, including Germany, writing off Britain’s future in Europe – much to their regret. Having been angered over last December’s “veto by Mr Cameron, they concluded that Britain was consciously heading for the exit door. They may not think that Mr Cameron has shown much leadership in standing up to his party but the October vote in the House of Commons for a cut in the EU budget demonstrated to them his lack of freedom to manoeuvre. They were also taken aback by Tory bullying and surprised by Labour’s behaviour in supporting them.
Whether this particular tactical alliance will last is questionable. Labour’s leaders are preoccupied by domestic politics, not Europe’s future. They want to turn Mr Cameron into John Major: “weak at home, weak abroad. This generation of Labour leaders is not anti-Europe but it is not anchored as firmly in the pro-EU attitudes of the past. Partly it is an age thing. Memories of the second world war and the cold war drove sentiment in favour of unity. These memories have faded.
这一特别的战术性联盟能否维持下去还很难说。工党领导人一门心思考虑的是国内政治,而不是欧洲的未来。他们想把卡梅伦变为另一个约翰·梅杰(John Major):“在国内和国外均软弱无力。工党的这一代领导人不是反欧盟的,但他们亲欧盟的立场已没有过去那么坚定。在一定程度上,这也许是由岁月造成的。英国人对二战及冷战的记忆过去确曾激发倾向于欧洲统一的情绪,但这些记忆现在已经淡去了。
Now, Labour leaders are also aware of growing eurosceptic public opinion and don’t want to get too far on the wrong side of it. Add to this the temptation of humiliating the prime minister, and bingo!
Nevertheless, there are very few in Labour’s ranks who share the predominant Conservative view that Britain, like Norway, should aspire to a customs union relationship with the EU. Or the delusion of the hardliners that, by not being in the EU, Britain could become master of its own fate. That if only we could take ourselves out of Europe’s mainstream, a wonderful new vista would open up of an offshore Britain, providing a financial and service hub to the rest of Europe, trading freely with the world; a kind of modern-day Hong Kong to Europe’s China. But Britain is not Hong Kong and Europe is not China.
It is some time since I had a conversation with Mr Cameron about Europe but when he came to visit me in Brussels he said two things that struck me at the time. First, that Europe should stop peering into its constitutional navel and get on with doing what it is best at, building continental responses to global problems. Second, that if you put two Conservatives in the same room it will not take them long to fall out over Europe.
Burying Europe is no longer an option for him, but nor is it an option for Ed Miliband, the Labour leader. Together with the Liberal Democrats’ Nick Clegg, they will have to take positions on successive blueprints of EU reform. They will all have to explain their policies. The time for fence-sitting is over.
回避欧洲问题对卡梅伦来说已不再是可行的选择,对工党领袖埃德·米利班德(Ed Miliband)来说也是如此。他们两人以及自由民主党领袖尼克·克莱格(Nick Clegg),都将不得不就欧盟的一连串改革蓝图明确立场,并阐明自己的政策。“骑墙的日子已经一去不复返了。
The difference between the Conservatives on the one hand, and Labour and the Liberal Democrats on the other, is that while the former will seek a wholesale renegotiation of Britain’s place in Europe by means of a “repatriation of powers, the latter will seek reform firmly within the single market. This is the nub of the issue for those who think constructively about Europe: without closing the door on using the single currency, Britain should help stabilise the eurozone through its further integration and ensure Britain’s financial service and other interests are fully safeguarded alongside it.
Formal negotiations on a new treaty are unlikely to get under way until 2015. But what will continue to spook the British debate – and alienate Britain’s EU partners – is the anti-Europeans’ incessant demand, echoed by the eurosceptic press, for an in/out referendum on Britain’s EU membership, regardless of the timetable and before any new EU plan has emerged.
The only justification for a referendum is to allow the people to determine their position after new arrangements have been proposed.
A test of opinion is inevitable, and pro-Europeans need to abandon their complacency about this. They should acknowledge that their case has largely been won by default and that it needs to be re-articulated with fresh vigour. Britain is limbering up for another battle over Europe and those who take a realistic view of its future need to prepare, whichever party they support.
The writer is a former UK business secretary and EU trade commissioner
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