iPhone X产能减半!原因竟然是生产难度大?-查字典英语网
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iPhone X产能减半!原因竟然是生产难度大?

发布时间:2019-10-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

A new report from Nikkei says Apple will only ship half as many iPhone X units as expected in 2017 due to supply constraints .

日经中文网(Nikkei)的一份新报告指出,由于供应商方面的限制,2017年苹果公司能发出的iPhone X只达预期数量的一半。

Nikkei says the company will only be able to ship 20 million phones through the end of December, down from an estimated 40 million previously.

日经中文网表示,到12月月底,苹果公司只能发出2000万部iPhone X,而其先前的预估量为4000万部。

The constraint comes from trouble Apple's supplier is having manufacturing enough of the components used in the iPhone X’s new facial recognition tech. The report goes on to say that Apple is able to make only 10 million units per month.

苹果公司供货量的限制是因为其供应商的问题,为苹果公司供应新版面部识别功能配件的厂商无法为苹果提供足够的配件。该报告还指出,苹果公司每月只能生产1000万部iPhone X。

Apple's CEO Tim Cook has finally spoken out about rumours of delays on the new iPhone X. He has suggested that people might have to wait for some time until they actually get hold of them.

苹果公司总裁蒂姆·库克最终谈及了新款iPhone X延迟发货的传言。他表明,在人们真正拿到iPhone X之前,他们也许不得不等上一段时间。

Asked in an interview about whether the rumours of stock shortages are true and how to prepare customers for long wait times, Mr Cook said "we'll see what happens".


"But we'll be working as hard as possible to make as many as possible," he continued.“

但是我们会尽可能地努力工作以便生产出尽可能多的iPhone X,”他继续说道。

Preorders for the iPhone X begin this Friday, October 27. The device goes on sale on Friday, November 3.

iPhone X将于本周五(10月27日)开始预售,并将于11月3日星期五正式上市。


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