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发布时间:2013-02-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

How else does one make sense of Wednesday’s announcement that non-residents in Hong Kong will be allowed to convert unlimited amounts of renminbi at a time when the PBoC is also making efforts to push it down relative to the dollar?

香港金融管理局(Hong Kong Monetary Authority)日前宣布,非香港居民将可以兑换不限数量的人民币。而与此同时,中国央行(PBoC)还在努力压低人民币兑美元汇率。对于这两件事,人们能从中品味出其它含义吗?

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority’s announcement suggests continuing incremental steps in the Chinese central bank’s efforts to internationalise the renminbi; while letting it decline relative to the dollar suggests a return to policies that favour China’s exporters and annoy the?US?and others.


The renminbi has been declining over the past several days. The pressure to push it down is coming as growth slows in the?economy.


The HKMA announcement suggests that at least Hong Kong will remain a pre-eminent?place for?experiments to free up the currency. Hitherto, local residents have been free to convert Rmb20,000 a day. The latest gambit takes this further for expatriates living in Hong Kong but the question remains how many will rush to take up this opportunity.


It is precisely because the renminbi is not appreciating against the dollar this year that Hong Kong citizens, always game for a punt on a currency or a horse, have been less eager to put money in the currency.


Large banks have also been able to offer payroll in renminbi in the city but there have been few takers.


What this one step forward and two steps backward approach suggests is that, for the medium term, China’s efforts to free up the renminbi will remain somewhat confused.


When growth slows for the country’s exports sector, China’s policy makers revert to usual form and favour their exporters.


While the move to allow non-residents to convert unlimited amounts of renminbi was eye-catching, less noticed but arguably more significant was a report from a provincial economic planning authority that said nearly a quarter of the large and medium-sized?enterprises in the country’s most export-oriented?province,?Guangdong, reported losses in the first five months.


Shrinking orders from customers overseas means fewer jobs for the country’s migrant workers, who might turn restive in its heavily populated coastal cities.


This makes China’s policy makers understandably nervous. This might explain why the PBoC has been setting the mid-point of the renminbi’s trading band lower in the past few days, even as much of the world believes the currency is at least moderately undervalued, as the IMF noted?on Wednesday.


Internationalising the renminbi via Hong Kong is one thing, freeing the currency is an altogether larger challenge. In a command economy, it was always overly optimistic to have believed otherwise.



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