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发布时间:2013-02-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Senior government figures are discussing the possibility of buying out private investors in Royal Bank of Scotland and fully nationalising it amid mounting frustration at banks’ failure to lend to businesses.

英国政府高官们正在讨论如下可能性:收购苏格兰皇家银行(Royal Bank of Scotland)被私人投资者持有的股份,并将该行完全国有化。此事发生之际,政府对银行不愿向企业放贷越发失望。

Cabinet ministers are having conversations about whether to spend about £5bn buying up the 12 per cent of the bank the government does not own, although George Osborne, chancellor, is opposed.

内阁部长们正在讨论是否斥资约50亿英镑收购苏格兰皇家银行中未被政府持有的12%股份,不过英国财政大臣乔治·奥斯本(George Osborne)反对该提议。

The fact that ministers and officials are considering the proposal, which would mean taxpayers taking full responsibility for the bank’s toxic debts, shows how exasperated they have become at barriers they believe banks are placing on lending.


Some at the top of government believe the Treasury’s various schemes to free up credit, the latest of which it launched yesterday, have not worked, and forcing RBS to lend more is the only way to push the banks into action. This would mean directing the bank to increase its lending to companies, which would be open to legal challenge by the remaining shareholders. The only way to get around this, say some ministers, is to buy out those shareholders.


One official said: “This is a conversation that takes place all the time. Another said the calls for nationalisation had grown after the dire second-quarter UK growth figures and the ongoing problems RBS was having with clearing up its balance sheet.


However, several people close to RBS said the prospect of full nationalisation was unlikely. They also questioned how the government would force the bank to lend more to small businesses without saddling the taxpayer with excessive risks.


The move would be a dramatic reversal of government policy since it first took a stake in the bank in 2010.


But, as the bank struggles to return to profitability and with a share sale looking further away than ever, some at the top of government are advocating abandoning the existing policy.


RBS is expected to announce pre-tax losses tomorrow of about £1.5bn in the first six months of the year. The case for nationalising RBS has been given further weight by concerns over its balance sheet, which ministers say is proving more difficult to clean up than first expected.


The Treasury remains hostile to the idea of full nationalisation. The department said: “We are committed to repairing and returning RBS to full health so that it is able to support the UK economy in the future, and the current strategy is working to achieve that. The government’s policy has always been to return RBS to the private sector, but only when it delivers value for money for the taxpayer.


Full nationalisation would be fraught with risks and complications. Apart from exposing the taxpayer to increased risk, it is also likely to need clearance from the European Union to avoid breaching state aid rules.



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