国内英语资讯:Spotlight: China, Vietnam agree to deepen partnership under new circumstances-查字典英语网
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国内英语资讯:Spotlight: China, Vietnam agree to deepen partnership under new circumstances

发布时间:2019-10-28  编辑:查字典英语网小编

HANOI, Nov. 12 -- China and Vietnam agreed here Sunday to deepen their comprehensive strategic cooperation under new circumstances.

During their talks, visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, and Nguyen Phu Trong, general secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee, spoke positively of the two countries' development achievements and agreed to carry forward, preserve and promote the traditional friendship between China and Vietnam.

Xi is on a state visit to the Southeast Asian country. Before flying to Hanoi, he just concluded a busy two-day stay in Vietnam's central city of Da Nang, where he attended the 25th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting.

The two leaders also agreed to pursue a friendly policy toward each other and continuously boost the China-Vietnam comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership so as to bring more benefits to the two peoples.

Xi briefed Trong on the 19th CPC National Congress held in Beijing last month, while Trong introduced to Xi the progress the CPV and his country have made.

China and Vietnam are close neighbors connected by mountains and rivers, good friends sharing weal and woe, good comrades with similar ideals and beliefs, and good partners for win-win cooperation, Xi said.

Since the two nations established their diplomatic ties 67 year ago, the China-Vietnam traditional friendship started by the older generations of two countries' leaders has been continuously consolidated and promoted.

Xi commended the positive progress made in bilateral ties, which have seen close high-level exchanges and ever deepening cooperation in various fields.

Currently, both China and Vietnam are at a crucial period of reform and development and they are also facing historic opportunities for advancing both domestic development and bilateral relations, said the Chinese leader.

Xi called on the two sides to attach importance to the overall interests of the two parties and the two countries, proceed from the fundamental interests of the two peoples, and carry forward the fine tradition of weathering hard times together, so as to open a new chapter in China-Vietnam relations.

He expressed the hope that the two nations will work hand in hand to achieve common prosperity and seek common development on the road forward.

The Chinese president extended congratulations on the great achievements Vietnam has made in its cause of reform and opening-up in the past 30 years.

Xi said he believes that under the strong leadership of the CPV Central Committee led by Trong, the fraternal Vietnamese people will surely be able to create a better future for the cause of socialist construction.

For his part, Trong conveyed warm congratulations on the successful conclusion of the 19th CPC National Congress as well as on Xi's re-election as general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and his being established as the core of the CPC leadership.

Vietnam, Trong said, is grateful to China for the tremendous help it has offered to Vietnam's national liberation and development, and supports China playing a bigger role in international and regional affairs.

The Vietnamese side highly appreciates China's achievements in economic and social development and its positive contribution to regional development, he said.

Vietnam welcomes Xi's proposition of building a community with a shared future for mankind, which shows China's global vision and responsibility as a major country, he added.

Vietnam, he said, is ready to work with China to deepen their traditional friendship and comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, so as to benefit the people of both countries and contribute to regional peace and prosperity.

In the talks, the two leaders noted that China and Vietnam are neighbors enjoying a long history of friendship and both are socialist countries under the leadership of Communist parties.

They agreed that the two countries have the same political systems and similar development paths, and their future is closely connected.

They pointed out that China and Vietnam should learn from each other and seek common development, so as to inject new vitality into their respective socialist construction causes, push for sustained, healthy and steady development of their partnership, and jointly contribute to regional peace, stability and prosperity.

The two leaders agreed to maintain the tradition of high-level exchanges, firmly adhere to a friendly policy toward each other, enhance strategic communication and political mutual trust, and properly deal with differences, so as to lead China-Vietnam relations to move in the right direction.

Sharing a unique bond, the two sides pledged to deepen party-to-party exchanges and step up exchanges of experience in governance of party and state.

They also agreed to make good use of the China-Vietnam steering committee on cooperation to enhance exchanges and cooperation at various levels and among such departments as diplomacy, defense and public security.

On development initiatives, the two sides agreed to earnestly implement cooperation documents on jointly carrying out the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative and Vietnam's "Two Corridors and One Economic Circle" plan.

They pledged concerted efforts to promote regional economic links and connectivity, secure practical results in such cooperation areas as economy and trade, industrial capacity, investment, infrastructure and monetary finance, and push forward the construction of cross-border economic cooperation zones as well as cooperation in agriculture, environment, science and technology, and transportation.

The two sides also vowed to expand cooperation in culture, education, media, health, youth-related affairs and tourism, and bring the Chinese Cultural Center in Hanoi and the Vietnam-China Friendship Palace into operation as early as possible, so as to further consolidate the public support for China-Vietnam friendship.

Moreover, the two sides agreed to properly handle maritime issues, promote maritime cooperation in various forms, including joint development, and strive to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea, on the basis of the consensus the leaders of the two parties and countries have reached.

The two sides also agreed to cement coordination within international and regional frameworks such as the United Nations, APEC, the Asia-Europe Meeting and the China-ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations) and Lancang-Mekong cooperation mechanisms.

The Chinese side expressed congratulations to Vietnam on the successful APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting and pledged to work with Vietnam and all other parties to make positive contributions to the economic integration, development and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region.

After the talks, Xi and Trong witnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding on joint implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative and Vietnam's "Two Corridors and One Economic Circle" plan, as well as a series of cooperation documents in such areas as industrial capacity, energy, cross-border economic cooperation zone, e-commerce, human resources, economy and trade, finance, culture, health, media, social science, and border defense.

Ahead of the talks, Xi attended a grand welcome ceremony hosted by Trong with full military honors and a 21-gun salute.

Upon his arrival at the Presidential Palace, Xi was welcomed by Trong and greeted by a cheerful crowd wearing traditional clothes and waving the flags of the two countries.


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