The recent announcement that the China Securities Regulatory Commission is expanding quotas for foreign investment sends a clear message to international investors that the Chinese government is committed to opening up its capital markets further. The amount available for qualified foreign institutional investors, or QFII, was raised by $50bn, taking the total to $80bn, an unprecedented step for the Chinese authorities.
The QFII programme has been in existence since 2002 and is the only way for overseas investors to get access to China’s growing domestic A-shares market. Listed on two exchanges in Shanghai and Shenzhen, A-shares are denominated in renminbi and almost entirely owned by domestic investors. Far from a being a niche local market, the total A-shares market is the second largest in the world, with only the New York Stock Exchange surpassing it.
Of course this is not the only way of investing in Chinese equities: overseas investors are familiar with the H-shares and red chips traded on the Hong Kong market, which are freely accessible to international investors, but these are much smaller compared with A-shares, which make up over 75 per cent of Chinese market capitalisation.
Following several decades of strong economic growth, the population is getting wealthier. The future growth trajectory for the Chinese economy should be less dependent on exports (“Made in China) and more dependent on domestic consumption (“Made for China). Whereas in the past Chinese manufacturers have focused on producing goods as cheaply as possible, this shift should mean the emphasis will move to more value-added industries, including IT, healthcare and consumer services.
Because of the size and diversity of the market, A-shares have more exposure to these important trends than offshore Chinese equity markets. There are more than 2,000 companies listed on the A-share market, among them some of the fastest growing in the world. The H-share market, meanwhile, has fewer than 200 issues, concentrated in energy, telecoms and financial services. These sectors have driven much of China’s growth in the past, but are less exposed to future domestic growth.
In order to get permission to trade in China’s A-share market, qualifying overseas institutions need to apply for a QFII licence, and are then assigned a quota; 142 companies have been awarded a QFII licence so far, with quotas worth $22.2bn, as of January.
With exciting opportunities come challenges and risks. The China A-share market is heavily regulated and still relatively closed to international capital flows. This means government policy can still play a large part in influencing investor sentiment and the market’s performance. In addition, corporate governance and accounting policies are often a cause for concern for overseas investors. The risks in this area can be mitigated by working with an investment manager with on-the-ground research capabilities and access to local management.
While China’s status as an economic powerhouse is well established, its size is not yet reflected in global equity indices.
Because of the restrictions placed on overseas investors, at present Chinese equities make up only 2 per cent of the MSCI Global index. Fast forward 10 years, and they are predicted to make up around 9 per cent of the index.
由于中国对海外投资者施以种种限制,中国股目前仅占摩根士丹利资本国际全球指数(MSCI World index)的2%。若将时间快进到10年后,届时中国股占该指数的比例预计将达到约9%。
This structural shift will be driven by organic market growth and the internationalisation of the A-share market. By this point the asset class is likely to be one that institutional investors cannot ignore.
Underpinning the long-term story, the short-term outlook also looks positive. Having historically traded at a premium to the H-share market, following a tough couple of years, the A-share market is now trading at potentially attractive levels.
Price/book valuations are close to historic lows, even though corporate profitability is improving structurally. At the same time, the macro-economic background looks supportive, as inflation is falling and the policy easing cycle has begun.
The Chinese government has sent its strongest signal yet that it is willing to open up more to overseas capital inflows. Institutional investors would do well to take a closer look at this unique opportunity.
Steve Lee is chief executive of HSBC Jintrust Fund Management (China)
本文作者为汇丰晋信基金管理公司(HSBC Jintrust Fund Management(China))总经理
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