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发布时间:2013-02-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

China has opened a new area of alternative investments to the country’s insurance companies, giving them a wider range of options to boost returns after enduring several difficult years.


Chinese insurers will now be allowed to invest in high-yielding wealth management and trust products as well as asset-backed securities, some of the more profitable but also riskier investments available in China.


In the past Chinese regulators had sought to limit risk-taking by insurers, largely confining their investments to equities, ultra-safe bonds and bank deposits. But that approach has proved dangerous as insurers’ investment profits have dwindled and they have struggled to attract new customers.


Highlighting the challenges, China Life, the world’s largest insurer by market value, last week reported a net loss in the third quarter, its first quarterly loss since 2010 as weak capital markets took their toll. It has issued profit warnings before each of its earnings statements this year.

全球市值最高的保险公司中国人寿(China Life)身上就突显出这一挑战。上周中国人寿发布财报称,由于资本市场疲软,第三季度出现净亏损——这是自2010年以来该公司的首个季度亏损。今年以来,中国人寿每次发布财报前都会发布盈利预警。

Chinese insurers manage Rmb6.9tn ($1.1tn) in assets overall, about 10 times as much as a decade ago. Although that would be remarkably fast growth for most other countries, it has been relatively sluggish in China, especially over the past few years. Trust companies, loosely regulated groups that securitise loans, have grown much more quickly and could soon surpass insurers in terms of asset size, according to a recent report by KPMG.


The loosening of investment guidelines will give insurers more ammunition to fight back.


They will now be permitted to invest up to 30 per cent of their assets in financial products, a category that the regulator defined as including wealth management products, trust products and asset-backed securities. Many of these are based on high-yielding loans to property developers, companies that are coming under intense pressure as the government tries to rein in property prices.



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