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发布时间:2013-02-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The old joke that UBSstands for “U’ve Been Sacked was doing the rounds on trading floors yesterday as the Swiss bank confirmed plans to cut 10,000 jobs as part of a radical restructuring to slim down its investment banking division.

有个老笑话称,瑞银(UBS)的缩写代表“你被炒了(U’ve Been Sacked),这个笑话昨日在交易大厅再度流传,这家瑞士银行证实其计划裁减1万人,作为缩减该行投行部门的大幅度重组的一部分。

UBS was one of the most popular trends on Twitter as the blogosphere flooded with comments in several languages, describing the shock and resentment of staff. Many claimed they only found out they had been fired because their passes had been deactivated. “Whole desks are gone and there are people stood outside without access to the building, one tweeter wrote, describing the scene at the bank’s London office.


Another said UBS bankers’ passes in London did not work on arrival: “They are sent into a special room and told they are on special leave.


One London-based fixed income banker recounted how she was first alerted to losing her job when her email kept bouncing back yesterday morning. “It would be inappropriate to say anything about the rather devastating manner of how this has taken place, the banker said.


UBS has started a consultation process for 100 traders in fixed income, which included one-on-one meetings with a human resources representative.


There will be a two-week period during which employees can apply to work in another part of the bank, such as asset management, although it is unlikely many would be redeployed.


One headhunter said the cull, which has affected all parts of UBS from investment banking to sales and trading and commercial paper, was “extraordinary and very brutal.


Cary Cooper, a professor at Organizational Psychology and Health at Lancaster University, said a company should not start job cuts on the day of a restructuring announcement. “This is bad for the ones who leave because they will badmouth the organisation and it is bad for the survivors because they will think they will be next.

英国兰卡斯特大学(Lancaster University)组织心理学和健康教授卡里·库伯(Cary Cooper)表示,企业不应在宣布重组的当日开始裁员。“这对离开的人不好,他们会讲公司的坏话,对留下的人也不好,因为他们会认为下回会轮到他们。

However Axel Weber, UBS’ chairman, countered that “dealing with our employees in a respectful and adequate fashion means that we cannot leave them in uncertainty about what is coming over the next three years.

不过,瑞银董事长埃克塞尔·韦伯(Axel Weber)反驳称,“以尊重和适当的方式对待我们的雇员意味着,我们不能让他们对未来三年期间将要发生的事处于不确定状态。

Several bankers commented on how the cull was worse than 2010 at the peak of the financial crisis, when the bank was forced to cut thousands after suffering billions of euros of losses from the credit crisis. “UBS jobs losses not a nip and tuck – it’s butchery, one tweet said.


Others poked fun at Sergio Ermotti, chief executive of UBS, who had earlier reassured investors that, “our people will be supported and treated with care.

还有些人则拿瑞银首席执行官塞尔吉奥·埃尔默蒂(Sergio Ermotti)取笑,此前埃尔默蒂曾向投资者保证,“我们的员工将得到支持,得到关爱的对待。

Traders at a rival bank in the City of London said the widespread feeling was that the restructuring was more about self-empowerment and self-aggrandising by the management than about a long-term strategy.


One trader questioned if UBS would have the balance sheet in its future slimmed-down investment bank to compete in business areas such as the underwriting of large rights issues. “This will be like a quote from the film Top Gun: Your ego is writing cheques that your body can’t cash.

一名交易员质疑道,瑞银未来瘦身后的投行是否将拥有足够的资产负债表,以便在承销大规模配股等业务领域展开竞争?“借用电影《壮志凌云》(Top Gun)中的一句话:你的自大在写支票,而你的身体却兑现不了。

The job cuts, which will be implemented over the next three years, will reduce UBS’s 64,000 payroll by 16 per cent and are aimed at saving $3.6bn.


In Switzerland, the news reopened a longstanding cultural rift between wealth management and investment banking. Inside Paradeplatz, the most popular news outlet for Zurich-based bankers, had a banner on its homepage stating: “Go to the barricades, Swiss bankers! The losers of the UBS big bang are the Anglo Saxons; they are going on a hunt for the jobs in wealth management.

在瑞士,这条消息再度揭开财富管理与投行部门长期存在的文化隔阂。在常驻苏黎世的银行家们最喜欢的资讯媒体Inside Paradeplatz的网站主页,一条标语称:“瑞士银行家们,快点筑起路障!瑞银大改组的输家是盎格鲁-撒克逊人;他们将转向财富管理部门谋职。

But while some of UBS’s London staff were blocked from entering the bank’s offices, its US employees in the New York, Stamford and Weehawken offices were barred from coming to work for entirely other reasons: hurricane Sandy, which swept across the northeast coast.



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