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发布时间:2013-02-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

In a blue-collar suburb of Detroit, an old school has been converted into a dormitory for 88 students from China. Just outside Philadelphia, four Chinese teenagers live with a teacher while attending another school.


Chinese families are sending their children overseas to study in larger and larger numbers, and at younger and younger ages. The shift is partly due to dissatisfaction with the gruelling gaokao college entrance exam.


Mao Ruoqing, who sent his daughter to study outside Philadelphia aged 16, says “studying in China is too hard. His daughter Chuyun says she would not mind taking the Chinese exam but her father is vehement: “I went through it, I know what gaokao is about: you waste too much time on fruitless things.


More than 1m Chinese students seem to agree. This year, only 9.15m took the exam, compared with 10.5m in 2010. The Chinese education ministry says 20 per cent of the reduction is explained by overseas study. International schools in China are not an option for most students because of government restrictions on domestic enrolment.


“It is such a pain to take the college entrance exam – you spend a whole year studying a little bit of knowledge over and over again, and then you forget all of it in two years’ time, Lu Kaitong, now a freshman at University of Southern California, says in a documentary about overseas student life made by film-maker He Jiayin.

如今已是南加州大学(University of Southern California)大一新生的卢哲凯在一部有关留学生生活的纪录片(该片导演是贺嘉颖)中说:“高考对我来说是件痛苦的事,我不想花一整年时间去复习这些不断重复的知识,然后过两年又把它们忘掉。

The Chinese mainland is the world’s largest source of students studying outside their home country. Last year there were 340,000, a figure that has risen more than 20 per cent a year for the past several years, according to figures from the education ministry.


But the number of younger students is rising even faster. Pre-university numbers rose 30 per cent last year according to official statistics, which do not give a total. Attitudes are also changing. A recent poll of China’s notoriously overprotective parents, published in state media, showed that many now believe high school is the best time to study overseas.


Chen Wenjing of New Oriental Vision Overseas Consulting in Shanghai, which trains and places children for overseas study, says parents who want their children to study abroad often start as early as kindergarten with bilingual education. “The sooner the children go to study in America, the more quickly they adapt to the life and culture there, she says – and that gets them into better universities.

上海的新东方前途出国(New Oriental Vision Overseas Consulting)是一家留学培训及服务机构,该公司的陈文静(音译)表示,那些打算让孩子出国留学的家长,往往从孩子上幼儿园起就让他们接受双语教学。陈文静说:“越早去美国学习,越快适应那里的生活和文化。而更快适应,就能申请到更好的大学。

Students these days are less affluent too. Last year, three-quarters of Chinese students abroad came from families with income below Rmb300,000 ($47,000) a year, an upper middle class income in the biggest cities.


The shift comes as Chinese families are also emigrating, or considering it, in larger numbers. China last year overtook the UK to become the largest source of Australian immigrants.


Most expect overseas education to guarantee a good job, but a recent survey of the richest 100 Chinese born after 1980 showed only six studied overseas.


Additional reporting by Yan Zhang

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