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发布时间:2013-02-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Canada intends to block the planned $5.3bn acquisition of Calgary-based Progress Energy Resourcesby Petronasof Malaysia, its industry minister said, throwing into doubt the country’s attitude to foreign takeovers.

加拿大工业部长表示,加拿大有意否决马来西亚国家石油公司(Petronas) 53亿美元收购总部位于卡尔加里的Progress Energy Resources的计划。此举意味着加拿大对外资收购的态度产生变数。

Christian Paradis issued a statement on Friday night saying he had written to Petronas, the government-owned Malaysian oil and gas company, saying he was “not satisfied that the proposed investment is likely to be of net benefit to Canada.

克里斯琴·帕拉迪斯 (Christian Paradis)在上周五晚发布一份声明称,他已致函马来西亚国家石油公司,表示他“未能满意地得出结论认为,拟议的投资可能给加拿大带来净效益。

The decision raised questions over other takeovers, particularly the planned $15bn acquisition of Nexen, a Canadian oil company, by Cnooc, which is controlled by the Chinese government.

这个决定使其它收购交易产生变数,尤其是中国政府控股的中海油(Cnooc) 150亿美元收购加拿大石油企业尼克森(Nexen)的计划。

Petronas did not immediately respond to a request for comment but it now has 30 days to try to change the minister’s mind, or the decision will be confirmed. Mr Paradis did not give any reason for his decision and insisted in his statement that “the government of Canada remains committed to maintaining an open climate for investment.


If the Petronas acquisition of Progress is finally blocked by the Canadian government, other large international companies are likely to be interested. The rejection of Petronas dramatically lowers the chances of approval for Cnooc’s $15bn acquisition of Nexen, according to analysts.


“If they can reject Petronas, it doesn’t look good for Cnooc, said Laban Yu, an energy analyst at Jefferies in Hong Kong.

“如果他们可以拒绝马来西亚国家石油公司,那么对中海油来说形势不妙,投行杰富瑞(Jefferies)在香港的能源分析师Laban Yu表示。

“The Nexen deal doesn’t have public support?.?.?.?The Harper government is supposedly for the deal, but they are willing to be swayed by public opinion because [Cnooc] is a state-owned company.


The Canadian government is set to issue a decision on November 11 on whether or not Cnooc’s friendly acquisition of Nexen, which was first announced in July, will be approved. Shareholders of both Nexen and Cnooc have already approved the deal.


Cnooc has structured the Nexen deal in a way that seeks to maximise its appeal to Canadian regulators. The deal includes a promise by Cnooc to retain all Nexen staff, to move Cnooc’s North American headquarters to Calgary, and to consider a secondary listing on the Toronto stock exchange.


“On this transaction it was a priority from the very beginning to understand not only what the [legal] requirements were, but also to understand what the government and the industries require, said a person close to the deal, in comments made before the Petronas rejection was known.


Cnooc said the company had no comment about the Canadian decision on Petronas-Progress. “As for the Nexen transaction, our regulatory application is proceeding normally, it said.



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