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发布时间:2013-02-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Technology for detecting cancer cells in blood, developed in Singapore, took the top prize in The Wall Street Journal's Asian Innovation Awards, which were announced Tuesday.


The second prize went to light, flexible padding for body armor, also from Singapore, while an outsourcing company bringing jobs to rural India came in third.


The three winners reflect some of the broader issues that the Asian-Pacific region's entrepreneurs are trying to tackle, such as health-care-related challenges and ways to improve the living conditions of the underprivileged in emerging economies.


This year, the Journal received more than 240 applications. A team of Journal editors narrowed the pool to 52, before an independent panel of judges from the private sector and academia worked with the editors to select 12 finalists.


From among the 12 finalists, the judges chose the Gold, Silver and Bronze Prize winners, as well as the Technopreneur of the Year award for an entry that best applies technology with the greatest potential for commercial success.

在这12个晋级决赛的申请者中,评审团选出金奖、银奖和铜奖得主,并将“年度科技企业奖(Technopreneur of the Year)授予能够最好地将技术用于实际、有着最大商业成功潜力的申请者。

One of the prominent themes among this year's applicants was how to find solutions to health-care-related problems, often linked to social issues such as population aging, economic disparity and poverty.


'Some of this year's participants were quite experienced and polished, while others demonstrated a lot of enthusiasm,' said Pindar Wong, chairman of technical consulting firm VeriFi (Hong Kong) Ltd., who served on the panel of five judges.

技术咨询公司VeriFi (Hong Kong) Ltd.主席Pindar Wong说,今年一些参选者经验非常丰富、技术非常成熟,另外一些参选者则显示出极大的热情。Wong是评审团的五位成员之一。

'Those are both equally important qualities for entrepreneurs,' Mr. Wong said. 'We are seeing more maturity and diversity.'


Still, finishing lines are still quite far for Asian entrepreneurs, he said.


'In Asia, we have less experience and entrepreneurial depth compared with Silicon Valley, so this will take time,' he said.


While some applicants deal with health-care issues that are closely tied to socioeconomic conditions specific to their countries, Singapore-based Clearbridge BioMedics Pte., whose entry won the Gold Prize as well as the Technopreneur of the Year award, is contributing to world-wide efforts to detect and fight cancer.

一些申请者研究的是与其所在国家的具体社会经济状况密切相关的问题,而新加坡的Clearbridge BioMedics Pte.则为世界范围的癌症检测及抗癌努力做出贡献。该公司赢得了金奖及年度科技企业奖。

Clearbridge said it is developing a way to isolate circulating tumor cells -- stodgy cancer cells that spill out of the malignant tumor and flow into the bloodstream -- using a biochip that it says will physically trap such cells with its microscopic structure.


Those cancer cells in the bloodstream could provide clues about the spread of the disease and possibly help in early detection, scientists say.


Clearbridge -- spun off from the National University of Singapore, which provided funding for the venture -- hasn't yet run clinical trials for the ClearCell biochip, but plans to do so within the next year.

Clearbridge是从新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore)分立出来的,由该校提供资金。该公司尚未对ClearCell生物芯片进行临床试验,但计划未来一年中将开展此类试验。

Nanotechnology, or microscopic engineering techniques, is opening up many new possibilities in the field of biomedical research, said Clearbridge Managing Partner Johnson Chen.

Clearbridge执行合伙人Johnson Chen说,纳米技术(又名显微工程技术)正在为生物医学研究领域带来很多新的可能。

'Our results so far have been promising, but the key test for us now is how this technology works in the real world,' Mr. Chen said.


To improve the biochip, the company is working with medical researchers in the U.S., Europe and Asia, he said.


The Silver Prize went to Sofshell Pte. Ltd., another Singapore-based startup, which has developed body-armor padding using lightweight material that is soft under normal conditions but hardens upon impact.

银奖获得者是新加坡的另一家初创企业Sofshell Pte. Ltd.。该公司研发出避弹衣夹层使用的填充物。这种填充物由一种轻质材料制成。这种材料在正常情况下是柔软的,但遇到撞击就会变硬。

The company, spun off from the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering at Singaporean government research agency A*STAR, says the material enables the wearer to maneuver more easily, without sacrificing the level of protection.

该公司说,这种材料令穿戴者活动更方便,同时又不会降低对穿戴者的保护程度。该公司是从新加坡政府研究机构A*STAR下属材料研究与工程研究所(Institute of Materials Research and Engineering)剥离出来的。

Possible applications include sportswear as well as police and military body-armor products. Other than protecting the human body, the material could also be used for protective cases for electronics devices and other fragile items, the company says.


Sofshell is now building a full-scale production line for protective equipment in Singapore and expects the facility to be ready by the end of March.


Securing funding is always a challenge, but the Singapore government has been 'very supportive,' said Chief Executive Elgin Yap.

该公司首席执行长Elgin Yap说,获得资金始终是一个挑战,但新加坡政府一直非常支持。

The company plans to manufacture military body-armor products as well as hip protectors for the elderly.


'We see a lot of potential because the needs for products designed for elderly people aren't restricted to Singapore or Asia,' Mr. Yap said.


Another common theme among this year's applicants was how businesses could help create opportunities for underprivileged communities.


RuralShores Business Services Pvt., the winner of the Bronze Prize, runs outsourcing services such as data entry, bookkeeping and expenses at offices in small towns and villages in India, providing rural youth with job opportunities.

铜奖得主RuralShores Business Services Pvt专门在印度的小村镇经营数据录入、办公室记账和费用支出等外包服务。这些服务给农村青年提供了就业机会。

While most outsourcing firms in India operate in urban centers, some, like RuralShores, are trying to take advantage of untapped talent in rural areas, allowing local youth to find jobs without relocating to cities. Still, such operations often face difficulties because of underdeveloped infrastructure, particularly Internet connectivity and power supply.


RuralShores now has 12 work centers, and its aim is to increase the number to 100 over the next five years.


To achieve that goal, one of the key tasks is to ease clients' concerns about potential problems of rural operations.


'In India, many companies still associate rural villages primarily with poor connectivity and power, instead of focusing on cost advantages,' said Amit Maini, head of operations at RuralShores.

RuralShores的运营主管麦尼(Amit Maini)说,在印度,很多企业仍然将农村地区和上网难、电力供应不稳联系在一起,而不是关注农村地区的成本优势。

The company uses backup systems to make its services more secure and reliable, while providing potential customers with data showing proven track records at rural work centers.


Entries for the awards came from all around Asia. Of the 12 finalists announced in August, three were from Singapore, while another three came from India and another three from Hong Kong.


The other three finalists were from the Philippines, Pakistan and Australia.


The judges were selected by journalists at The Wall Street Journal, and coverage of the event and its winners is the sole responsibility of the Journal's news department.



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