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发布时间:2013-02-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

A freak storm in China’s capital that killed at least 37 people over the weekend has sparked anger and raised questions over poor urban infrastructure in the world’s second-largest -economy.


The violent rainstorm, the worst Beijing has seen in more than six decades, according to city authorities, dumped an average of 17cm of rain on the Chinese capital on Saturday. Flash floods temporarily paralysed the city, shutting down most transport and leaving 80,000 people stranded at the airport on Saturday night.


Most of Beijing was dry and functioning normally by Sunday morning, which some residents said was proof that the city handled the floods well. But others saw the floods as evidence of Beijing’s failure to upgrade its drainage systems despite the billions of renminbi spent beautifying and improving the capital in recent years.


“We are paying for the problems in urban construction and management with human lives, wrote one user on Sina Weibo, China’s equivalent to Twitter. “This price is too high.


China’s breakneck economic growth has been punctuated by tragic accidents that underscore the poor quality of much of the infrastructure that is being built. Many Chinese internet users drew a parallel between the flooding deaths in Beijing and the high-speed train crash in Wenzhou, in which 40 people died after a collision on the Beijing-Shanghai line.


Yesterday marked the first anniversary of that accident, but coverage has been banned in Chinese media, extending earlier bans on articles about the sensitive subject.


The Beijing storm, by contrast, was widely covered and state-run media did not refrain from criticising the way it had been handled. “If so much chaos can be triggered in Beijing, the capital of the nation, problems in urban infrastructure of many other places can only be worse, said an editorial in the English-language Global Times.

与之形成反差的是,媒体对此次北京暴雨进行了广泛报道,官方媒体也站了出来,对政府应对暴雨的方式提出批评。《环球时报》(Global Times)英文版的一篇社评指出:“如果说在首都北京也会引发如此程度的混乱,那么在其他许多地方,城市基础设施存在的问题只会更糟。

The poorer, outlying districts around Beijing were among the most severely affected by flooding. Rescue efforts continued yesterday in the southwestern district of Fangshan, and authorities said the death toll there could rise significantly.


Yesterday morning the official death toll stood at 37. Of those, 25 drowned, one was struck by lightning, five were electrocuted and six were killed by collapsed buildings, according to city authorities.



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