一周资讯热词榜,一网打尽trending news。
1. 国家大数据战略
national big data strategy
Implementing the national big data strategy to better serve social and economic development and improve people's lives should be accelerated, President Xi Jinping said at a key meeting. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, made the remark at a collective study session of the CPC Central Committee's Political Bureau.
大数据(big data)是规模巨大且复杂,用现有的数据处理工具(on-hand database management tools)难以获取(capture)、整理(curate)、管理(manage)以及处理(process)的数据信息的统称。大数据的特点可以总结为4V:volume(大量)、velocity(高速)、variety(多变)以及veracity(准确)。
《"十三五"规划纲要》提出实施国家大数据战略(implement the national big data strategy),把大数据作为基础性战略资源(make big data a fundamental strategic resource),全面实施促进大数据发展行动,加快推动数据资源共享开放和开发应用(the opening, sharing, development, and application of data resources),助力产业转型升级和社会治理创新。
价值链 value chain
关联分析 correlation analysis
融合利用 integrated utilization
可视化 visualization
2. 3D打印
3D printing
The government expects the 3D printing industry to maintain an annual growth rate of more than 30% in the coming years and its revenue to top 20 billion yuan in 2020, according to guidelines jointly released Wednesday by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and 11 other agencies.
"3D打印(3D printing)"的专业名称为增材制造(additive manufacturing, AM),是以数字模型(digital model)为基础,将材料逐层堆积制造出实体物品的新兴制造技术(a new manufacturing technology that adds material together to create a real object)。增材制造产业是先进制造业(advanced manufacturing)的重要组成部分。刚刚从萌芽期迈入成长期的中国增材制造产业在今年将创造超过百亿的产值(output value)。
13日,工信部、发改委等12部门联合印发《增材制造(3D打印)产业发展行动计划(2017-2020年)》。行动计划(action plan)提出,到2020年实现五大目标:一是产业保持高速发展,年均增速(growth rate)在30%以上,2020年增材制造产业销售收入超过200亿元;二是技术水平明显提高,突破100种以上满足重点行业(key industries)需求的工艺装备(technological equipment)、核心器件及专用材料;三是行业应用显著深化,开展100个以上试点示范项目(pilot and demonstration programs),在重点制造(航空、航天、船舶、核工业、汽车、电力装备、轨道交通装备、家电、模具、铸造等)、医疗、文化、教育等四大领域实现规模化应用(large-scale application);四是生态体系(ecosystem)基本完善,形成完整的増材制造产业链(industrial chain),计量、标准、检测、认证等在内的生态体系基本形成;五是全球布局初步实现,培育2-3家以上具有较强国际竞争力(international competitiveness)的龙头企业(leading enterprise),打造2-3个国际知名名牌(world-renowned brand),一批装备、产品走向国际市场(go international)。
重点制造业领域 key manufacturing sector
核心技术 core technology
特殊材料 special materials
中国制造2025 Made in China 2025
产业升级 industry upgrade
技术鸿沟 technology gap
3. 东京审判纪念馆
memorial hall for the Tokyo Trial
A memorial hall for the Tokyo Trial will be built in Shanghai. Official planning for the memorial hall started early last year and preparatory work is steadily advancing, said Cheng Zhaoqi, director of Shanghai Jiao Tong University's Center for the Tokyo Trial Studies.
东京审判(Tokyo Trial)是由中国、美国、英国、苏联等11国法官组成的远东国际军事法庭(the International Military Tribunal for the Far East)于1946年5月3日至1948年11月12日期间在日本东京针对二战日本战犯嫌疑人进行的审判(the trial for accused Japanese war criminals in World War II)。
东京审判的判决书宣布,确认日本有对中国进行侵略战争(war of aggression)及对苏联、美国、英国与其他盟国进行类似战争之罪。认为"九一八"事件是第二次世界大战的导火线(direct cause of World War II),日本是中日战争的侵略者(invader)。判决书以最大的篇幅叙述了日本侵华战争的历史,在国际法的高度上确定了日本侵华的种种罪行(the crimes committed by Japan during its aggression in China)。
据程兆奇教授介绍,纪念馆内将展示国内外学者收集的有关整个法庭审判过程的珍贵历史资料(precious historical evidence collected by researchers at home and abroad about the whole process of the court trial),包括法庭的设立(the establishment of the court)、审判管辖权的争议(the disputes over jurisdiction to the trial)、量刑讨论(the discussion over measurement of penalties)等。
抗日战争 the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggressions (1931-45)
南京大屠杀 the Nanjing Massacre
南京大屠杀死难者国家公祭日 the National Memorial Day for Nanjing Massacre Victims
甲级战犯 Class-A war criminal
反人类的暴行 atrocities against humanity
违反人道罪 crime against humanity
4. 好莱坞的沃尔玛
Walmart of Hollywood
Walt Disney's deal with 21st Century Fox will transform Hollywood's most successful studio into an even more powerful force. "Disney is becoming the Walmart of Hollywood: huge and dominant," said Barton Crockett, a media analyst.
迪士尼14日宣布,将收购(acquire)21世纪福克斯公司旗下的电影工作室(studio)、FX和国家地理等有线电视频道(cable channels)及其国际资产(international assets),这项交易的价值高达524亿美元。在2016年美国和加拿大的总票房收入中,这两家公司总共占据了40%以上的份额。
自从康卡斯特在2011年鲸吞环球影业以来,这是在好莱坞发生的第一笔大规模并购交易(this is the first major consolidation in Hollywood since Comcast swallowed Universal Pictures in 2011)。21世纪福克斯公司的影视资产与迪士尼合二为一意味着好莱坞六大顶级电影工作室将会减少为五家(the top six studios in Hollywood will shrink to five)。
据一名熟知内情的消息人士(a person familiar with the situation)透露,迪士尼已经要求某些院线为《星球大战》等大片提供更大的门票销售比例(Disney asked some theatres for a greater share of ticket sales for big films like "Star Wars")。通常来说,票房收入由电影工作室和院线平摊(be evenly split),但就极受欢迎的热门电影而言,迪士尼可要求分成60%以上。
院线 theater chain
大片和续集 blockbusters and sequels
并购浪潮 wave of consolidation
周末票房 weekend box office
5. 生前遗嘱
living will
Italy's Senate gave final approval Thursday to a law allowing Italians to write living wills and refuse artificial nutrition and hydration, the latest step in the Roman Catholic nation's long-running and agonizing debate over euthanasia and end-of-life issues.
该法案允许病人拒绝延续生命的治疗(refuse life-prolonging treatment)。病人可签署生前遗嘱(living will)说明他们对于绝症(terminal illness)和致命伤(life-threatening injury)的治疗意愿,以便在失去选择能力或表达其选择的能力时,让医疗人员能根据其意愿行事。病人除了可以拒绝医疗治疗(medical treatment)外,还可以拒绝进食和喝水(refuse food and water)。但即便如此,医生还是得设法减轻病人痛苦(reduce patients' pain),也可对其使用镇定剂(tranquilizer)。
意大利主教大会(Italian Bishops' Conference)对法案的通过表示强烈反对,称此举是通往协助自杀(assisted suicide)合法化的危险一步。意大利总理真蒂洛尼则表示,这是朝保障人类尊严(human dignity)而迈出的一步。这也是本届意大利政府在明年3月大选前推动的最后一项立法。
下一篇: 蒂勒森与安理会商讨如何向朝鲜施压