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发布时间:2013-02-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Are you watching, Washington? Beijing has halved withholding taxes to as low as 5 per cent for companies with whose governments it has applicable treaties. This move continues a long-running and welcome trend around the world of cutting withholding tax to help attract inward investment. Time for the US to get on board.


Before reductions for investors who benefit from existing tax treaties, the US currently withholds 30 per cent. Even before its cut, China took just 10 per cent. The US position has been built on being the world’s investment destination of choice for decades and therefore charging for the privilege. Really, Washington, that is just so 20th century. Just look at the numbers. The US share of world foreign direct investment fell a fifth in the decade to 2010, according to World Bank data. At 15 per cent, that leaves the country narrowly ahead of China, whose share has more than doubled. Put in nominal terms, the decline is even starker: as world FDI rose $50bn over that decade, US inflows fell $85bn. China, meanwhile gained $147bn.

不考虑对受益于现行税制投资者的税收减免,美国目前的预提所得税率为30%。而中国的预提所得税率在此次下调之前也仅为10%。数十年来,美国一直享有世界最佳投资目的地的优越地位,因此,美国政府凭借这种地位征收高税率。但说真的,华府的官员们,那都是20世纪时的老黄历了。只用几个数据即可说明问题。世界银行(World Bank)数据显示,在2000至2010年的十年间,美国在全球海外直接投资(FDI)中所占比重下降了20%。2010年美国的这一比重为15%,仅略高于中国,后者过去十年间这一比重增长超过一倍。按名义值计算,美国的这一比重降幅更为显著。过去十年间,全球FDI规模增长了500亿美元,中国的FDI流入增长了1470亿美元,而美国的FDI流入下降了850亿美元。

Corporate tax reform is moving up the US agenda as the presidential campaign heats up. That is a start, but only deserves half a nod compared with China’s nimble pragmatism. It is no coincidence China’s friendlier rate came as FDI was shown to have dropped 3 per cent in the first six months of this year. Withholding tax is not going to headline the US reform debate given it has a corporate rate – 39 per cent, including state levies – that only Japan comes anywhere near.


Chinese companies face a headline rate of 25 per cent. At least a serious US tax debate is being had, finally. Now it is time for US companies themselves to wade in. They will not benefit from China’s move (UK, Hong Kong and Singapore-based groups are among those that will) but perhaps the fear of losing inward investment to friendlier jurisdictions might spur them to add withholding tax to the broader US debate.



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