The AG600, the world's largest seaplane, lands in Zhuhai, Guangdong province, after its maiden flight on Sunday. The aircraft can take off and land on land or water and can help in areas like search and rescue or firefighting. GUAN WENQING / FOR CHINA DAILY
China’s homegrown AG600,codenamed Kunlong,took to the skies on Sunday for its maiden flight.This is the world’s largest amphibious aircraft in production.
“鲲龙”AG600是我国为满足森林灭火(forest firefighting)和水上救援(marine rescue)的迫切需要,首次研制的大型特种用途民用飞机,是国家应急救援体系建设急需的重大航空装备。
森林灭火时,它可多次往返高效率投水灭火,20秒内可一次汲水12吨(collect 12 tons of water in 20 seconds),单次投水救火面积可达4000余平方米,接近一个足球场的面积。海上救援时,“鲲龙”可快速响应、到达,在复杂气象条件下实施救援,起降抗浪能力不低于2米,可一次救助50名海上遇险人员(carry 50 people during search-and-rescue missions)。
AG600除了满足森林灭火和水上救援要求,还能根据用户的需要加改装必要的设备,执行海洋环境监测与保护(marine environment monitoring and protection)、资源探测(resources surveying)、岛礁运输(personnel and supply transportation)等任务,以及为“一带一路”提供海上航行安全保障和紧急支援等任务。
AG600坚持自主创新,以国内供应商配套为主,全机5万多个结构及系统零部件中98%由国内供应商提供(98 percent of the AG600's 50,000-plus components are supplied by Chinese companies),全机机载成品95%以上为国产产品。
“鲲龙”与我国运—20大型运输机(the Y-20 transport plane)、C919大型喷气式客机(the C919 jetliner)一起,被称为中国大飞机“三剑客”。运20和C919分别于2013年和2017年成功首飞。
水陆两栖飞机 amphibious aircraft
首飞 maiden flight
战略运输机 strategic transport plane
喷气式客机 passenger jetliner
无人机 unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)
预警指挥机 airborne early warning and control (AEWC) aircraft
舰载机 carrier-based aircraft
歼击机 fighter jet