Born in the wrong place for good schools? 在英国想上好学校 要生对地方?-查字典英语网
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Born in the wrong place for good schools? 在英国想上好学校 要生对地方?

发布时间:2019-10-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Born in the wrong place for good schools? 在英国想上好学校 要生对地方?


This research suggests that London is taking an increasing share of the secondary schools where pupils make the most progress. But places such as Blackpool and Hartlepool (in the north of England) are being left even further behind as debates about social mobility increasingly focus on regional differences.

The study says deprived areas of London can have more high-performing schools than better-off areas outside the capital. David Laws, the think tank's chair and a former education minister, said the widening inequality was "shocking".

But the Department for Education said that its investments in disadvantaged areas would help to spread opportunities more evenly across the country.

词汇表 suggests 显示,意味着

secondary schools 中学

debates 讨论,争论

social mobility 社会流动性

regional differences 地区差异

deprived 贫困的

better-off 经济状况好的

shocking 惊人的,特别糟糕的

disadvantaged 贫困的,处于不利位置的


测验 请听报道并回答下列问题。

1. According to this research, in which area are school children likely to have a better chance of making significant progress?

2. Do poorer areas of London have more high-performing schools than in some more affluent areas of England? 

3. True or false? David Laws feels the inequality between different regions of the UK is a good thing.

4. What is the Department for Education doing to equal out the differences across the country?

答案 1. According to this research, in which area are school children likely to have a better chance of making significant progress?

This research suggests that London is taking an increasing share of the secondary schools where pupils make the most progress.

2. Do poorer areas of London have more high-performing schools than in some more affluent areas of England? 

Yes. The study says deprived areas of London can have more high-performing schools than better-off areas outside the capital.

3. True or false? David Laws feels the inequality between different regions of the UK is a good thing.

False. He says the widening inequality was "shocking".

4. What is the Department for Education doing to equal out the differences across the country?

It is investing in disadvantaged areas to help spread opportunities more evenly across the country.


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