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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

As Mary Alice Stephenson bounces between her two smartphones, sending emails with one and tweeting photos with the other, it often leads her to wonder: 'Why can't the iPhone and the BlackBerry have a baby?'

纽约的风格时尚顾问斯蒂芬森(Mary Alice Stephenson)常常交替使用她的两部智能手机,用其中一部手机发送电子邮件,另一部在Twitter上发布照片,于是她常常幻想,“iPhone和黑莓(BlackBerry)为啥不能生个孩子呢?

Ms. Stephenson, a style and fashion consultant in New York, has tried using each phone alone. She liked the ease of typing on the BlackBerry's keyboard, and she also liked the photo-sharing tools on the all touch-screen iPhone.


A few months ago, she ditched her BlackBerry in favor of the iPhone but quickly became frustrated with the touch-screen keyboard and its autocorrect function. So, despite the hassle, she now always carries both.


Touch-screen smartphones, from Apple Inc. and the likes of Samsung,are the industry leaders, hogging much of the U.S. market share for mobile phones. Most of their users have adapted to the difficulty of sending emails and texts without a physical keyboard and are snapping up the phones because of features such as better Web browsing, camera quality and screen size.

苹果公司(Apple Inc.)和三星公司(Samsung)生产的触摸屏智能手机如今是业界的领袖,它们抢占了美国手机市场的大块份额。虽然用无实体键盘的手机发送电子邮件和短信息有些困难,但多数触摸屏手机用户已经适应了,他们都使用这类手机,因其网页浏览、摄像头质量和屏幕尺寸等性能更佳。

But plenty of people remain attached to BlackBerrys for the ease of emailing and texting via a QWERTY keyboard. Though BlackBerry-maker Research In Motion Ltd. has seen most of its U.S. market share erode over the past two years, many employers still prefer the secure network that BlackBerrys run on.

不过,也有许多人仍在坚持使用黑莓,因为用QWERTY键盘来发送电子邮件和短信息更加便利。尽管黑莓生产商Research In Motion Ltd.(简称RIM)过去两年美国市场份额丧失大半,但许多雇主仍然更青睐黑莓的加密网络。

There are currently 78 million BlackBerry subscribers world-wide, and RIM says that a large majority of Fortune 500 companies issue BlackBerrys to employees.

目前全球有7,800万黑莓用户,RIM称,绝大部分《财富》500强(Fortune 500)企业都给雇员发黑莓手机。

Instead of ditching one phone or the other, a corps of professional multimedia types have concluded, Why not keep both?


Carrying two phones can be annoying, and there are logistical challenges. First, where to put them? They are unwieldy in pockets and purses.


Then there's the issue of making sure not one but two phones are fully charged, and keeping track of two sets of power cords. There are two phone numbers and two separate carrier plans to manage, which often means different minutes and calling and text rates.


And then there are image concerns. Amanda Slavin, the 26-year-old director of marketing and events for a New York restaurant group, is used to getting skeptical looks when she pulls out her BlackBerry. She quickly heads off any judgment. 'Don't worry, I also have an iPhone,' she says.

还有个人形象方面的问题。26岁的斯莱文(Amanda Slavin)是纽约一家餐饮集团的营销和活动负责人,当她拿出黑莓的时候,往往会引来周围人疑惑的目光。不过她会迅速打消人们的看法,她说,“别担心,我还有iPhone呢。

She says people perceive her BlackBerry as outdated, and she agrees with that view-up to a point. 'It's just not really practical for anything besides emailing,' she says. But her BlackBerry serves up her work email messages very fast, Ms. Slavin says. As important, she can type on it without looking at the keypad. She also likes its instant-messaging feature, known as BBM, as well as its calendar, which syncs with her work PC.


Her iPhone, on the other hand, covers everything else. Ms. Slavin uses it for phone calls, text messages, her personal Gmail account and Web browsing. She also updates her social media, including Facebook, on her iPhone, so she considers it a networking tool. And besides, she says, 'the iPhone is so pretty.'


The two phones 'complement each other really nicely,' says Allen Adamson, a managing director at branding firm Landor Associates, New York, and himself a dual iPhone-BlackBerry user.

品牌咨询公司Landor Associates纽约办事处的董事总经理亚当森(Allen Adamson)说,这两种手机“互补性真的很好。他本人是iPhone-黑莓双机用户。

'Having two devices is often a more powerful solution,' Mr. Adamson says. 'If you're pounding out a ton of emails, it is very hard to do on an iPhone unless you're very, very fast or a 15-year-old.'


Frank Boulben, RIM's newly appointed chief marketing officer, says he is well aware of the two-phone phenomenon, noting that many work-issued BlackBerrys have nonessential applications disabled. Users aren't getting a full BlackBerry experience, he says. 'We are going to try and address those individuals differently with BlackBerry 10,' he says, referring to RIM's next line of phones, which is expected to launch early next year.

RIM新任命的首席营销长布尔本(Frank Boulben)说,他非常了解这种同时使用两部手机的现象,他指出,许多公司发给员工的黑莓手机都禁用了一些非关键应用程序,他说这样用户就无法全面体验黑莓的功能。他还表示,“我们打算在推出黑莓10机型时做一些尝试,去专门解决这些用户的问题。黑莓10是RIM的下一代手机系列,预计将于明年年初推出。

'It would be much more convenient for you to manage all aspects of your personal life and professional life on the same device,' Mr. Boulben says, adding that RIM is planning a number of innovations to help users do that. An Apple spokeswoman didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.


For the fashion-conscious, sleek iPhone and Samsung phones are unlikely to raise eyebrows the way the often-bulky BlackBerry does.


'I hide my BlackBerry unless I actually need to use it,' says Stephen Matyasfalvi, 38, a Toronto business consultant. 'If I am choosing what device to have out for browsing, calling, etc., it's the iPhone and not the BlackBerry. It's not even about being cooler with the iPhone, they just look so much better!'

多伦多38岁的企业顾问马加什法尔维(Stephen Matyasfalvi)说,“除非我真的需要用黑莓,不然我会把它藏起来,如果让我选择一种设备上网、打电话等等,我会选iPhone而不是黑莓。我用iPhone甚至不是因为iPhone更酷,iPhone看上去就是要棒得多!

The same goes for Mr. Matyasfalvi's husband, Matti Gidilevich, who also uses both an iPhone and a BlackBerry, after switching back and forth between the two for several years. Mr. Gidilevich, 35, a director at the Toronto office of Elite Model Management, splits his time between Toronto and New York, and splits his tasks between the two phones. He uses his BlackBerry for email, and takes pictures and checks out social media sites with the iPhone.

马加什法尔维的先生吉迪勒维奇(Matti Gidilevich)也是一样,他在iPhone和黑莓之间徘徊了几年之后,现在也同时使用两种手机。35岁的吉迪勒维奇是Elite Model Management多伦多办事处的负责人,他有一半时间在多伦多,一半时间在纽约。他的任务也是分派给这两部手机的:他用黑莓手机发送电子邮件,用iPhone拍照和访问社交网站。

For a couple with four phones, there are multiple annoyances. When a phone rings they have to check all four. Their bedside table is piled high with devices and chargers.


'It's the nature of the work we do,' Mr. Matyasfalvi says. 'We both need to keep in touch with clients and friends, so for now we put up with it.'


When out to dinner with friends, Messrs. Gidilevich and Matyasfalvi make a point of keeping their phones off the table. But not out of politeness. They do it so friends won't make fun of them. Plopping four phones on a table takes up a lot of space, and results in some unwanted attention.


'Friends say, 'What are you people doing?!' You guys look like you're part of CSIS [the Canadian Security Intelligence Service],' or 'Is this command central?' ,' Mr. Matyasfalvi says. 'So we don't even bother to put them out.'

马加什法尔维表示,“朋友们会说,‘你们在搞什么呢?!你俩看起来就像加拿大安全情报局(Canadian Security Intelligence Service)的人一样,’要么他们会说‘这里是指挥中心吗?’所以我们干脆不把手机拿出来。

In fact, ridicule is part of life for many dual-phone users. Yousaf Khurshid, the Canada sales manager for United Leg Wear, a clothing manufacturer, travels regularly between Canada and the U.S. He emails with his BlackBerry and photographs retail spaces with his personal iPhone.

事实上,嘲笑已经成为许多双机用户生活的一部分。服装生产商United Leg Wear的加拿大销售经理胡尔希德(Yousaf Khurshid)经常往来于加拿大和美国之间。他用黑莓发电子邮件,并用自己的iPhone给零售卖场拍照片。

'It drives me crazy, and I look ridiculous,' Mr. Khurshid, 32, says, of constantly juggling two phones. 'People call me Data. They say, 'What's up, Data?' I just go back to writing my email.'


Another challenge is that it is even harder for multiple phone users to disconnect from technology. A few times, Messrs. Gidilevich and Matyasfalvi tried to completely unplug and turn all four phones off. 'We tried,' Mr. Matyasfalvi says. 'Lasted an hour.'



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