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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Choosing when to welcome a pariah state back into the international fold is fraught with risk. The ill-judged rehabilitation of Muammar Gaddafi in 2003 merely reinforced a despot. But Barack Obama has made the right decision to open the door to Myanmar with his historic presidential visit.

选择在什么时候接纳一个“贱民国家重返国际社会,这件事蕴含许多风险。国际社会错误地选择在2003年为穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲(Muammar Gaddafi)恢复名誉,结果只是长了这位“暴君的威风。但美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)对缅甸进行历史性访问、向其伸出橄榄枝,是一个正确的决定。

Human rights groups have attacked the US president for rushing to legitimise Myanmar’s nominally civilian government before democratic reforms take root. Thein Sein, the reform-minded president, has released hundreds of prisoners, ended media censorship and allowed democracy activist Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy to enter parliament. But the government’s ambivalence in the face of what look increasingly like anti-Muslim pogroms in Rakhine state shows that human rights are far from entrenched. Many political prisoners also remain in jail, although 60 were set to be freed last night.

人权组织一直批评奥巴马操之过急,因为缅甸名义上的文人政府推行的民主改革还未稳固,他就要承认该政府的合法性。改革派的缅甸总统登盛(Thein Sein)已赦免数百名囚犯,停止了对媒体的审查,并已允许民主活动家昂山素季(Aung San Suu Kyi)领导的“全国民主联盟(National League for Democracy)进入议会。但面对发生在若开邦的、反穆斯林意味越来越浓重的大屠杀,缅甸政府态度暧昧,显示缅甸的人权状况仍然堪忧。尽管缅甸政府昨晚释放了60名政治犯,但还有许多政治犯仍被关在监狱里。

It is just for these reasons that the trip is well-timed. It has already prompted a raft of new initiatives on the eve of his arrival. But for reform to continue, Mr Thein Sein needs to show the old guard concrete results. Many still exercise influence in parliament and the government. There is frustration that the US has suspended rather than lifted sanctions. The first visit by a sitting US president is a very public signal that support will be forthcoming if the pace is kept up.


Washington’s act is not selfless. Mr Obama’s six-hour visit is one stop on an Asian tour designed to promote the US as a counterbalance to China’s rising influence in the region. US companies are eager to seize opportunities presented by Myanmar’s rich natural resources.


These are important considerations, but they cannot overshadow the urgent need to press Myanmar’s government, especially on human rights. Its record on protecting the ethnic minorities who make up 30 per cent of the population is dire. Two hundred people are dead and more than 100,000 displaced because of the violence in Rakhine.


Mr Thein Sein has for the first time hinted that this will be addressed. Mr Obama must stress to him that action should be swift and that human rights cannot be sacrificed to strategic and commercial interests. Sanctions once eased can be reinstated. Myanmar’s democratic progress may be fragile, but so too is its rehabilitation. Mr Obama has given Myanmar’s government the carrot of a symbolic presidential visit. But it is not yet time to put away the stick.



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