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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

A Singapore property developer is targeting the super rich with parking problems by marketing luxury apartments that allow owners to keep their cars next to their living rooms, even if they are on the top floor of the 30-storey block.


The development, near the city-state’s main thoroughfare of Orchard Road, features what are described as “en suite sky garages that transport cars in a lift to the desired level at the touch of a biometric pad in the basement entrance.

该楼盘位于新加坡主要大街乌节路(Orchard Road)附近,其特点被描述为“天上车库套房——通过触摸地下室入口处的生物特征识别触摸板,业主可用电梯将汽车运抵其想要抵达的楼层。

“It’s done in such a way that it’s a museum showcase, it’s not just a car park, says Leny Suparman, chief executive of KOP Properties, the developer that is targeting a growing number of millionaires in Singapore who own “supercars.

高鸿置地(KOP Properties)行政总裁陈莞君(Leny Suparman)表示:“它给人一种博物馆陈列室的感觉,而不仅仅是一块停车的地方。高鸿置地正把销售目标对准新加坡越来越多的拥有“超级跑车的百万富翁。

Prices for the 56 apartments range from S$9.8m ($7.8m) to S$30m for a penthouse with space to park four cars.


The project – the first of its kind in Asia – may make sense in a country that boasts the highest density of millionaire households in the world. Boston Consulting Group estimates that more than 17 per cent of households in the city state of 5.1m have wealth of US$1m or higher.

这是亚洲首个此类楼盘。在一个自称百万富翁家庭密度最大的国家,该楼盘或许合乎商业逻辑。波士顿咨询集团(Boston Consulting Group)估计,在新加坡510万个家庭中,超过17%的家庭拥有100万美元或以上的资产。

Singapore – along with Hong Kong – is home to more Maseratis, Ferraris and Lamborghinis per capita than anywhere else.


Yet the launch of the development comes amid signs that the super rich are feeling the pinch.


According to property consultants Savills, the eurozone crisis has helped push prices of luxury homes in Singapore down by about 30 per cent. Figures on Friday showed that Singapore’s manufacturing sector recorded its slowest year-on-year growth in three months underscore the city-state’s vulnerability .


Luxury property has also been hit by the imposition of a 10 per cent stamp duty. Overseas buyers – many from China – made up nearly 43 per cent of luxury home sales last year.


Orchard Road has some of the most expensive property in Singapore, with 4,000 luxury condominiums completed over the past year, says Savills. Yet 16 per cent are unsold. Some developers have handed out furniture vouchers to attract buyers.


Colin Syn, vice-chairman of the Singapore Grand Prix and owner of Ferrari dealerships, says: “I think it’s the economy. People are more cautious now.

新加坡大奖赛(Singapore Grand Prix)副主席、拥有多家法拉利经销商的哥林新(Colin Syn)表示:“我认为,这就是现在的经济状况。人们现在变得更为谨慎。

But Mr Syn said the rich were still buying as long as new models were on offer. His order book for the upcoming Ferrari F12 Berlinetta was “booked solid until the end of next year.

但哥林新表示,只要有新的车型推出,富人仍会购买。他旗下经销商的预订情况显示,即将推出的法拉利F12 Berlinetta到明年年底的“预订已满。


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