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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

An energised Barack Obama sought to capitalise on his fiery comeback performance in the race for the White House, telling voters in the swing state of Iowa yesterday that Mitt Romney had only a “one point plan for fixing the economy – helping the rich.

精神振奋的巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)昨日试图利用他在入主白宫的竞赛中卷土重来的激昂表现,告诉摇摆州艾奥瓦州的选民,米特·罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)在重振经济方面只有一份“一点计划,那就是帮助富人。

As veteran commentators declared Tuesday night’s forum the most combative televised presidential debate ever, Mr Obama held a rally in Mount Vernon. “Let’s recap what we learned last night. [Romney’s] tax plan does not add up. The jobs plan does not create jobs. The deficit reduction plan adds to the deficit, said Mr Obama, with his sleeves rolled up.


The debate was considered a crucial test for Mr Obama, who has suffered a sharp decline in the polls since the first face-off against his Republican rival two weeks ago.


Although most polls now put the candidates in a tie, Gallup’s daily tracking poll yesterday put Mr Romney’s support among likely voters at 51 per cent, while Mr Obama’s was only 45 per cent.


No candidate has been above 50 per cent at this point in the race and lost, but the Obama campaign will be hoping that his performance will inject fresh momentum into his re-election bid with 19 days to go. It will take a week for the full effect of the debate to show in the Gallup poll.


Obama campaign officials yesterday said that the structure of the race “was established, with the president holding a slender lead in battleground states such as Ohio, where Mr Obama arrived after the Iowa rally.



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