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发布时间:2019-10-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编


I, Tonya 《我,花样女王》

主演:玛格特·罗比 / 塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦 / 艾莉森·珍妮 / 凯特琳·卡弗 / 麦肯娜·格瑞丝

Tonya Harding is one of figure skating’s most notorious figures. Now we get her side of the story in I, Tonya – was she or was she not involved in the conspiracy to club her main competition, Nancy Kerrigan, in the lead-up to the 1994 Winter Olympics? As played by Margot Robbie, who BBC Culture film critic Caryn James said “gives the film its heart” in her four-star review, Harding is a sympathetic, if far from saintly, figure. The film, presented at times like a mockumentary with the actors playing real-life Harding associates talking directly into the camera as if they’re being interviewed, shows the abuse and poverty the figure skater suffered growing up. Allison Janney, as Harding’s foul-mouthed, violent mother, is a leading contender for best supporting actress at the Academy Awards on 4 March. If its script is a little too “on the nose” at times, it’s an arresting vision of an athlete who tried, and failed, to live and compete on her own terms. Released February 1 in Singapore and Russia, February 9 in Mexico and February 23 in the UK and Spain. (Credit: Neon)

坦雅•哈丁是花样滑冰界最臭名昭著的人物之一。现在我们可以从电影《我,花样女王》中从她的角度了解到故事的另外一面——她是否参与了1994年冬奥会前夕棍棒攻击主要竞争对手南茜·克里根的阴谋?BBC文化频道的影评人卡琳·詹姆斯给了这部电影四星,她在评论中写道,玛格特•罗比的表演“让这部电影有了灵魂”,罗比扮演的哈丁令人同情,虽然她远不是个圣人。电影展示了哈丁在成长过程中所承受的虐待和贫困。这部电影有时会采用伪纪录片的形式,扮演哈丁同伴的演员们直接对着镜头说话,仿佛正在接受采访。扮演哈丁毒舌又暴力的母亲的艾莉森•珍妮将有望角逐3月4日的奥斯卡最佳女配角。尽管剧本在某些部分会显得有点太过巧合,但依然有趣地讲述了一个女运动员用自己的方式去尝试、失败、生活和竞争的故事。影片于2月1日在新加坡和俄罗斯上映,2月9日在墨西哥上映,2月23日在英国和西班牙上映。(资料 豆瓣简介:


Early Man 《早期人类》

配音演员:埃迪·雷德梅恩 / 汤姆·希德勒斯顿 / 麦茜·威廉姆斯 / 理查德·艾欧阿德 / 蒂莫西·斯波

Nick Park might not be a well-known name outside of the UK, but, as the creator of Wallace & Gromit and Shaun the Sheep, he is one of the most influential figures in the history of animation. A four-time Oscar winner, Park is directing his first feature film since Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit 13 years ago. Early Man, which pits proud young caveman Dug (Eddie Redmayne) and his wild boar Hognob (Park himself) against the wily machinations of Lord Nooth (Tom Hiddleston), who’s entered the Bronze Age faster than Dug’s tribe and wants to conquer them with his superior weaponry. Released February 1 in Greece, February 8 in Brazil and Croatia and February 16 in the US (Credit: StudioCanal)

尼克·帕克在英国以外也许不是很出名,但是他创作了《超级无敌掌门狗》和《小羊肖恩》,是动画史上最有影响力的人物之一。曾获得过四次奥斯卡奖的帕克在执导《超级无敌掌门狗:人兔的诅咒》13年后,首次导演动画长片。在《早期人类》中,骄傲的年轻穴居人达格(小雀斑配音)和他的野猪霍格诺布(帕克配音)对抗部落统领驽斯(抖森配音)的阴谋诡计。驽斯的部落比达格的部落早一步进入了青铜时代,驽斯想用他的高级武器征服对方。影片将于2月1日在希腊上映,2月8日在巴西和克罗地亚上映,2月16日在美国上映。(资料 Annihilation 《湮灭》

主演:娜塔莉·波特曼 / 詹妮弗·杰森·李 / 奥斯卡·伊萨克 / 吉娜·罗德里格兹 / 泰莎·汤普森

Alex Garland dazzled audiences with Ex Machina, a sci-fi indie with a $15m budget but a $150m look. He’s back with another genre-expanding inquiry perched somewhere between science and fantasy with Annihilation, an adaptation of the 2017 Jeff VanderMeer novel about a soldier grievously injured on a plot of land cut off from civilisation and strangely altered by extraterrestrial forces, and his scientist wife who ventures inside the alien zone looking for a way to save him. Oscar Isaac plays the husband, and Natalie Portman is his brainy spouse – with Tessa Thompson playing another scientist. Expect your brain to be teased and your eyes to pop. Released February 22 in Brazil, Hong Kong and Israel and February 23 in the US and UK. (Credit: Paramount Pictures)

亚历克斯·加兰曾用科幻片《机械姬》征服了观众,这部独立电影用1500万美元的成本拍出了1.5亿美元的效果。如今他又带着另一部介于科幻和奇幻之间的跨题材电影回归了。《湮灭》改编自2017年杰夫‧范德米尔的小说,小说讲的是一个士兵不幸在一个与世隔绝之地受伤,并被外力离奇改变,他的科学家妻子冒险进入这块世外荒野,寻找能够救他的办法。奥斯卡·伊萨克扮演丈夫,而娜塔莉·波特曼扮演他聪慧的妻子,泰莎·汤普森扮演另外一名科学家。这将是一次脑洞大开、目瞪口呆的观影体验。影片将于2月22日在巴西、中国香港和以色列上映,2月23日在美国和英国上映。(资料 豆瓣简介:

某生物学家(娜塔莉·波特曼饰演)为调查丈夫(奥斯卡·伊萨克饰演)的失踪,参加了神秘组织Southern Reach组织的科学考察,4名女性组队,去研究美国领土内一块被检疫隔离的生态灾害区域“X地区”。她发现那里是原生态的荒野,隐藏着神秘的黑暗力量。这已经是对该地区的第12次考察,前11次全都失败,比如第二次考察终结于去的考察队员集体自杀,第三次考察队拔枪互相残杀,第11次队员全体失去神志,回来后不久都死于癌症……

Black Panther 《黑豹》

主演:查德维克·博斯曼 / 露皮塔·尼永奥 / 迈克尔·B·乔丹 / 丹娜·奎里拉

The Marvel Cinematic Universe turns 10 this year, and they’re kicking off their second decade with what may be their coolest film yet: Black Panther, the story of the king of Wakanda – in Marvel lore, the most technologically sophisticated nation on earth – and his exploits moonlighting as a superhero. A largely black cast is made up of such heavyweights as Chadwick Boseman (who dons the title character’s claws), Lupita Nyong’o (who leads Wakanda’s all-female special forces team), Danai Gurira, Daniel Kaluuya, Angela Bassett, Forest Whitaker and Michael B Jordan (as the oft-shirtless villain Killmonger). Its director, Ryan Coogler, blew audiences and critics away with Fruitvale Station and Creed and possesses an ability to wed deep emotion to virtuosic camerawork – aided by cinematographer Rachel Morrison, who just became the first woman ever nominated for best cinematography at the Oscars. And on top of this, there’s a Kendrick Lamar-produced tie-in album! Released February 13 in the UK and Taiwan and February 16 in the US, Canada, India and Pakistan (Credit: Marvel Studios)

漫威电影宇宙今年就10岁了,他们即将用最酷的电影开启第二个十年:《黑豹》。影片讲述的是瓦坎达国王和他兼职充当超级英雄的故事,在漫威神话中,瓦坎达是地球上技术最先进的国家。该片卡司大部分为黑人演员,有查德维克·博斯曼(饰演黑豹)、露皮塔·尼永奥(领导瓦坎达的女子特种部队)、丹娜·奎里拉、丹尼尔·卡卢亚、安吉拉·贝塞特、弗雷斯特·惠特克和迈克尔·B·乔丹(饰演经常赤裸上身的反派克尔芒戈)。导演瑞恩·库格勒曾用《弗鲁特维尔车站》和《奎迪》等电影征服了观众和评论界,他擅长让深沉的感情与影视作品交织在一起。他的搭档是电影摄影师瑞秋·莫里森,莫里森前不久刚成为首位获得奥斯卡最佳摄影提名的女性。除此以外,该电影还有肯德里克·拉马尔制作的配套专辑!影片将于2月13日在英国和中国台湾上映,2月16日在美国、加拿大、印度和巴基斯坦上映。(资料 豆瓣简介:


The 15:17 to Paris 《15点17分,启程巴黎》


Not even time can stop Clint Eastwood. To put this singular career in perspective: Eastwood was the star of a top-rated US TV series, Rawhide, in the 1950s – and he managed to direct the top-grossing film of 2017 in American Sniper. No one else can lay claim to being so relevant for so long. His new effort behind the camera is based on the true story of the US servicemen and their friend who, while on leave, foiled a would-be assailant on an express train from Belgium to Paris. The twist here is that the real-life individuals involved with stopping the attack are playing themselves. Can they act? Does it matter? We’ll see. Released February 9 in the US and UK and February 23 in Spain and Sweden. (Credit: Warner Bros)

即使是时间也阻止不了克林特·伊斯特伍德。客观地回顾一下他不寻常的职业生涯:伊斯特伍德曾是20世纪50年代美国高分电视剧《皮鞭》的主演,他还导演了2017年最卖座的电影《美国狙击手》。这么长的时间都能在影坛屹立不倒,除了他,也是没谁了。他的最新导演作品基于几个美国士兵的真实故事,在探亲假期间,这几个士兵在一列从比利时开往巴黎的高速列车上挫败了一起袭击图谋事件。该片的新奇之处在于阻止袭击的当事人将在电影中扮演本人。他们会演戏吗?这个会有影响吗?到时候我们就知道了。影片将于2月9日在美国和英国上映,2月23日在西班牙和瑞典上映。(资料 A Fantastic Woman 《普通女人》

主演:丹妮拉·维加 / 弗朗西斯科·雷耶斯 / 路易斯·尼科 / 艾琳·库彭海姆 / 尼古拉斯·萨维德拉

Chile has produced two of the most interesting film-makers in the world right now. Between Pablo Larraín, who crossed over to Hollywood with 2016’s Jackie, and Sebastián Lelio, who made the 2013 festival darling Gloria, the nation has become one of the most interesting movie exporters in South America. Lelio’s latest, A Fantastic Woman, has just been nominated for best foreign language film at the Oscars, and is only now being released around the world. It’s about a romance between an older man and a much younger transgender woman, and the horrible abuse she takes from his family after he dies. Daniela Vega, who is herself transgender, distinguishes the film with her performance – especially considering how so many filmmakers still cast cisgender actors in transgender roles. Lelio is about to cross over to Hollywood himself for two more films scheduled to be released this year: Disobedience, an adaptation of the Naomi Alderman novel starring Rachel Weisz and Rachel McAdams, and a remake of Gloria starring Julianne Moore in the title role. Released February 2 in the US, February 24 in Japan and March 2 in the UK and Ireland. (Credit: Sony Pictures Classics)

智利诞生了世界上最有趣的两位导演。一位是帕布罗·拉雷恩,2016年曾凭借《第一夫人》进军好莱坞,另一位是塞巴斯蒂安·莱里奥,曾导演过在电影节上广受认可的2013年电影《葛洛莉亚》。这两个人让智利成为了南美最有趣的电影出口国之一。莱里奥的新作《普通女人》刚刚获得奥斯卡最佳外语片的提名,现在才开始在世界各地陆续上映。该片讲述的是一个老年男子和一个年轻得多的变性女人之间的爱情故事,以及在老人死后,他的家庭对这位变性女子的残忍虐待。扮演变性女子的丹妮拉·维加自己就是个变性人,她的出演让这部电影与众不同,尤其是考虑到还有那么多导演用顺性别者来扮演变性人。莱里奥计划进军好莱坞,2018年他还有两部电影要上映:《违命》(改编自娜奥米·奥德曼的小说,由蕾切尔·薇兹和瑞秋·麦克亚当斯主演),还有翻拍的《葛洛莉亚》(主演是朱丽安·摩尔)。影片将于2月2日在美国上映,2月24日在日本上映,3月2日在英国和爱尔兰上映。(资料 豆瓣简介:

玛莲娜(丹妮拉·维加 饰演)与奥兰多(弗朗西斯科·雷耶斯 饰演)真心相爱,两人正着手规划着未来。玛莲娜是一位年轻的餐厅服务员,也是位有抱负的女歌手。奥兰多比她大20岁,拥有一家纺织公司。在庆祝玛莲娜生日的夜晚,奥兰多身体感到不适,当他抵达医院经急救后,仍宣告不治。突如其来的噩耗,让玛莲娜被医生和奥兰多的家人怀疑,让她不能够以伴侣的身分哀悼奥兰多。玛莲娜也因此被女侦探调查是否与奥兰多的死亡有关,奥兰多的前妻禁止她参加葬礼,奥兰多的儿子更是威胁玛莲娜搬离与奥兰多同居的公寓。玛莲娜,一个跨性别者女性,对于奥兰多的家庭而言,她是畸变且歪曲的。玛莲娜决定用她奋斗一生的力量,争取自己与爱人告别的权利,只为了符合现在的自己-一个复杂、强大、直率、梦幻般的女人。


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