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发布时间:2019-10-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编


象牙贸易禁令 ban on ivory trade

China has long been one of the world's biggest markets for ivory, but as of 2018 all trade in ivory and ivory products in the country is illegal.


世界自然基金会表示:“很高兴看到世界上最大的象牙市场关门(delighted to see the doors of the world's largest ivory market close)”。

世界自然基金会非洲干事弗雷德·库马(Fred Kumah)在博客中写道:

“This is a significant step that should prove to be a huge boost to elephant protection efforts in Africa.


总部设在瑞士的国际自然保护联盟(International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources,IUCN)2016年发布报告称,非洲境内可供调查区域内的非洲大象数量从2006年的50万头下降到41.5万头,十年间大象的数量锐减了20%,主要是象牙引起的大规模盗猎(poaching)所致,而区域外大象数量还难以预测。

2016年12月30日,国务院办公厅发布通知,2017年3月31日前先行停止一批象牙定点加工单位和定点销售场所加工销售象牙及制品活动(designated processing enterprises and trade venues of ivory and ivory products were closed before March 31, 2017),2017年12月31日前全面停止。

2017年12月12日,国际野生物贸易研究组织(TRAFFIC)和世界自然基金会(WWF)共同发布了《禁贸下的需求——中国象牙消费研究(2017)》报告。报告指出,自中国实施象牙禁贸措施以来,获得了公众的普遍支持,象牙购买行为正在逐渐减少(decline in ivory purchase),象牙价格也较上年下降50%(50% down in ivory price)。

填海 land reclamation

China won’t approve new commercial land-reclamation projects in 2018, amid rising concerns that such projects have led to severe damage of the marine ecosystem.


填海(land reclamation/land fill)是指因为土地使用出现紧张或者因需配合规划等原因而需要将海岸线向前推,用人工建设的方式扩充土地面积。通过填海的方式获得的土地被称为reclamation ground(新填地)。

2017年下半年,国家海洋局组建了两批国家海洋督察组开展以围填海专项督察为重点的海洋督察( teams to inspect land reclamation practices)。海南“向海要地”(claiming land from the sea)严重,海域岸线破坏明显(severe damage to coastline),被督察组点名批评,山东、浙江等省也存在类似问题。

2017年国家海洋局执行了“史上最严”的围填海管控力度,包括实施了6个暂停措施,其中在渤海实施了4个暂停措施,即暂停围填海建设项目用海的受理和审批(suspending acceptance and approval of land-reclamation projects)、暂停区域建设用海规划的受理和审批(suspending acceptance and approval of regional land-reclamation plan)、暂停围填海建设项目用海指标的下达(suspending issuance of land-reclamation quotas)、暂停临时倾倒区的选划(suspending designation of temporary filling area)。另外,针对地方和全国范围内实行“两个暂停”,即暂停下达2017年地方围填海计划指标(suspending issuance of regional land-reclamation quotas),暂停审批和受理全国范围内区域用海规划(suspending acceptance and approval of regional land-reclamation plans nationwide)。

2018年,国家海洋局原则上不再审批一般性填海项目,年度围填海指标主要用于保障党中央、国务院批准同意的重大建设项目、公共基础设施、公益事业和国防建设等4类用海(major projects approved by the State Council, infrastructure construction, public service and national defense),坚持以海定量、量海而行,禁止不合理需求用海。

白色经济 white economy

More than 2.6 billion yuan ($400 million) was spent on dining, entertainment and shopping in Beijing during the New Year holiday, with the "white economy" becoming a new growth point.


北京获得2022年第24届冬季奥运会举办权以来,大众对冰雪运动的热情持续高涨(rising excitement and interest over winter sports),冰雪运动以及器材、场地、赛事、培训等相关产业也有巨大发展空间,这就是所谓的“白色经济(white economy)”。

According to a report from the China Tourism Academy, the domestic winter travel market over 2016 and 2017 was worth 270 billion yuan. This is forecast to expand to 670 billion yuan in 2021 and 2022.


雪乡宰客 overcharging customers

A guesthouse in Snow Town on the outskirts of Hailin, Heilongjiang province, has been punished by the local tourism authorities for overcharging customers.


这里的“宰客”可以用overcharging/fleecing customers表示,overcharge由over+charge组合而成,也就是“过度收费”,而fleece本身就有“敲诈、欺诈”的意思。


年度账单 annual spending report

Alipay 2017 Spending Report that based on a person's history of mobile purchases that went online on Wednesday has sparked a public outcry over privacy issues.


3日,我国领先的电子钱包应用(leading e-wallet app)支付宝推出2017年度用户支出账单(spending/transaction report)。账单中,支付宝为用户统计了2017全年支出及消费情况,并预测出用户在2018年的消费关键词,激发用户晒图欲望。

但当日下午,法律界人士对账单首页的一行小字"我同意《芝麻服务协议》"提出质疑,认为支付宝在用户不知情状态下获取信息。这些字隐藏在首页下方(be buried at the bottom of the landing page),非常不显眼,并自动呈现勾选状态(be ticked by default),也就意味着用户如果不取消勾选,就自动视为同意。用户在查看支付宝账单时,可能不知不觉中就授予了支付宝收集用户信息并将其与合作机构分享的权利(give Alipay the authorization to collect users' information and share it with partner organizations)。

网友纷纷对支付宝的"套路"表示不满。支付宝于3日晚间发布道歉声明并调整了设置(tweak the settings),让该条款声明在页面上更加显眼(make the agreement statement more prominent on the page),并为已经默认勾选了同意协议的用户提供了取消同意(rescind their consent)的办法。

佛系青年 Buddha-like youth

The phrase "Buddha-like youth" recently went viral after a popular WeChat article used the term to describe China's post-1990s generation.


文章写道:"在持续攀升的社会压力下对生活和职业都保持淡定的心态(keeping a casual and calm mindset toward life and career under mounting social pressure)"。所谓"佛系"是指:有也行,没有也行,不争不抢,不求输赢(it's fine to have something or not and there is no need to pursue or win anything)。

中国的年轻人迅速给自己贴上了"佛系青年"的标签(label themselves as Buddha-like youth),过上了"佛系生活"。他们的恋爱模式是宽容的"佛系恋爱",即全盘接受,从不强迫另一半作出改变(never force your better half to make changes)。他们把职场也变成了"佛系职场",即员工不再关心升职或办公室政治(employees no longer concern themselves with promotion or office politics),只是简单做好手头的工作(simply get on with the job in hand)。

对于这种佛系心态(Buddha-like mindset)出现了反对的声音,特别是在老一辈人当中。他们认为,这种心态的实质就是消极懒散(pessimism and indolence),会导致职业道德(work ethic)下滑、上进心缺失(lack of self-motivation)以及行为举止冷漠(apathetic demeanor)。但社科院专家表示,中国的迅速发展带来了许多社会变革,年轻一代不可避免地面临挑战和压力,"佛系"一词的诞生,说到底是"90后"的一种自嘲(self-mockery)方式,以此来宣泄自己所面临的生存压力。

灯泡糖 lightbulb-shaped candy

Lightbulb-shaped candies have proved a big seller in China during the holiday season after going viral online, but a health expert has warned the treat could be a choking hazard.


这款灯泡糖(lightbulb-shaped candy)由焦糖制成(made from caramel),按照1:1的比例制成灯泡的形状,长约10厘米,最宽处6厘米,很受在网上商城淘宝上寻找独特礼品的买家(shoppers looking for unique gifts)的喜爱,被不少人推崇为"吃得进去,拿不出来(easy to put it into your mouth but hard to get it back out)"的"神奇糖果(magic candy)"。

然而,北京中日友好医院耳鼻喉科主治医师毕青玲警告称,这款糖果可能会造成比真实灯泡更大的健康风险(cause more health risks than a real light bulb)。她表示,如果硬质糖果在嘴里停留时长超过一到两个小时,下颚关节就可能会脱位(the lower jaw joint could be dislocated)。一旦舌头因长时间压力而肿胀(the tongue swells due to the long-term pressure),就可能造成窒息(suffocation),这会是致命的。她建议消费者避免将整颗灯泡糖放进嘴里。

流感爆发 flu outbreak

Flu outbreaks are up across China compared with previous years, but the epidemic remains at normal levels and is much less severe than the SARS outbreak, said He Xiong, deputy director of the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention.


季节性流感病毒(seasonal influenza virus)分为甲型(Influenza A viruses)和乙型(Influenza B viruses),其中甲型分为甲1型(H1N1)和甲3型(H3N2),乙型分为B/Yamagata(BY))和B/Victoria系(BV)。根据国家卫计委信息显示,目前我国三种型别的流感病毒同时流行,包括H1N1、H3N2和乙型BY系,以乙型BY系为主。

据世界卫生组织官网的介绍,季节性流感是一种急性病毒感染(an acute viral infection),很容易在人与人之间传播。


世界卫生组织官网表示,预防流感最有效的方式就是接种疫苗(vaccination),感染病毒以后要根据实际情况考虑进行抗病毒治疗(antiviral treatment)。

日常的个人防护措施(personal protective measures)包括:

Regular hand washing with proper drying of the hands


Good respiratory hygiene – covering mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, using tissues and disposing of them correctly


Early self-isolation of those feeling unwell, feverish and having other symptoms of influenza


Avoiding close contact with sick people


Avoiding touching one’s eyes, nose or mouth


国家最高科学技术奖 State Preeminent Science and Technology Award

Explosive expert Wang Zeshan and virologist Hou Yunde received the 2017 State Preeminent Science and Technology Award - the nation's highest scientific award - on Monday.


Wang, 82, is an academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE). He is known as the "King of Explosives" for his research into explosives. Hou, 88, also an academician at the CAE, laid the foundation for China's molecular virus research,.


国家最高科学技术奖(State Preeminent Science and Technology Award)正式设立于2000年,由国家科学技术奖励委员会主办。国家最高科学技术奖是中国五个国家科学技术奖中最高等级奖项(the highest scientific award),每年评审一次,每次授予不超过两名科技成就卓著、社会贡献巨大的个人(no more than two individuals with outstanding achievements and great social contribution),由国家主席亲自签署、颁发荣誉证书和500万元高额奖金(a prize of 5 million yuan)。

国际消费类电子产品博览会 Consumer Electronics Show

Chinese exhibitors account for more than one-third of the total participants at the CES this year, which is a highly-valued platform through which Chinese products are introduced to the Western world.


国际消费类电子产品博览会(Consumer Electronics Show,CES)由美国消费技术协会(Consumer Technology Association,CTA)主办,始于1967年,每年1月在拉斯维加斯举行。该博览会是创新人群和突破性技术成果展示的平台(the proving ground for innovators and breakthrough technologies),也是将下一代创新成果展示给消费市场的全球性舞台(the global stage where next-generation innovations are introduced to the marketplace)。

As for this year, artificial intelligence, smart home and vehicles, drones, robotics, virtual reality and augmented reality are the attractive spots at the CES.


根据CES官方公布的信息,在今年的全部参展厂商中,中国厂商达1551家,百度、华为、科大讯飞、苏宁云商等均参与会展。“中国制造(Made in China)”的标签正越来越多出现在CES大会上。

直播答题 livestreaming quiz

Livestreaming quiz applications are witnessing an explosive surge in China by drawing in a record number of participants in just a few days, making it the next growth frontier of the livestreaming sector in China.


The apps, which broadcast a live show, usually invite a host to ask questions of increasing difficulty. Players tap the handset's screen within 10 seconds to lock in answers. Those who can correctly answer all 12 questions will share the prize pool ranging from 100,000 yuan ($15,340) to over a million yuan.



The low cost, interactive mode of livestreaming, along with tantalizing incentives, have provided fresh impetus to the livestreaming sector that has often been stereotyped with routine shows and games.



业内人士表示,如何保持用户黏度(user loyalty),除了广告植入(product placement)以外还能有什么盈利模式(profit model),是直播答题模式需要解决的问题。

猫经济 cat economy

China's 59 million feline pets have spawned a "cat economy", a key sector of the overall pet industry that was worth 134 billion yuan ($20.5 billion) last year, up from 100 billion yuan in 2016.


2017 年, 日本经济学家发明了一个新词:“猫咪经济学”(nekonomics),指不管经济多么困难(irrespective of the state of the economy),大众对猫及其相关产品的热情永远高涨(the public have a keen interest in cat and cat-related products),只要商家用对猫咪,就能吸引关注并从中获益。

“猫经济(cat economy)”涵盖的产品和行业除了常规的猫粮(cat food)、猫咪服饰(cat fashion)、毛发护理用品(fur care products)、逗猫器(cat teaser)、便便耙(pooper scooper)、猫咪葬礼及寄存服务(cat funeral and internment services)等“吸猫”用品之外,还有利用猫咪来吸引用户的猫咪咖啡馆(cat cafe)、云养猫(cloud cat petting,指因客观条件不允许而不能养猫,每天以看网站、论坛或使用app查看猫咪的图片、观看猫咪的视频来安抚一个猫奴养猫欲望的行为)等商业形式。

此外,用宠物猫图片制作的付费表情包(paid-for digital emojis and stickers)以及有广告植入的猫咪视频(cats videos with product placements)和微博也属于“猫经济”的范畴。随着互联网技术的发展,虚拟养猫游戏(virtual cat petting game)也逐渐受到关注。

国家精品在线开放课程 national-level MOOCs

The Ministry of Education selected and released the first batch of 490 national-level MOOCs, 70.2 percent of which were established by China's top universities.


Massive Open Online Courses(MOOC,大规模在线开放课程)也被称为“慕课”,最初指教师传统授课过程的电子版,现在,世界各地已经有了专门的MOOC平台,不少世界名校都开设了免费在线课程(online courses),课程内容多为视频形式,从几分钟到十几分钟不等,学生看完一部分后需答对相应的问题才能继续学习,学生之间还可在线进行讨论。此外,MOOC也有作业,deadline和期末考试,并由机器来打分,有些课程通过考试还可获得一张证书。

教育部高等教育司司长吴岩表示,我国慕课数量现在已经稳居世界第一(China ranks first in the number of Massive Online Open Courses),460余所高校建设的3200多门慕课上线,其中有200个课程在国外慕课平台上线(200 courses available on foreign MOOC platforms)。

据吴岩介绍,未来,慕课建设将紧紧围绕两个支点,即“提高质量、推进公平(improving quality and promoting fairness)”,这是高等教育提高质量、建设高等教育强国两个最基本的支点。同时,以在线开放课程建设应用为重要手段,来服务于三个“一流”(一流本科、一流专业、一流人才)建设目标。他表示,将建设两个“一万门”精品课程,到2020年,教育部将认定3000门国家精品在线开放课程(3,000 national-level MOOCs),再认定7000门线下精品课程(7,000 offline quality courses),合计推出1万门国家级的一流精品课程(identify 10,000 courses of national-level quality)。

共同债务 joint debt

The Supreme People's Court issued a judicial interpretation on the Marriage Law on Wednesday, clarifying the division of debt.


该司法解释明确规定,夫妻双方共同签字或者夫妻一方事后追认等共同意思表示所负的债务(debts incurred by both the husband and the wife or acknowledged by a spouse thereafter),应当认定为夫妻共同债务(joint debts)。

夫妻一方在婚姻关系存续期间以个人名义为家庭日常生活需要所负的债务(debts incurred by a spouse for the family's daily needs during a marriage),债权人以属于夫妻共同债务为由主张权利的,人民法院应予支持。

夫妻一方在婚姻关系存续期间以个人名义超出家庭日常生活需要所负的债务(debts incurred by a spouse for use beyond the scope of the family's daily needs),债权人以属于夫妻共同债务为由主张权利的,人民法院不予支持,但债权人能够证明该债务用于夫妻共同生活、共同生产经营或者基于夫妻双方共同意思表示的除外(unless the creditor can prove the debt has been used for the family, common production or business or incurred with mutual consent)。


国内生产总值 GDP

China's year-on-year GDP growth reached 6.9 percent in 2017, marking the first acceleration since 2010, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said on Thursday.


国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product,GDP)是一个国家所有常住单位在一定时期内生产活动的最终成果,是国民经济核算的核心指标(core indicator in national economy measurement),也是衡量一个国家经济状况和发展水平的重要指标(key indicator in measurements of national economic situation and development level)。

"The national economy has maintained the momentum of stable and sound development and exceeded the expectation with the economic vitality, impetus and potential released," Ning Jizhe, head of the NBS, said in a news conference.


宁吉喆介绍,“去库存(destocking)方面,2017年末全国商品房待售面积比2016年末减少了1.1万亿平方米,比2017年末减少了1.3万亿平方米。粮食去库存也都取得了明显进展。降成本(reducing costs)方面,2016年各种减税降费达到1万亿,2017年继续减少了1万亿。”

此外,经济增长的质量和效益得到提升(the quality and effectiveness of growth has improved),民生保障继续改善。去年全国城乡居民人均可支配收入(Per capita disposable income)实际增长7.3%,跑赢了人均GDP,也比上年加快1个百分点。

世界经济论坛 World Economic Forum

Heads of state called for 2018 to be the year of collaboration and multilateralism to address major global challenges like climate change, terrorism and protectionism, as the World Economic Forum opened in Davos, Switzerland, on Tuesday.


本届年会的主题为"在分化的世界中打造共同命运(Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World)",会议焦点为加强国际合作(international collaboration),在社会关系紧张、国际竞争加剧的时代背景下解决人类共同的挑战。


全球议程(The Global Agenda):支持各项改善全球治理的机制和重要的多方协作进程。

地缘政治议程(The Geopolitical Agenda):决策者与专家就如何预防地缘政治问题并对其做出快速反应进行研讨。

经济议程(The Economic Agenda):支持推动可持续与包容性经济发展的多方合作项目,以应对增长率不足、生产率下降和技术鸿沟的威胁。

区域及国家议程(The Regional and National Agenda):深入研讨社会与经济转型对各地区产生的重要影响。

行业与商业议程(The Industry and Business Agenda):为塑造新的商业生态系统服务,帮助企业与政府领导者做好应对第四次工业革命的准备。

未来议程(The Future Agenda):通过分享想法、创意和新发现,预知可能重塑全球系统的重大影响因素。

克隆猴 clone macaque

By December, the Institute of Neuroscience of the Chinese Academy of Sciences had created two clone macaques named "Zhong Zhong" and "Hua Hua" by nuclear transferring of somatic cells - any cell in the organism other than reproductive cells.


"体细胞核转移(somatic cell nuclear transfer, SCNT)"其实就是我们所说的克隆术(clone),中国科学院神经科学研究所孙强研究员介绍称,克隆的过程就是,取到(猴子的)一个卵母细胞(egg cell),把细胞核去掉(remove the nucleus),再把体细胞跟去核的卵母细胞融合,重新构建一个胚胎(embryo),并且把这个胚胎激活,让它像早期的正常受精卵一样去发育,然后经过卵裂(cleavage)、着床(implantation),最后变成个体。

自1996年第一只克隆羊"多利"(Dolly the Cloned Sheep)诞生以来,20多年间,各国科学家利用体细胞先后克隆了牛、鼠、猫、狗等动物,但一直没有攻克非人灵长类动物克隆(nonhuman primate cloning)的难题。历时五年、在经历无数次的尝试后,中国科学院的研究团队终于在国际上首次实现了非人灵长类动物的体细胞克隆。"中中"和"华华"是79次尝试之后取得的成果(the result of 79 attempts)。

中国科学院院长白春礼指出,体细胞克隆猴的成功,以及未来基于体细胞克隆猴的疾病模型的创建,将有效缩短药物研发周期(shorten drug development cycle),提高药物研发成功率(improve success rate of drug research and development),使我国率先发展出基于非人灵长类疾病动物模型(animal model of nonhuman primate disease)的全新医药研发产业链(industry chain of new drug research and development),有力推动我国新药创制与研发,助力"健康中国2030(Healthy China 2030)"目标的实现。

这个生物学前沿的难题的突破也意味着,以我国科学家为主导的灵长类全脑图谱计划的实施和灵长类脑科学(primate brain science)的前沿研究,将进一步使我国成为世界脑科学人才的汇聚高地。

长江经济带 Yangtze River Economic Belt

The Yangtze River Economic Belt consists of nine provinces and two municipalities that cover roughly one-fifth of China's land.


《经济参考报》记者日前从工信部(Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)获悉,为进一步落实《依托黄金水道推动长江经济带发展的指导意见》、《加强长江经济带工业绿色发展的指导意见》等指导性文件,推动长江经济带(Yangtze River Economic Belt)整体发展,我国将在2018年年内,发布并实施长江经济带世界级产业集群(world-class industrial clusters)指南,重点打造电子信息、高端装备(high-end equipment)、汽车(automobiles)、家电(home appliances)、纺织服装五大产业集群。

据悉,培育上述五大产业集群将主要依托于长江经济带区内上海、江苏、浙江、安徽、江西、湖北、湖南、重庆、四川、云南、贵州等11省市具有一定产业基础的核心城市,并利用整个长江经济带区域内的国家级、省级开发区(development zone)和产业园区(industrial park),形成产业协同,共同打造产业链(industrial chain)完备的跨区域产业集群。据《经济参考报》报道,相关工作涉及园区总计超过100个。其中,电子信息产业涉及各地52个开发区和产业园区;高端装备产业涉及82个;汽车产业涉及20个;家电产业涉及6个;纺织服装产业涉及35个。

爱莎门 Elsagate

China on Monday launched a campaign to crack down on "Elsagate" videos, which utilize well-known animated characters to spread violent and pornographic content.


全国"扫黄打非"办公室(The National Office Against Pornography and Illegal Publications)22日发布通知,称已在全国开展打击暴力色情卡通片的行动,以确保干净健康的文化环境。这些以经典卡通人物为主角的邪典视频(cult videos that feature well-known cartoon characters)最先出现在YouTube等国外视频网站上,由于2013年迪士尼电影《冰雪奇缘(Frozen)》主人公(main character)爱莎公主(Princess Elsa)常被用作视频主角,这类视频的流传被称作"爱莎门(Elsagate)"。近日,邪典卡通视频开始在国内视频网站上传播。

全国"扫黄打非"办公室要求国内各大视频网站开展自查并清理相关视频(carry out self-examination and clean up the videos)。对任何不履行企业主体责任(fulfill its corporate responsibility),继续传播有害视频的企业将予严惩。北京市公安局及网信办等相关部门还要求各搜索引擎(search engines)屏蔽相关关键词(block related keywords)。

旅行青蛙 Travel Frog

A Japanese mobile game about a frog who regularly disappears on vacation has struck a note with young Chinese for its "Buddha-style" gameplay. "Travel Frog" has been among the most searched topics on Sina Weibo this week.


旅行青蛙(Travel Frog)是一款放置类游戏(waiting game),玩家需要做的事情很少:只需在青蛙开启旅程前,收割三叶草作为购买道具的货币(harvest clover as currency to buy props),以及为青蛙准备行囊(make a backpack for the frog)。青蛙会寄来明信片并带回纪念品(send postcards and bring back souvenirs)。

许多网友喜欢这款游戏是因为它节奏慢(slow pace)、不易上瘾、无需技巧(requires no skills)、也没有任何玩家排名(there is no ranking list among players),但却又不可预料,这与当前中国年轻一代追捧的佛系生活(Buddhist lifestyle)十分契合。也有专家称,这款游戏令许多在陌生城市为生计打拼的白领(white-collars who are striving for a living in an unfamiliar city)产生共鸣,是因为这只青蛙也有着完全不受控于玩家的、属于它自己的冒险(has its own adventure which is completely out of the player's hands)。

中国的北极政策 China's Arctic Policy

China's Belt and Road Initiative will bring opportunities for parties concerned to jointly build a "Polar Silk Road", and facilitate connectivity and sustainable economic and social development of the Arctic, said a whitepaper issued on Friday.


《中国的北极政策》白皮书(China's Arctic Policy whitepaper)共包括四个部分,分别为北极的形势与变化(The Arctic Situation and Recent Changes)、中国与北极的关系(China and the Arctic)、中国的北极政策目标和基本原则(China's Policy Goals and Basic Principles on the Arctic)、中国参与北极事务的主要政策主张(China's Policies and Positions on Participating in Arctic Affairs)。



The Arctic has abundant resources, but a fragile ecosystem. China advocates protection and rational use of the region and encourages its enterprises to engage in international cooperation on the exploration for and utilization of Arctic resources by making the best use of their advantages in capital, technology and domestic market.


China encourages its enterprises to participate in the infrastructure construction for the Arctic shipping routes and conduct commercial trial voyages in accordance with the law to pave the way for their commercial and regularized operation.

据白皮书介绍,北极航道(the Arctic shipping routes)包括东北航道(the Northeast Passage)、西北航道(Northwest Passage)和中央航道(the Central Passage)。全球变暖使北极航道有望成为国际贸易的重要运输干线(important transport routes for international trade)。

微博热搜榜 most searched hashtags

The Beijing office of the Cyberspace Administration of China issued the weeklong ban after accusing Sina Weibo of promoting improper materials uploaded by users, including pornography and ethnic discrimination.


新浪微博负责人表示,将严格落实网信部门管理要求,对问题突出的热搜榜(most searched hashtags)、热门话题榜(hottest topics)、微博问答功能(question-and-answer service )、热门微博榜明星和情感板块(a section of hot weibo ranking that focuses on celebrity and relationships)、广场头条栏目情感板块(headline section that focuses on relationships)暂时下线一周进行整改。下线时间从2018年1月27日21时至2月3日21时。

The company said it had fully accepted the authority's criticism, and would make serious efforts to learn from the lesson and reinforce its management to become more responsible.


无人机管理 regulations on UAVs

Chinese authorities are soliciting opinions from the public on the country's new official regulations on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones, reports thepaper.cn.


《征求意见稿》围绕无人驾驶航空器( unmanned aerial vehicles)、驾驶员(human operator)、环境等关键环节,共7章59条明确制度规定,管理对象全面覆盖各类无人机,范围由250克以下至150公斤以上,包含民用、警用、军用等不同类别;囊括全生命周期,涵盖设计制造(design and manufacture),产品适航(airworthiness),运行规范(aviation control),人员管理(onwership registration)、事后查处(accident investigation)等一系列环节。


无人机分为国家无人机(State-owned UAVs)和民用无人机(civilian UAVs)。民用无人机,指用于民用航空活动的无人机;国家无人机,指用于民用航空活动之外的无人机,包括用于执行军事、海关、警察等飞行任务的无人机(drones used for military, customs and public security purposes)。


微型无人机(micro-UAVs),是指空机重量(empty weight)小于0.25千克,设计性能同时满足飞行真高不超过50米、最大飞行速度不超过40千米/小时、无线电发射设备符合微功率短距离无线电发射设备技术要求的遥控驾驶航空器。

轻型无人机(light UAVs),是指同时满足空机重量不超过4千克,最大起飞重量不超过7千克,最大飞行速度不超过100千米/小时,具备符合空域管理要求的空域保持能力和可靠被监视能力的遥控驾驶航空器,但不包括微型无人机。


中型无人机(medium UAVs),是指最大起飞重量(takeoff weight)超过25千克不超过150千克,且空机重量超过15千克的无人机。

大型无人机(large UAVs),是指最大起飞重量超过150千克的无人机。

同时,《征求意见稿》对部分运行场景的飞行计划申请与批复流程作出适当简化(simplify flight plan application and approval procedures),比如,微型无人机在禁止飞行空域外飞行(micro-UAVs flight outside no-fly zones),无需申请飞行计划;轻型、植保无人机在相应适飞空域内飞行,只需实时报送动态信息(sending real-time flying report);轻型无人机在适飞空域上方不超过飞行安全高度飞行,具备一定条件的小型无人机在轻型无人机适飞空域及上方不超过飞行安全高度的飞行,只需申请飞行计划。


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