Former NBA star Stephon Marbury, who plays for the CBA's Beijing Fly Dragons, ends his professional career Sunday after the China Basketball Association wrapped up its regular season.
前美职篮球星、 北京北控翱龙外援马布里在本赛季CBA常规赛最后一轮比赛后结束了自己的职业生涯。
“退役”的说法有很多,比如,retire from、hang up one's sneakers或者上面例句中的end one's professional career,马布里是篮球运动员,所以他退役就可以说Stephon Marbury retires from basketball。
It's been a blessing to see how basketball has continued to grow and develop in this country in the past nine years. I hope my spirit and the way how I played the game can affect the younger generation.
In the future I'll give my best and my love for the game to the younger generation here in China. That's my obligation.
Since Nine is the highest single-digit number in base ten, it stands for completeness and eternity. 9 teams allowed me to play all over the globe. #FinalGame# has 9 letters. When we do the math it’s complete. It was written!
1996年,马布里第四顺位被NBA密尔沃基雄鹿选中,随后辗转明尼苏达森林狼、纽约尼克斯、波士顿凯尔特人等球队。效力NBA的13个赛季中,马布里场均得到19.3分、7.6次助攻(assists)、3个篮板((rebounds)和1.2次抢断(steals),并在2001年和2003年两度入选全明星(earning two All-Star selections)。
2010年马布里来到中国打球,先后效力过山西队和佛山队,于2011年加盟北京队。在北京首钢,马布里迎来了CBA的辉煌,四年内三次带领球队问鼎总冠军(win three CBA crowns),并在2017-2017赛季包揽常规赛(regular season)、全明星赛(All-Star Game)和总决赛(finals)MVP。